Looking for motivating and supportive friends

love2run08 Posts: 16 Member
Periodically, I thin my friends down and discard the ones who are no longer active, supportive, etc. And, it leaves me posting messages like this one.
Here's where I'm at: my weight fluctuates between 136 & 138. I try to eat healthy, but I'm not perfect. Today, a DQ Blizzard made its way into my belly. I have a very physical job (the stock room of a big box retailer). On my days off I run 3-5 miles. Last week, I pushed myself to 8.5 miles (a personal best). I have Jillian Michaels Six Week Six Pack and just got her video Hard Body today.


  • Melonpaul
    Melonpaul Posts: 323 Member
    I do the same thing! And I love Jillian Michaels, I have most of her DVDs but my favorites are the Burn fat boost metabolism and Yoga Meltdown.
  • mariagaro1986
    mariagaro1986 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, I am new to this group and I am also willing to find some motivation/support :-)
  • crsawinton
    crsawinton Posts: 96 Member
    Hello, I'm Christina mom of 2 boys ages 6 and 11, I log daily (I have slacked on the food diary the past couple weeks but I'm back on it) and also LOVE jillian michaelsshe has a lot of her stuff on youtube, channel BeFit. I started with 6 week six pack :)

    When I started my weight fluctuated between 133-127 a lot, now I'm fluctuating between 107-109! :D I've started jogging but I'm only up to 2 miles of walk/sprint. Open diary, feel free to add me anyone :D
  • bmaine22
    bmaine22 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm always looking to get and give more motivation!

    Jillian Michaels helped me lose 16 pounds SO easily back in 2011. It was so easy that I didn't even know I was down the last 7 lbs until I stepped on a scale one day and was blissfully surprised! I think I'm going to pick back up on her DVDs, I miss being the "Skinny girl" everybody would compare themselves to!

    Keep up the good work, everyone. Feel free to add me. :)
  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    Hey! I'm that tall, "not-that-heavy" girl that runs! My pr for distance is currently 12 miles and was hoping to hit 13.1 the end of last month but was sidelined due to an injury.

    I'm always up for active friends who are supportive!
  • Czupasia
    Czupasia Posts: 3 Member
    Hey girls!

    I've reached the point when I can't look on myself in the mirror hah! I've just started using MFP and I hope to put myself in shape. Count on your support!
  • here2bme
    here2bme Posts: 63 Member
    Feel free to add me, I too just thinned out my friends. I have a love-hate relationship with Jillian Michaels, I seldom run anymore because of my knees. I walk a lot, I love my treadmill and currently crushing on hasfit.com videos.
  • mave34
    mave34 Posts: 109 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me :) I am a mom of two, pushing through a back injury, gained a little weight and now after 29 days on MFP I'm down 7lbs! I owe a lot to my MFP friends and their support and I'm always here for others. We are all on here for one common goal, to improve and feel good
  • I'd love some MFP friends.

    I'm so very bad at motivation. I know what I need to do (work out and stop eating fries). But life has a funny way of distracting me with shiny objects…like a delicious venti caffeinated confection from Starbucks.

    I think some friends cheering would be really helpful.

    I'm a mom of a 3 year old and a grad student. I'm also in the middle of a 3 monthlong move overseas. Seriously, I've been moving since July. So I'm stressed and my eating has gone to pot. :/

    I'm really not focused on weight loss (on the BMI I'm good -- 5'5" and hover around 125), as much as I simply need to tone things up and could use more energy that isn't fueled by caffeine and sugar. Because when your tummy jiggles as you huff and puff going up 2 flights of stairs, it's time to do something. :/

    I occasionally hit the bike at the gym for 30 minutes. Sometimes I get through a 30 minute Barre3 online class. A few times I've done Tracey Anderson DVDs, although to be honest, I usually do about 10 minutes and then sit and eat and cookie while I watch the rest of it and read the news. Like I said…shiny things. :)
  • I too need support!!! Please add me, I hope help you and hopefully you can support me! :):smile:
  • bigroastdinner
    bigroastdinner Posts: 263 Member
    I'm just getting back into using this site to log daily and encourage me to exercise more. Would like to lose some weight but the ultimate goal is to be more toned generally, just not sure how to get there at the minute!

    Always looking for motivation and I will try to do the same for others. Feel free to add.
  • SunflowerCutie
    SunflowerCutie Posts: 61 Member
    I'd love some MFP friends too. I've used this website before but I deactivated it and I stopped losing and gained weight due to depression of losing two very close friends but I'm back on it and thinking positive. Also looking for support and motivation, and I'll support y'all too. I'm a college student studying to be a teacher and my former teachers from Special ed and regular ed inspired me. I was 190 last year when I was doing my weight loss but I'm back to the 200s again. :( I'm currently 206lbs (not sure since I haven't weighed myself in a while. My starting weight was like 220lbs and when I was a teen it was about in the 230s.

    Fill free to add me.