Preparing for surgery and know no one else

Hi everyone! My name is Holly and I am preparing for my VSG. I will know more on Tuesday, September 16, 2014, as to when they feel I will be able to have surgery. I am nervous because I know no one that has had this surgery and I was excited to see this group. Please feel free to share with me any suggestions, success stories, horror stories, etc. Thanks!


  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Welcome aboard! You have found an extremely supportive group of pre-, post- and veteran sleevers. I am soon to switch sides as I go in for my surgery September 30th.

    My suggestion for new members here is to go back and read three or four pages of topics here, find some people who you seem to click with in all stages of the process and add as friends. That way, you can see peoples' diaries and how and what they eat, as well as get to know some of us.

    Then get busy asking questions here, sharing your program rules and processes and soon you will be the one helping to make the new folks feel welcome.

    FR sent!

  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    No horror stories here, just 90+ pounds gone, excellent health and size 4 Rock Revival jeans! Don't get me wrong, this is a serious change! But my procedure went by the book, I was released from the hospital after 1 day and was back at work the next week. My pain was not bad enough to need narcotics after whatever they put in my IV after surgery was gone. Follow your team's instructions and get up and move as much as possible, (even of you don't feel like it at first). It will speed your recovery. Best of luck to you!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I have no horror stories either. I have had nothing but good results from this surgery and my recovery went extremely well. I was in the hospital overnight then I got to go home, and I only took pain meds once after I got home.I haven't had any problems with any foods disagreeing with me, but, I am also very careful about what I eat. I second what bikrchk said - follow your team's instructions!!! If you do what you are supposed to do, you will get the best results.

    My health and my quality of life have improved SO much, I am able to do more, live more, and I feel amazing.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I heartily suggest you go to your local post op support group. People who attend support group have the highest long term success rates. You may have already discovered that 90% of this whole process is you changing your relationship with food and only 10% about surgery. Surgery does NOTHING to cure food addiction. It only removes physical hunger for 6 months to a year giving you a chance to establish healthy habits and give up your trigger foods. Read the old posts and post your own questions and you are sure to get lots of feedback. Welcome! I am 10 months out and normal BMI for height. My food diary is open
  • Hi Holly.
    I have my surgery date, Oct 1. Yes in less then a month. I am feeling sorry for my self, because my surgeon wants every one to lose weight and shrink their liver. So I am only allowed 5 diabetic boost meal replacement drinks a day and water. All I can think about is food. :embarassed:
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Hi Holly: Welcome, I also had an uneventful surgery and recovery. I am 3.5 years post sleeve and I have gained back 50lbs by letting old bad habits sneak back into my life. So now since joining MFP end of May I have lost 45lbs. I am lucky, my sleeve still works and I am towing the line this time. I did not reach my initial goal since I didn't really have one. I allow myself some of my fav foods but have finally learned the word moderation. Good luck on your journey, we are here for you all you have to do is ask.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Hi Everyone :smile:
    I wanted to welcome the newcomers and tell them I sent them both a friend request.
    My surgery consult has been postponed now till September 30th so I guess that will mean my surgery is delayed till likely December. I sure hope it is before the holidays when some of the surgeons are on holidays and when things slow down for awhile at the hospital.
    I guess it will happen when it is meant to be.
    I went for my Pre-Op Diet Teaching on Friday and came home to the message about my consult being delayed.
    I too am only allowed 5 Diabetic Boost shakes per day along with a cup or two of coffee. That is it, other than sugar free, carbon free beverages.
    Welcome aboard to the newcomers and I hope you both enjoy the site. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Hi Holly! I had my sleeve three years ago and have no horror stories to tell either. My expierence has been totally positive and I couldn't be happier with my decision to do this! This is a great place to ask questions and get support. Just remember that we all have different doctors, so our answers might be slightly different tfrom each other and be different than what your doctor tells you. Good luck with everything and feel free to ask any questions and add me as a friend if your want.

  • No horror stories here. 6 months and nearing 100 pound down. You will here different folk given different instructions with their pre and post op diets. Follow your teams instructions and things should go to plan. It is scary pre op but exciting also. You've a great journey ahead with lots of rewards for good choices.
  • Prilla04
    Prilla04 Posts: 174 Member
    I had surgery 7/7/14 and would be happy to answer any questions. It's a big decision and I remember being so nervous before hand. I will be glad to lend any assistance to any VSG'ers.
  • Shadow427
    Shadow427 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am pre-surgery also. Today I have my psych evaluation. I am nervous about the balance of sharing too much info and them saying I am not ready with the part about trying to uncover some of my "food issues".
  • msleelee35
    msleelee35 Posts: 14 Member

    I was sleeved on 12/16/13. Before that, I had lapband surgery in 2009 but was unsuccessful with achieving a fill that wouldn't make me sick so my doctor and I decided on the Sleeve. It's been great. Feel free to add me and my diary is open as well.
  • gastrognome89
    gastrognome89 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm also pre-op... I only had to do 2 weeks on meal replacements but I can only have 3 per day, so I completely understand what you're going through! My op is on Monday so getting very close and looking forward to not being hungry! I found when I get super hungry, going for a walk really helps take the edge off and distract my brain. Plus the extra few calories you burn all help :) seeing the scales start to move already is a big motivator as well.

    Good luck!!
  • I too am pre-op. My surgery is two weeks from today. I'm reading about people and their pre-op diets extending for long periods of time, which only adds to my nervousness as my surgeon only has me on 1000 calorie diet 8 days prior, with the last 3 being liquid.

    I've been dealing ok with it all, until these last few days. I sort of feel like I'm walking to the guillotine psychologically. I know I'm not but I think I'm just overwhelmed with it all. (but still REALLY excited!) I do not have much support and would love to connect with people!

    Also, I'd love suggestions for low calorie, high protein pre-op foods... Unfortunately I'll be traveling so that will make it even tougher.
  • Thanks! I will add you to my friends as soon as I figure all of the Fitness Pal stuff out! :)
  • afk1
    afk1 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi I'm Anne and had my surgery 10/22/13 and have lost 87 lbs...give or take. I have had some bad days when I felt stressed and old behaviors started creeping back in but overall have done well. I look forward to helping and sharing thing I did and have to get back to are the monthly support groups.....they are the stories, issues and the best advice....usually someone in the group has been there, done that and can offer you the best advice. please feel free to add me as a friend, I wish you success and I am happy to talk if you need too.....:flowerforyou: :smile:
  • Mom2Cubs
    Mom2Cubs Posts: 60 Member
    Hi. I'm three weeks post op (sleeved on 8/18/14). No horror stories from me either. Surgery was on a Monday morning and I was back home Tuesday afternoon. I am still adjusting to only eating small amounts of food and liquid. Feel free to add me. My diary is viewable to friends. I welcome all support and offer as much encouragement as i can.
  • Hello Holly!
    I am new here as well, in fact this is my first post! I am doing my pre-op diet now and my surgery is scheduled for the 24th of September all going well *fingers crossed* My name is Bec and I was so scared to start the Optifast VLCD (Three replacements a day and non starchy veg) because I wasn't sure that I would be able to deal with being hungry... but this is my third day and so far so good! I also don't know anyone having the surgery personally... but have watched heaps of youtube vids and that helps! If you want to chat about anything let me know. Good luck for the 16th and hope all the news is positive about your surgery.
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    What are Diabetic Boost shakes?
    Are these specifically meant for diabetics....if you weren't, what would you get instead??
    For me, 2 wks before surgery Im suppose to no have things like potatoes, rice, bread, pasta, fruit , crackers and sugary things (cakes, cookies, ice cream, doughnuts, cereal, pre-packaged oatmeals etc etc).
    Im suppose to aim towards high protein based foods (helps w/ hair loss too).
    Similar to when I had my upper GI surgery (only considered "surgery" because they have to put you out), I had to do a clear liquid diet the day before but nothing creamy or dark (like potato or tomato soup).
    Everything else is pretty much the same for me as it is for most of you post surgery...liquid/powder shakes, soft foods etc.
    My surgery has stalled because now he decides (after 3 months of sitting here doing nothing, waiting on them), he wants me to have a filter put in.
    Id never heard of this till someone else on another thread posted something about it, so I will go in 1 day next week to get that done THEN hopefully be back on track again for the surgery.
    Have any of you had to drink some kind of "chalky" stuff after surgery for them to do x-rays??