Day 7



  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    Anyone have any good idea's for the chocoholic? Love milk chocolate, and sometimes I can't concentrate because I want it...

    Maybe pack some low calorie chocolate pudding snacks and savor each creamy bite : ) Also, those chocolate fudgsicles are low calorie for late night cravings.
  • cathyg321
    cathyg321 Posts: 155 Member
    Got some cardio exercise in as well as toning! Going to work on the second half of my water goal.. I think I can do it, I KNOW I can ;-)
  • cathyg321
    cathyg321 Posts: 155 Member
    Anyone have any good idea's for the chocoholic? Love milk chocolate, and sometimes I can't concentrate because I want it...

    Maybe pack some low calorie chocolate pudding snacks and savor each creamy bite : ) Also, those chocolate fudgsicles are low calorie for late night cravings.

    I would adjust my pallet to accept and enjoy DARK chocolate. There are many health benefits that it offers. MILK chocolate on the other hand in my opinion is a no-no. Here is some information on dark chocolate and the benefits that come from eating 1oz per day!
  • dlibonati
    dlibonati Posts: 99 Member
    Was a bit of a weekend warrior... way too much beer.

    Back on track this week, and good news my physio gave me the ok to try skating again. If all goes well I might be back at hockey which will help soooo much.
  • nygirl406
    nygirl406 Posts: 3 Member
    So far so good, have not been eating carbs and am down 2 pounds! Just started goin to the gym yesterday, so hopefully can keep it up until Friday. Can't wait to see my results!
  • Tammy_1971
    Tammy_1971 Posts: 93 Member
    Anyone have any good idea's for the chocoholic? Love milk chocolate, and sometimes I can't concentrate because I want it...

    Maybe pack some low calorie chocolate pudding snacks and savor each creamy bite : ) Also, those chocolate fudgsicles are low calorie for late night cravings.

    I would adjust my pallet to accept and enjoy DARK chocolate. There are many health benefits that it offers. MILK chocolate on the other hand in my opinion is a no-no. Here is some information on dark chocolate and the benefits that come from eating 1oz per day!

    Okay! Thanks for the suggestions.... now I just need to find dark chocolate, low calorie pudding! LOL Seriously though, I never thought of pudding, or switching to dark chocolate. Thank you.
  • SuzyCabSF
    SuzyCabSF Posts: 9 Member
    First week went by great! I could work on doing more daily exercise. I lost 2 lbs!
  • MurielHeslop
    It's ok to have a bad day just don't let it turn into two days! I'm doing good, feeling motivated and making good choices. It's one choice at a time! We are not perfect, we will mess up, just get right back in there! This is a great place for support and motivation!
  • veritas329
    First 7 days went great - I've been good about working out, eating healthy, and reducing my wine consumption. I'm even down a few pounds in time for the weigh-in. Of course, I'm always motivated and rigorous the first few weeks - the real challenge for me will probably start at week five or six when I get complacent!
  • kimchiguz
    kimchiguz Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there!

    I live in Japan and its 9:30 AM over here making this my weigh in day. So I started off really strong last week but the weekend proved to be my undoing. I ate and drank way more than I should have. Bringing me to 84.4kg. Last week I was 84.1kg.

    This weekend I'm looking forward to staying home and getting in some good workouts. Maybe a 10k on Sunday? I need to plan what I am going to do on weekends and stick to it. I have to keep my goal in mind. I hope everyone else had a great week!
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    My daily mini goals for day 7:

    drink 8 cups of water- i don't know how many glasses I drank today. I'm guessing 4 cups of water

    walk dog 2x- complete

    eat healthy- complete

    workout on treadmill or bike- did not do today!

    I completed 2/4 goals today.
  • hcalder3833
    My challenge might sound weird, but I think I'm not actually eating enough. So I'm trying to hit my daily calorie targets, especially my protein goal. That one I find hard to get in.

    I got the water in today - hooray! - and had a very stressful day, but managed to work out and walk my dog as well as go for a walk at lunch.

    I need to pick a weigh-in day so I'm going to pick Fridays.
  • joe_hikeny
    joe_hikeny Posts: 58 Member
    @hcalder3833 - Friday is my weigh in day. great day. Protein will keep you feeling full.

    I'm new to this group... But i'm on the same path.


    Normal 2 mile walk to work in NYC

    Killer Weight Lifting Session with my buddy who i'm trying to encourage to join the journey..

    Then i had an amazing 3.6 mile Hike at Breakneck ridge. I did it in 1 hr and 10 min.
    It took me 12 minutes to reach the first plateau.
    3 minutes later i made the 2nd plateau
    3 minutes later i reached the 3rd plateau
    took me 4 more minutes to reach the top.
    I then took the yellow trail, red trail and finished on the blue trail back to my car. 19 min mile pace.

    I felt great. I can't wait till i look as good as i feel.

    Stay Motivated

  • Mooly22
    I cheated a bit too much on the weekend and just maintained my weight. Hopefully my next weigh-in will show some good results!!! Completed my mini goal today of working out, walking the dog, and cleaning house!!! :)

    Happy nutrition to everyone,
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    Very bad day yesterday - Line drawn, back to being good again for day 8
  • nsokoloski
    nsokoloski Posts: 8 Member
    That sounds like me. I do pretty good during the week and screw up weekends. Sigh.