September Chat

gramanana Posts: 762 Member
Very surprised that at the end of day 2 of September there was no new chat page, so I'm starting it!

I had a lovely Labor Day weekend. We had my granddaughter overnight for one night and took her to our local, annual folk music festival--I think she had a good time, too. We also got to spend the second day at the festival, too. We were expecting a day of rain, but it ended in the morning and we had lovely weather to be outside listening to good music.

I'm back on track (I hope) as of today. I am under my calorie goal and got back on the treadmill. Hoping it's the sign of good things to come.


  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Gran - you sound happy from your GD visit and had fun.

    Over Labor Day weekend we had several relaxed days and are keeping a watch on the lava flow headed towards cutting off a highway near my son. No evacuation is needed yet. My son loves the outdoors, camping etc and he is strong on survival skills. He will not be stressed, so I am not going to be stressed. I was worrying because of the possibilities of evacuation and we will not be here to help him while on vacation. But the flow is so slow, my dh assures me that it would not get there in 2 months time if it does at all. It could pool and spread out, slow down even more, head to the ocean. If the road is cut off, they will build a bridge over the new flow or make a new road, which would take months. My son has friends he can stay with on their property, and the county will probably put up a tent city for the evacuees. Geesh, after hurricane Iselle and we are repairing his roof from the albezias falling there, I didn't imagine a lava flow coming through a rift crack!

    I am very encouraged by my managing my feelings without food. This month I plan to really stay on it, feel what I am feeling, let go of the stress, avoid cheating cuz I am aiming for my goal now.

    Thanks for being here - sending hugs. Smiles
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    All I can say is that I can not wait until I can afford one of those fit bit devices to assist me in keeping track of my progress!
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member

    Thanks for starting this new month. Sounds like you had a great holiday week-end.

    Wanda, The fitbit is really a great little tool, keeps you motivated.

    Smilesback, Please keep us posted on your sons housing conditions. I truly hope like your hubby said, there is nothing to worry about. But you know 'Us Moms', that's what we do - worry.

    Your outlook on taking care of yourself is really encouraging to the rest of us.

    Happy Trails,

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Claudia1313--I enjoy the monthly chat page and had the time, so I started it and I'm glad you joined in.

    There's nothing new going on in my life, just trying to get back on track and into a routine after the chaos of the lat month. I finally feel like I'm getting back in the groove.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Smiles: We will be sending good thoughts that the lava flow doesn't impact your son. It is strange though. You are the only person i know whom i will probably ever say that to. Lava isnt a big concern in the midwest.

    I have been having a wonderful week in Quebec City. I have walked every inch of the old city, and some inches several times. Took a bus out to Montmorency Falls today and walked a little in the woods. Was nice to have different scenery. Walked down the 487 steps from top to bottom of the falls, but took the tram back up. I like exercise, but I'm not suicidal.:laugh:

    Found a boutique where i loved the clothes, but I don't want to spend a lot on clothes that will hopefully be too small. I'm too practical to buy clothes smaller "in hopes of" wearing someday.

    The food has been spectacular, but I've had enough. Am going to just walk awhile tonight and pick up a sandwich and maybe a sweet. I have a bottle of apple/blueberry cidre to go with it.

    I leave tomorrow and back to work on Wednesday. For some reason at last Wednesday's check-in, i said I couldn't weigh in this week. I don't know any reason why I can't. I know I must have gained. We'll see how much.
  • Aug312014
    Aug312014 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi SmilesBack, -and everyone in the group too:smile:

    Smiles' I take it that your son lives in HI, so does my son. He's stationed there in the Army.

    Ladies, you are all an inspiration to me....I'm just starting this journey as of Aug 31, 2014 and actually
    enjoying getting on the treadmill. I listen to TED Talks (educational lectures) and the workout goes surprisingly fast.
    And-to-think that I used to just sit there listening to them burning no calories. Exercise is going to change my life.

