Morning Everyone, so here we go, the first weigh in!!!! I want everyone to post their first weigh in weight with either a loss, gain or maintained. Whatever it is, it's ok. AM proud of you all for sticking to it.

So let's weigh in and begin week 2!!!

I lost -2lb this week!!! Right on schedule for my weekly weight loss necessary to reach my goal.

A x


  • catarinadev
    catarinadev Posts: 61 Member

    Not weighing in today- I started a couple of days early and promised myself I'd wait two weeks for my first weigh-in! So will let you know on Monday how it's going! :)

    Congratulations on the loss- that's brilliant! :)
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    4lbs down this week - Yay :) first week back is always a good one though, so next week will be the test for me :smile:
  • littlefury
    littlefury Posts: 25 Member
    No weight loss this week. I am not surprised since I lost all will power on my weekend trip. No traveling this week, so I will have more control. Recommitting today and REALLY trying not to get discouraged...but it is so hard.
  • Hello Guys,

    I am 5 lbs down , although first week is always easy.

  • eimaj04
    eimaj04 Posts: 19 Member
    No weight change for me :(
    I accomplished my goals for yesterday which was exciting!

    SW:195.6 of 100 day challenge
    GW:180 In 100 days!!
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    I maintained this week. The weight I put in my starting post was a guess, but I weighed the next morning and I'm the exact same weight this morning :)

    SW: 245.2
    CW: 245.2

    No loss
  • I'm down 4.6 pounds this week:

    SW: 194
    GW: 174
    CW: 189.4
  • stewart613
    stewart613 Posts: 26 Member
    since joining this group lost 2 pounds :) thanks for starting up the group, it really helps me to focus on my goal each day and resist the urge to mindlessly eat in the evenings!!

    keep going everyone - we don't need to be perfect, just keep moving forward and we'll get there!
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    my weigh ins are on Fridays! So is it okay if I post my weigh in on friday?
  • wriggles95
    wriggles95 Posts: 15 Member
    I weighed in yesturday and lost 1/4 lb

    At least it's something :) I was surprised I lost anything at all the amount I ate last week! :laugh:
  • No weight loss this week. I am not surprised since I lost all will power on my weekend trip. No traveling this week, so I will have more control. Recommitting today and REALLY trying not to get discouraged...but it is so hard.

    I am in the same boat. Went to a wedding show this weekend and ate way too much. Working on being better this week. Will weigh myself on Saturday and let you know. So far, 0 pounds lost.
  • Tammy_1971
    Tammy_1971 Posts: 93 Member
    Ugh!! so frustrating, I only lost 1 lb since my last weigh-in on 4 September. Think I need to start focusing on adding in strength training, instead of just doing cardio. Muscle burns fat, right?? :ohwell:
  • 230268
    230268 Posts: 30 Member
    2lbs down for me if I can do the same next week this will be one happy lady :happy:
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    1.3 lbs down for me, yippee!
  • blairwithredhair
    blairwithredhair Posts: 11 Member
    SW: 172.5
    CW: 172.0
    Goal: 125.0

    Down .5.

  • 0505jen
    0505jen Posts: 147 Member
    Well I am still at 30 lb loss but I was up when we started so as of last week 1.75 lbs.
    So all is good!:smile:
  • No weight loss this week. I am not surprised since I lost all will power on my weekend trip. No traveling this week, so I will have more control. Recommitting today and REALLY trying not to get discouraged...but it is so hard.

    Same for me I was down a pound by Friday from last Wednesday and then blew it over the weekend. So no weight loss for me however I didn't gain over what I started with either so that's a plus.

    Now I have two goals for the next week on top of my mini goals. #1 realize i don't have a digital clock that will tell me my tenths of a lb so its all guessing from what I see. #2 Don't mess up over the weekend. First thing Saturday after pay day is shopping day for food.
  • wlfsilva55
    wlfsilva55 Posts: 17 Member
    Love to join you Ladies! Started my weight loss journey 10 days ago and I'm down 6 pounds. Are Wednesdays weight in Day?
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    My weigh-in have been on Fridays too but I want to be a part of this so this Friday I'm not going to weigh myself and will wait until next Wednesday. Looks like everyone is doing great, ANY weight loss is heading in the right direction and maintaining your weight after a party or trip is doing awesome too, I hope I can maintain in the same circumstances. Stay positive, week 2!!
  • Yes, every Wednesday. :) Glad your joining us. I've only been at this for about 8 days now and I love all the inspiration this group gives. Everyone is so nice and no judging.