September 9, 2014

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Great thread starter today!

    Valma we had flooding like that here in Duluth in 2012. It was pretty freaky. I think my favorite photo was someone in a kayak at a drive-up ATM. Try to stay dry!

    Will come back later to comment on what's going on with everybody. Just wanted to bump today's thread.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hi all!

    Well I guess I needed today's message. DH has had to work late. He's still not home and it's started to thunderstorm. So it's not looking too good for running. I guess it's just as well, b/c if he'd gotten off at normal time, I'd probably be stuck out in this mess running. At this point, I'll have trouble getting my steps even if I go to the gym, b/c I can't walk there and back. For those who don't live in a city (or maybe it's just Athens), it's very hard to get around in the rain. Cities form a nasty grime on the streets that turns to slime when wet and it's very slippery. I actually fell down a hill last night taking my son to tkd b/c it had just rained (also Athens is very hilly). Come to think of probably is all just Athens. haha

    So, depending on when DH finally gets home, it might have to be a "rest" day today. I've got to somehow get my steps at least...pacing the floor? But I take solace in today's threadstarter. Posted it awhile back, but here it is on just the day I need it.

    will check back later.

    Have a good one!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Sorry about the not being able to run today, Sherry. I know how it is when you finally have a tiny space of time for it, are ready to do it, and then the exercise is just not going to be possible. Very frustrating!

    Wow, Valma! That's some flooding! I heard from another friend, and saw pictures, that they had snow in Calgary last night. Strange weather!

    Went to yoga class last night. Yoga is definitely not something I do well. I don't seem to be very bendable. One of the other students brought a blanket in addition to her yoga mat and let me borrow the blanket for the class. I really appreciated it. Next week I will not forget my mat!

    Tonight is trainer workout with a run to and from.
    I've had two days, Sunday and Monday, eating within my calories, so seems that I'm back to routine. Yeah! Now just need to stay that way.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Sherry - I'm in a similar situation. Hubby's hours are different this week, so no run this morning. I hope I get my run in this evening but it is supposed to rain again so we'll see.

    But I do get to walk the kids to school. So that's something.

    Met my goal yesterday not after 8 PM. I was tempted, but I prevailed!

    My goal today is the same as yesterday. I'm hoping to make this a habit!
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Valma- I can't believe you ran in that. You are superwoman! On the more serious side- I hope that you and yours are safe in the flooding and that the damage doesn't get too bad.

    btsinmd- I struggle with yoga as well, my whole family is pretty inflexible, and I'm the worst of the lot! I just started a yoga flexibility video at home this morning because I can't find a class that fits my schedule. It wasn't pretty.

    Good luck to everyone who is juggling exercise and family... I'm so impressed with how you guys get your time in keep going. I find it challenging and all I have is school and work!

    Exercise is going fairly well for me now... I seem to have gotten into a routine and am slowly adding new activities. Got to admit that I'm struggling a bit with food and calories... not going over, but not eating enough! Since I have a desk job I find I'm not terribly hungry during the day and now that I'm eating much lower calorie foods I'm finding that the numbers just aren't there. I'm going to have to take a look at what's missing from my diet and meal plan very carefully from now on.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Here comes accountability!

    So, I went out for a walk after the storm. My chucks are too slippery and my new running shoes probably are too. I usually buy trail runners with spikey grips specifically because of the hills here. So, I got out my old shoes (not really old at all, but I won't wear them b/c they are too small) and put them on. Yes, they are too small (not as bad as the ones I wore last month and killed my calves though). So, I couldn't go for long in bad shoes anyway. Well, then it started raining again, plus I had to get back to take son to tkd. Wellllll, I get home with the groceries and find DH has started a movie for the kids. I guess he decided no tkd for son tonight (he does that alot on rainy sends a bad message re: consistency to our son, but what can I do). So NO taking son to tkd (that's a good 2000-3000 steps) and only that short little walk means I am deep, deep under my steps for the day. THEN, I made the mistake of having "a little taste" of halva...which turned into two big chunks. (It is a very calorie-dense food) Now I'm way over my calories for the day. ugh!!!

    What can i do?
    When the weather clears, I'm going to do a day of double the steps, that's what!!! I'll fix the calories over the rest of this week too.

    Today is! I won't let it ruin my week. :tongue:
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sherry there are going to be bad days. We do the best we can and move on. I love that you have a strategy for that.

    Donna when I took a yoga class they had bricks & straps you could use - check & see if your class has those, because they can help a lot. Nice someone had a blanket you can use, although I imagine a yoga mat is a lot easier since it doesn't slide around.

    Jane I'm kind of with you on the calories. I'm having a hard time finding the balance. For a bit I wasn't tracking and it turned out I wasn't eating enough (I went back and logged a few days after the fact). Now I seem to be eating too much. I don't even want to tell you guys what I had for lunch today, but it was basically 2/3 of my daily calories. I was contemplating a bike ride after work to burn them off but was so crabby by the time I got home (road construction) that it went from optional to mandatory. Went for a quick 10 mile ride. It was dark & threatening to storm but the weather held off for me.

    I swam this morning, I walked 2.25 miles at lunch, and I biked 10 miles after work.