  • hayleyandpaigesgrandma
    I too loved my fitbit but can no longer wear it because I keep breaking out in a painful itchy rash. Fitbit has offered to exchange it for the one that clips on but I am still waiting for the shipping details. It broke my heart to give it up. I loved the convenience of wearing it on my wrist. Hopefully I will hear from them soon. I really miss it. I am trying to get some walking in but I liked having the steps counted.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Although I gained pounds, I did realize a few NSVs;
    1. Airline seatbelt fit easily with room to spare.
    2. I realized while waiting at airport that I had my legs crossed. Didn't even think about it. I haven't crossed my legs in years.
    3. Could get to the more comfortable banquette side of table for two without worrying about knocking over table. Always sat on chair side so I wouldn't have to try to squeeze in.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Such interesting Sept chat!

    Fingers crossed for a safe result regarding the Lava flow........

    I loved Quebec City and yes, a good memory of the city would have to be the food.......

    I don't have a fitbit...have used my phone to track my running and walking along with a pedometer.....but found the phone to be inaccurate so just using pedometer now....I know how far most of my routes are more or less....and I think I have got past thinking that if my walk /run wasn't monitored somewhere it didn't count! Of course my body knows what exercise I have done...or haven't done even if my phone doesn't! :bigsmile:

    So here's my "thing" for September, better late than never as it is already the 11th.

    I have pinpointed two things which may be hampering my progress. Too many snacks and not drinking enough water. Hoping to have found a strategy to rectify this. From my living room there are two doors to the rest of my house. The one I usually use takes me through the the loo or to the bedrooms or office.........the other door avoids the kitchen. I need to programme myself not to go everywhere via the kitchen which I have been doing for years and is too easy to pick up a snack, biscuit, something from the a new route round the house would help with that! And if I accidentally do go into the kitchen, I intend to grab a glass of water instead of a piece of cake, cheese or a cracker ....... and as I will be drinking so much water I will get more exercise going to the bathroom every five minutes...but not through the kitchen! :bigsmile:

    So there we are....... all sorted!!! :ohwell: :love: :tongue: :bigsmile:

  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    :sad: Pity Party Alert!!

    I am now in the 3rd week of a 5-week plan to stabilize my teeth so I won't have to keep them in a glass by the bed. It started with a front tooth apicoectomy, followed by some fillings (Tuesday) extractions (yesterday) and will be ending up with periodontal surgery over the next two weeks.

    I try to be thankful for all my blessing but last night I just ate all the chocolate pudding (sugar & fat free) Hubby cooked for me, took a codeine pill and crawling into bed with a trashy novel. That worked so well I might just do it again this afternoon and finish the novel! But will have to ask Hubby to cook me something new as the pudding is all gone. :laugh:

    Good job everyone for hanging in there knowing that nothing worthwhile comes easily.

  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,126 Member
    Hi Everyone: just realized it is almost the middle of the month and I haven't popped in! I have been on MFP but just not over much to the Boards! Glad to read about how you are all doing. I've been a little anxious lately regarding Mum's use of her 'occasional and as needed Meds' - I don't always know when she is taking them! After meeting with the pharmacist, he is so patient, I realize she is not overdoing it, and they do watch for overuse and would red flag and let me know. I guess this had been weighing on my mind more then I realized! I take Mum to see her GP next week so I will mention it to him and he also can reinforce her usage. Phew, again I feel much better! Yes, she is 94 and lives with us and quote "tries not to be a bother" as she says, but I didn't realize that she had been using her fast acting puffers as much as she was.

    Had my MIL down for dinner on Sunday as she did have a rough week at her new indep retirement residence. She thinks the reality set in about another stage in her life, giving up the house, etc.; but she is back to her old, busy self this week! Aquafit on Monday, a massage on Tuesday, getting her hair done on Wed and bridge on Friday - she is 92yo and a going concern!

