September 11, 2014

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Quickie from me this morning. I am up and ready to go to work, and we are having a scheduled power outage at 7am for 15 minutes. so.....I'm getting all power-required things done before it goes out. lol Went to my exercise class on Tuesday night, she really took it easy on us as it was the first in a long time. So, I wasn't too sore yesterday. Did a 6K run yesterday morning. Tonight, hopefully class again, I should make it home in time, I do need to pick up a few groceries after work.

    Love todays thread started, I am such a cat person! :)
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Ugh- instead of my run last night I stayed at work until 10 and ate some overly sweet trail mix we found in my colleague's office. Back to work for a 7am meeting. On the bright side we just got approval for this project so the rest of the week should be full of sleep and healthy choices.

    Goal: Do yesterday's run today. Cook actual dinner.

    Good luck everyone!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Good morning! Ready to start a new day! Didn't get any exercise in last night as I was beat by the time I got home. I am so glad sometimes that I do the expense of a pet sitter to come at noon. I had already worked 8 hours yesterday when I was called about a crisis that had to fixed immediately. It was a long day! The dogs were left alone, by me, for over 12 hours between work and commuting and I live less than 10 miles from work. Knowing that someone had tended to them in the middle of the day made all of us happier.

    Today I had to get into work early, so I'm depending on this evening for my exercise. Hope to run to a total body workout class and back.

    I also have a group meeting today with lunch being served, so food might be a challenge, but I've got enough good stuff packed that I hope to be okay.

    Have a good day all!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Ugh, I typed an entire reasons to this thread, and then accidentally clicked on a new tab...and my entire response disappears. Awesome.
    Yesterday was a good day. I walked to the kids to school in the morning, and walked to pick them up. I did 90 minutes of intense yard work in the heat, and even got my bike ride in. It was my first ride in a long time. I got new gloves with gel in them for more cushion and if seemed to protect my hand well. It still ached by the end, but I still got 8 miles in. It was more like a trail ride than road biking though. After all the massive rain we got it deposited sand and dirt everywhere. Often several inches thick. Made my first ride back very exciting!
    In other positive news, I was late getting dinner started and seriously considered just grabbing some take out for the kids on the way to church. But I hardened my resolve and made dinner. We had just enough time to quickly eat and head off to church.

    I didn't snack last night, and stuck with my chocolate milk for recovery.
    I did have a chocolate chip cookie for a snack...but only one and then stopped myself.

    Today I also want to take a moment to remember all those lives who were lost on September 11. My thoughts and prayers are with the families who were affected most by that attack.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hafta make it quick today. Let's c. Yesterday, a.m. run; and afternoon I did walk to/from gym for lower body workout. I made up all the steps I missed the day before, so I'm caught up on that and getting caught up on calories for the week too.

    Today, walked to the gym for back/abs/core workout and walked back. Steps and cals looking good so far today.

    Today was first day of school for son. All they did was the priest's blessing and met their teacher. Tomorrow will be the first real day. First week schedule is usually a little off b/c thy don't have all the teachers yet, so I'll probablly be picking him up early. He probably won't start afterschool tutor til next week. When that happens, my schedule will finally return to normal, with lots of walking and hitting the gym in the afternoon (pprobably run there/back) and alternating days running probably to beach.

    Have good one
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Valma, I also just typed my post then lost it. Doh!

    Doing okay over here--not great though. My energy level has dropped.

    Good: Getting plenty of sleep, drinking h20
    Needs improvement: Daily workouts (even if short), saying no to sweets (damn you Rice Krispy Treats!)

    Have Sat and Sun workouts planned so that's looking good.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I don't know what buttons I hit, but periodically I somehow hit a combination of keys that works like the back button and I lose what I've typed. Super frustrating.

    I'm exhausted today. I take a rest day once a week and typically it's on Fridays. Last week I was sick Tuesday so I did my Tuesday workout on Friday, which means this is the 9th day of workouts in a row and I think it's catching up with me. I have my trainer tonight and typically on Thursdays just do very light cardio, unless I'm making up missing a run earlier in the week.

    I need to stop eating. I'm not eating junk food, I'm just eating high calorie, and I'm having a hard time stopping. I'm so close to my goal weight that the little voice in my head that likes to self-sabotage seems to be taking over. Maybe I'll hit up my trainer for a pep talk tonight. He's good at that. This weekend I'm going out of town for a wedding so that's going to be challenging for both eating & getting in decent workouts, but then I need to focus.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Laura keep trying, I went through a spell I couldn't stop eating at night. It was emotional eating. I guess the problem got fixed because I stopped doing it and lost a few pounds.

    I am taking a rest day because i didn't sleep last night and worked all day, just got home tired.

    We are going out of town for 5 days starting this weekend with lots of eating out. I find that if I at least try to plan in my head what to do it helps, doesn't always work, but helps. And I look ahead to find places to eat with small plates.