Can't Seem to get this tracking thing down

Hi everyone!! Newbie here :) I have been focusing on this weight loss thing for about a month and a half. I meet with my trainer once a week, and go to the gym 3 times a week (for swimming, water aerobics, bike, treadmill). I have surprised myself with ACTUALLY going to the gym this long. Usually I have already given up at this point :) What I seem to be having a hard time with is tracking all my food! I know I need to get better because, according to the scale, I haven't lost any weight ;( (Although my husband said he can see some changes). So I'm looking for some help with the tracking food part. Any tips? Advice?

My stats:
Starting weight: 282
Goal weight: 160


  • emmerin78
    emmerin78 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi Sweet! Welcome to the board :) Here are some of the things that I've found really helpful on this journey:

    1) I track everything I eat, whether I'm having a great day or a terrible day, whether I'm under my calorie count or way, way over. Like any other type of a routine, once you make it a habit, it will be easier to do.

    2) Pay attention to nutritional labels, particularly serving sizes. As I'm sure you know, what we consider a serving size and what the label says is a serving size are often two very different amounts. Knowing how much of something counts as a serving is key, which is why...

    3) Measuring is important. Making measuring easier will be a big help; this can mean buying an inexpensive kitchen scale and set of measuring cups - both have really helped me to visualize what 1 oz. of something looks like vs. 4 oz., and how much 2 tbs. and a cup of something are. I find these are very common measurements, and have helped me to know how much I'm really eating.

    4) Preparing and pre-portioning meals and snacks. I do better with this with breakfasts and lunches than I do with dinners, but having things already cooked, measured, and ready to go can help enormously. I'm a convenience eater, and will eat whatever I have ready and on hand (for better or worse). Making my meals ahead of time really cuts down on my ability to rationalize making poor choices.

    I'm sure lots of other members will chime in on this one, but as always, take what works for you and leave what doesn't. Good luck and please let us know if there's anything else we can do to help!

    Tara :)
  • Awesome! Thank you so much!! I know part of my problem is, when I know I'm going to go over on my day.....I just stop tracking :( I think if I just promise myself to track, regardless of what kind of day it's going to will help! Thanks so much!
  • JenLosesIt
    JenLosesIt Posts: 50 Member
    I meet with my trainer once a week, and go to the gym 3 times a week (for swimming, water aerobics, bike, treadmill).

    I know I need to get better because, according to the scale, I haven't lost any weight ;( (Although my husband said he can see some changes). So I'm looking for some help with the tracking food part. Any tips? Advice?

    First off HELLO! I'm going to send you a friend request, it looks like we have about the same amount to lose :)

    Now you've been hitting the gym pretty good which probably accounts for you not seeing a change on the scale...yet....but wait it will come. You're gaining muscle and muscles need water. If you were just dieting and not working out so often you'd see a drop by now because you'd have lost water weight. But your body is losing that water in muscles and sweat. Advice I got when I started was to measure myself. You'll more likely see drops in inches and pounds as time goes on! Good luck!!
  • OH...great idea! I'll start measuring myself. Hopefully that will help when the scale doesn't change! Thanks!!
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    One of the things I do while on the go is to keep with me a small notebook and have a pen strapped to it. If I am away from home I can just jot it down to log it when I get home.

    BTW Welcome to what I think is one of the best groups on MFP.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hi Sweet!
    1)Get over thinking that you can't have bad days, weeks,... or heck even months. We only fail if we stop trying. Keep your logging honest, even during those times. You're not doing yourself any favours by fudging it. Log it, forgive it and move on. Life is too short. Later on, when you have it figured out. You can look back at an honest log and see where you can tweak it to get better results. 2)Only make changes that you KNOW you can live with. Lots of things are great but if you can't maintain it, you're setting yourself up for failure. IT has to be a realistic goal.
    3)Great job on starting and maintaining exercise!!! I bet you're feeling better about yourself and have more energy already! Be careful about eating back exercise calories. MFP is great but they can be generous with the calories burned.

    :flowerforyou: Congrats! it sounds like you're on your way!!!
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Sounds like you have some great advice! So I'm just going to add that we are our own worst enemies! Keep up the good work and the changes will come!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Welcome to the group! I hope you like it here and have fun. :)

    This is all really good advice. As for the tracking, I would recommend that you let your Food Diary be your own personal place where you are completely honest about what you eat and how much you eat. Weigh, measure, and log....some folks do it until they feel they have a handle on portion control. I know it's a weak point for me, so I've accepted that weighing. measuring, and logging is just how I have to deal with food from now on.

    If you aren't completely honest on your food diary, you are cheating yourself of the knowledge you can gain. You will be surprised at how much you'll learn by logging....about your eating habits and where you need to make changes, and what works best for your weight loss. If you aren't comfortable, don't share your diary, though you might get some tips from others if you do.

    Another thing I would suggest is that you have to eat to lose weight. You need 3 meals and a couple snacks every day, if possible. Small meals with as few "easy calories" as possible. I'm trying to eat the majority of my meals at home, without using pre-cooked, bagged or boxed foods. Fresh is best.

    And drink at least 8 ounces of water a day, though the current thinking is take your weight and drink 1/2 that number in ounces (so at 280 you'd drink 140 ounces of water). That's a lot of water, especially if you aren't working out. Some studies say that the timing of your water is also important. I try to drink a cup (8 ounces) of water before I eat breakfast or even have my coffee. Also before meals and even before bed.
  • You guys are all AWESOME! Thank you so much for all the advice. I know logging and measuring is really my weakness (well....that and chocolate cupcakes) :laugh: I made a bet with my husband. For the next week, I have to track every thing!!! If I miss a day, or a bite....I have to do the laundry for the next week. (I haaaate doing laundry). Hopefully this helps get over that initial hump.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    And if you have a smart phone try the app than you can log on the go anytime I always log quickly after meals at work!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    I'm the same way, I log as soon as I finish a meal.