    I am very much looking forward to this weekend as DH and I are going to Niagara on the Lake (NOTL) for Saturday and Sunday. It is in the wine region of southern Ontario and just down the road from Niagara Falls! No, we rarely go to Niagara Falls, only when we take visitors to Canada :laugh: NOTL is a beautiful little town, with shops, the Shaw theatre and many gourmet restaurants! Yep, there is that food and wine again, calling to me :drinker: We go every September! Now here's the proof the DH and I are "odd ducks" - when we go we do not go to the theatre and we don't go on the wine tours, both of which are the main reasons tourists from all over come to NOTL (we do pop into a few small vineyards to pick up a bottle or 2 though :blushing: ). We support an owl rescue and rehab foundation that takes in injured owls and rehabs them to release back into the wild. They keep and care for those that do not recover enough to be able to survive back in their habitat. 3 continuous weekend in September, they have open house to invited supporters to tour the facilities and see the owls! As their goal is for the owls to return to the wild they do not want them to become used to humans so the facility is not open to the public and only open those few weekends in September and you have a specific time to visit so they control the number of people. It was started by 1 single lady back in the 1950's, it is an amazing story! This facility is out in the country but about 20 minute drive from NOTL. hence, that is how we started many years ago to stay at NOTL.

    We will be staying at a lovely B & B. NOTL has 5 star hotels and the B&B range from economy to 5 star - we took a pass on the $300+ / night B & B! :laugh: :laugh: But ours is a very nice mid range, we had been there before and the gourmet breakfasts are amazing - uh,oh, danger signs! Yep, controlling my eating is going to be a challenge, not to mention the wine! Wish me luck!

    Well, off to get Mum up, enjoy your week everyone, cheers, Marian
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    For the past two weeks I have been trying to get back on the wagon and reform the healthy habits. For the past few months everything has been crazy. I quit my job, moved to a new state, got married, lost my dog who was the love of my life (due to cardiomyopathy - 9 years old), and was diagnosed with asthma after a very acute attack and two trips to the ER in both NY and Florida. That is one heck of a lot of changes for a 62 year old!! We dont' bounce back quite the way we did 20 years ago!

    At present I am adjusting to live at the beach (how horrible that I just happened to meet a man online who lives in Panama City FL and who convinced me to retire and buy a house here with him! lol), live in retirement (oh wow how I am loving it after working full time as a nurse for the past 40 years!), and live with a new husband in a new house! We both need to lose weight, and I am loving being able to cook everything from scratch and have time to spend doing it! I was delighted to find that this group was still thriving when so many groups on here hit the dust!

    I'm pretty much back on track. Lost almost 3 lbs since getting back on MFP and even convinced my husband to get up half an hour early this morning and do the exercise bike before work!

    BTW Mariang, does your mother use a pill box? Just wondered. I spent 25 years as a home health nurse so I know a few tips and tricks that can sometimes help.

    Glad to see all of those I remember and hello to those I have yet to meet
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Jean -- absolutely love your strategy about water and snacks. It is bound to work. Isn't funny how much we are all creatures of habit.

    Marian -- I love the owl thing. How wonderful. I think they are absolutely beautiful. Think I mentioned a couple weeks ago that during my walk in the woods I was enjoying the "who cooks for you?" sound of a barred owl. I also love Niagara on the Lake and have been there many times. Ihave attended the Shaw Festival a couple of times, too. The wineries aren't bad either, but your vacation sounds wonderful!

    DreamOn -- you are going through a lot of changes and stress. Remember, good stress is just as hard on us as bad stress. Exercise can help. Maybe a stroll on the beach. Great way to unwind. Don't forget to make some friends, too. Moving tends to isolate us and friends can be such stress relievers. Glad you are here. You can do this!
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I am working on increasing my water intaketoo and my DH came up with a helper that is wonderful! He bought a Primo water cooler at Sam's club. I think it was $179. It's so easy now to get get a quick cup of filtered ice cold water that is delicious as I pass by it and it also has hot water for my tea that I have increased. That machine was a great investment for us! We use it constantly and it has increased water intake for both of us! I still need to increase the water by a few glasses though because not drinking enough is a fault of mine

    I am also a lover of owls and in fact have a painting of a very large owl in flight that resides on my bedroom wall. Did you know that there is a belief that the job of owls was to fly into the other world in the night to retrieve information, particularly about ways to heal patients. It has been used by Shamans for that purpose, which is way I painted my owl many years ago when I when I studied druidy for a year! (My studies of natural healing have taken some unusual turns lol). Once things are settled and I know the time is right, I plan to start painting again. I do so look forward to having time to return to my art! That has always been one of my main retirement goals!

