
nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
Hi! First time poster and a SL5X5 newbie :)

So I have been doing SL for about 3 weeks total (I had to take a week off for a trip). I started well below the rec weight for my bench press and OHP because I have no upper body strength. I have been progressing nicely with my BP, but I cannot get past 30lbs for my OHP. I have tried 35lbs the last 3 workouts and have to drop down. My gym doesn't have fractional plates lower than 2.5lbs (do they make them lower? I have no idea!), so I can't try to work up from somewhere in between.

Is this normal? Should I just keeping trying 35lbs and dropping down as I need to? I am not frustrated because I am fine with taking my time to do it right and say safe, but I just want to make sure I am not doing something wrong or should be trying something different.

Thank you for the help!


  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Hmm... it probably has to do with taking a week off. I would just keep going according to the program again and come back in a few weeks if it still hasn't changed.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi there :)

    Whenever I have to deload (so in your case 35lbs doesnt fly for 3 workouts, you back down to 30lbs), i up the reps and then i up the weight.

    Example: you can do 30lbs 5x5 no problem. 35lbs is a no go. You would then the next workout do 5 sets of 6 reps, then the next workout 5 sets of 7 reps, and then the next workout 5 sets of 8 reps. Once you do that, put 35lbs back on and admire the 5x5 results :) It worked for all my lifts for me.

    Good luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    I agree with Gen - go back to 30lbs and up the reps. Upright rows as an accessory exercise also really helped my OHP.
  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    Thank you everyone!!! :flowerforyou: Hopefully I'll be back to report success!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Stalling on OHP is very common and usually the first to happen.

    Progression with reps as mentioned above would be my first choice. Also adding in accessory for the shoulders/upper back will help in the long run.

    Things like upright rows, reverse flies, and lat pull downs should help.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    You would then the next workout do 5 sets of 6 reps, then the next workout 5 sets of 7 reps, and then the next workout 5 sets of 8 reps.

    :noway: :noway: :noway: and here i've been doing SIX of 6, SEVEN of 7, EIGHT of 8 . . .

    really gotta learn to read the small print.

    anyway @nikkohli . . . doing something like this (mistaken though i've been) seems like it's been having a good effect on me. i'm about to go try my first 50lb ohp tomorrow, and i actually feel like it'll be within reach.
  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    You would then the next workout do 5 sets of 6 reps, then the next workout 5 sets of 7 reps, and then the next workout 5 sets of 8 reps.

    :noway: :noway: :noway: and here i've been doing SIX of 6, SEVEN of 7, EIGHT of 8 . . .

    really gotta learn to read the small print.

    anyway @nikkohli . . . doing something like this (mistaken though i've been) seems like it's been having a good effect on me. i'm about to go try my first 50lb ohp tomorrow, and i actually feel like it'll be within reach.

    How did it go? Today I did the 5X6 @30Lbs...and to be honest, it was a struggle still! So we'll see. Like I said, I am no hurry to rush and increase weight if I am not ready....just want to be sure I am safe. I threw in some accesories too--reverse flies.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i'm about to go try my first 50lb ohp tomorrow, and i actually feel like it'll be within reach.

    How did it go? Today I did the 5X6 @30Lbs...and to be honest, it was a struggle still! So we'll see. Like I said, I am no hurry to rush and increase weight if I am not ready....just want to be sure I am safe. I threw in some accesories too--reverse flies.

    yeah . . . i was a bit disappointed. i got 1x5, 3x5, 3x5, 3x5, 4x5, something like that. and i'm back fighting that kip-to-the-right thing. on the positive side though, the ones that i did get up really went all the way up and felt strong, which is something i could never have done with 50lbs a month ago. so, i guess on the one hand i AM able to handle a heavier weight now. on the other hand, i'm losing gas sooner per set. maybe the answer is to increase sets and decrease reps for a while, something like x sets of 3.

    good work on yours though. there's some kind of window of 'struggle', isn't there? inside the window, if you keep it up at that level you progress. outside the window, you just spin your wheels. i like the flies too, and also the lateral and front raises, stuff like that. the chicken-wings move. i think i'm finally finding a place for some of those little isolation moves that were so frustrating when they were ALL the trainer was showing to us.
  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    Just an update! It took a few weeks but yesterday I kicked *kitten* on my 35lb OHP. Can't wait to see what happens next week :) Thanks for the help!!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    another thing to do for these lifts that cause issues is get weighted collors and fractionals so you aren't going up 5lbs each time.

    If you don't want to spend the money go to a hardware store and get magnets and/or big washers that fit on the bar (industrial size)

    Try to find them in 3/4lb-1.5lb helped me with my upper body moves...

    For example my OHP would go 50lbs, 52.5lb, 55lbs
  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    another thing to do for these lifts that cause issues is get weighted collors and fractionals so you aren't going up 5lbs each time.

    If you don't want to spend the money go to a hardware store and get magnets and/or big washers that fit on the bar (industrial size)

    Try to find them in 3/4lb-1.5lb helped me with my upper body moves...

    For example my OHP would go 50lbs, 52.5lb, 55lbs

    Thanks--I am not lucky enough to have my own set-up (yet) so I am stuck with what my gym has. My deal to myself was if I could do strength training for a year consistently, I would drop my gym membership and invest in my own equipment.