    For two days now DH has been getting up 45 minutes earlier to work out before work. That is why I am now posting on here so early! I asked him if he would please give it 30 days and suggested he take a nap after work to make up for the lost sleep time. He loves naps so its working so far!! I hope this continues! lol
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    This week has not been a good one for me on this journey. :frown: Although my calories have been within range, I feel like I need a break from this for a few days. I recognize that I need to get back on track, I am just having problems getting myself into that mindset this week for some reason. I am still exercising, and will continue to do that, but somehow I need to get back into the proper frame of mind. I am not sure today will be any better, but am trying to focus on what I need to do... We will see how it goes.:huh:
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    I was at the end of my blurb and lost it all. So......

    W3, I feel for you. The worst is almost over, you are 3 weeks into this. Enjoy all the sugar free pudding you can and take the opportunity to enjoy some trashy novels. See, out of everything bad, something good happens :-)

    Charlie, The NSV's are a sweet surprise. At the onset of our weight loss journey, we forget about all those little things that make life more pleasant. Congratulations on your success.

    DreamOn, Congratulations on your recent nuptials. So many changes at once can be overwhelming; you seem to be going full throttle and handling everything quite well. Your husband and you seem to work well together. He's making the effort, perhaps, he will like getting up a little earlier knowing he gets nap after his work day. We are all rooting for you.

    JB, I understand your frustration, just do the best you can. Don't make yourself crazy with this. Just get into the right mindset, a little at a time. Try and look at it as maintenance.

    Marian, Have a Fabulous week-end with your Hubby. The owl project is a wonderful cause. How proud you must be to be a part of a privileged and elite group. It is a wonderful, rewarding group. Who knew all those years ago, it would have grown to such proportions. How great it is!

    Happy Trails,

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    JB: It happens to all of us. I try to exercise every day for at least 60 minutes and usually longer, but I will suddenly just realize I need a day off. It has happened with the food, too. My philosophy is not to feel guilty, but just to try to stay within maintenance level. We lose so much at first, but it gets harder as we carry around less weight. It all seems to hit about the same time that we are losing some enthusiasm, too. I also have found that sometimes when I feel like that, I am actually coming down with something. So take it easy, not give up, but allow yourself some leeway.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    This is a totally unrelated chat, but story was just too good to not pass on. My 4-year old granddaughter loves to play with her medical kit and give physicals. She was giving one to her mom and asked her mom, what the problem was. My dil said that she was very tired. My granddaughter asked her, "Do you have kids?" My dil told her she did. The 4-year old said, "Well, I can't help you then. There's nothing I can do." :laugh:
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    JB...hang on in there and get back on track when you feel able....... don't give up on us! :flowerforyou:

  • TressaDishman
    TressaDishman Posts: 9 Member
    Hi All - Grandmacharlie reminded me that I can participate in this group - I have been working toward getting out of the obese side oft he BMI chart and eventually getting to the "healthy" point. I am happy to report that, using a combination of exercise, better food choices, lots of encouragement from family and friends, and some good food supplements, I am now in 'overweight' - which is WONDERFUL.

    For those waiting to get a FITBIT - remember to tell family/friends of your wish list - they make great birthday, anniversary, or just because gifts. That is how I got mine....and it has really helped keep me on track.

    Thanks for inviting me to the group... good wishes for a great weekend for everyone,
    Tressa :happy: