hypo and weight loss success

I know first hand that weight loss can be a frustrating battle. I struggled most of my life with trying to lose weight. I am here to tell you it is possible. I was diagnosed with hypothyroid 3 years ago. It was a diagnosis I argued with my doctor over in the beginning. I felt the doc was was discounting years of unexplained medical problems and giving me a hypothyroid diagnosis to shut me up. Long story short, getting treatment for hypothryoid dealt with most of my health problems and allowed the doc to find out what else was wrong and address that. Now that I have my health back, I am able to get out and walk around and go hiking and workout. More importantly, I am FINALLY loosing weight for the first time in my life. Yeah, being forced to work 2 jobs for an 80 hour work week is tough. Somehow, I have still managed to shed the weight. I am here to tell you that it can be done. I changed what I was eating, am exercising more, and have accepted the never ending treatment for hypothyroid. The result, for me and my situation, is a weight loss of 95 pounds in a year and a half. I know everyone is different amd everyone's situation is different. I am not at the end of my weight loss journey yet. I am just stopping in to say it can be done. Just take it slow and steady and (literally) one step at a time. Hypo doesn't have to be a curse and it really is possible to lose weight with the right treatment. Good luck to all of you on your journey.


  • I was diagnosed as hypo about 8 years ago and have been on medication for 3 years... At my highest, I was up to 288. Now, I am 40 lbs down since May, and I have dropped 3 sizes. I have been watching my calories and doing yoga about 5 times a week, and THAT IS IT. It's hard, but it doesn't mean it can't be done. Good luck to anyone else on this journey!
  • That is so inspiring to hear! Great job. ????
    I have been fortunate that so far I have only gained around 10 pounds, which ironically is exactly what my Dr. told me people should gain going from hyper to hypo. I know that others have gained more, and I am lucky to have caught it early enough. Although it will be a lifelong battle to keep weight off.
    Also, add the 10 pounds I gained to another 5-10 I had on before from being hyper (untreated) and that is enough for me to panic!
    It's nice to hear that the weight gain isn't forever. Congrats. ????
  • mrsnelson16
    mrsnelson16 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement.... It's good to hear that it can be done :)
  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    Wonderful! Your hard work paid off!
  • A good doctor makes a HUGE difference. If you are hypo and following a good diet and exercise routine and either gaining weight or unable to lose any that you need too, a good doctor will listen to you, run your labs and check your levels and adjust your thyroid replacement dose. A good doctor wants you happy & healthy as a thyroid patient not too far into the hypo or hyper zones. Took me 15 years to find one and it's been life changing.
  • Mamabearto5
    Mamabearto5 Posts: 17 Member
    Yup... I've been hypo for 12 years now... in the last 18 months I have slowly lost 45lbs. I have taken myself off my meds because all of my doctors are butt faces, they dont go by how I feel... only the numbers so I might as well eat really healthy and move along :) The meds didn't actually make me feel well unless I was kicked into Hyper or having a thyroid storm, like after my 4th child was born...

    It's hard as heck... but it can be done!
  • Can I ask how long it took for the meds to let you start to lose?

    I was eating one healthy meal a day and still gaining.
    I'm on Levo now for 9weeks. (6 weeks at 75mcg).

    My tsh is at 0.12(0.27-4.2) and my doctor is happy with this.
    T4 is at 20 (12-22). I didn't take my meds before the test.

    Anyone any advice? I'm so disheartened.
  • 44scoobydoo
    44scoobydoo Posts: 34 Member
    I was hyperthyroid and was gaining weight like crazy. Some people who are hyper lose weight but not me. I was hungry ALL the time and tired ALL the time. I took the radioactive pill and now I am hypo. So now I am on meds for hypo and in my first week in taking the pills I have dropped 5 pounds. My appetite has drastically decreased and I have a lot more energy. I feel like I can now lose this weight!
  • I was hyperthyroid and was gaining weight like crazy. Some people who are hyper lose weight but not me. I was hungry ALL the time and tired ALL the time. I took the radioactive pill and now I am hypo. So now I am on meds for hypo and in my first week in taking the pills I have dropped 5 pounds. My appetite has drastically decreased and I have a lot more energy. I feel like I can now lose this weight!

    This is what I went through too. Can I ask what meds you are on and which one? I am on a low dose of levo. Only 50mcg.
  • TashTag
    TashTag Posts: 109
    Great to hear that it can be done.

    I am am now hypo for the last 6 months and am up to 75mg. Saw a slight drop in weight when i came up to 75mg but nothing else. My MIL says i should focus on different foods as apparently soy can be bad for your thyroid but I dont know.
    Like i said, its great to hear that it can be done. Hope to see some success soon.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    to TashTag particularly. If you are still in the process of finding the right amount of medication for you, thyroid is all about the right for you, you may even find yourself being given another increase or even two, depending on the doctor treating you. I find the information on Thyroid support sites UK, US and Australian interesting and Stop the thyroid Madness is invaluable. True there are foods which make the thyroid work harder but when you are on medication it is to be hoped that the medication is given at a level which takes care of all toxin elimination,everything, enough but not too much. STTM says many doctors will only treat by numbers not by symptoms, and the numbers were collated from patients some of whom were presenting with Thyroid related symptoms which from the ignorant patients point of view means they are flawed. Some people have lists of symptoms as long as your arm and their doctors simply ignore them, patient and symptoms, this was me.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I have Hashimoto's (hypothyroidism), and I've been taking Synthroid for 11 years, I think (I don't remember exactly, it just seems like that is about right).

    Anyway, I struggle to lose weight more because I have type 1 diabetes... in fact, here are my challenges to weight loss in order of how much they affect my ability to lose weight (from worst to best):

    -Type 1 diabetes
    -Type 2 diabetes (yes, I have both - aka "double diabetes)"

    With all things considered, I am stoked to have been able to figure out how to lose weight at all after years of thinking it was impossible. I've finally figured out enough tips to make it happen, though it is extremely slow (you can see 21 lbs., and that is since starting 1/1/14). Nonetheless, I'm moving in the right direction finally and I'm so happy for that. I do have my annual thyroid test coming up in Jan., and my guess is that I will need to increase my dose again... that will help a bit too.
  • 44scoobydoo
    44scoobydoo Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Janette3X4.

    I am also on low dose levo at 75. Only been on it for a week so I will definitely keep you updated on my progress.
  • zekra01
    zekra01 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Guys,

    My name is Zekra and I've been diagonsed 5 months ago with Hypothyrodism.
    I've been a chubby child all through my teenage years and 3 years ago i started a weightloss journey of healthy food and exercise which dropped me to the average bodyfat of 25%

    My personal trainer kept asking me what I'm eating lately because I kept gaining weight and I was always sleepy and tired but I was eating well..broccoli, chicken and the standard healthy food. so he sent me to get a blood test and the result came!
    I have a lump..so its an infection in the gland I still dont understand whats going on to be honest, my doctor is not being open with me and its very annoying so I decided to focus on taking care of myself while being on 25m.
    I did alot of research on food to avoid and food to consume so by keeping track on my macros( calories) and on how much I'm burning at the gym I should be able to keep myself on track.

    It feels sooo good knowing that people out there have succeeded. It gives me so much hope and slow progress is a progress!
    I will never give up till all my effort and hard work is shown on my body! Nothing beats looking healthy and a stupid gland won't stop me.

    Lots of Love and Support <3

  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Successfully spent 2 years to lose 30+ lbs, lost my job on my feet and put it all back on within about 3 months.

    Back to start again and hopefully more success this time
  • Hi Janette3X4.

    I am also on low dose levo at 75. Only been on it for a week so I will definitely keep you updated on my progress.

    Hi 44scooby!
    My Dr. told me yesterday that I will have my lab work done again in 6 months, but meanwhile, if I feel bad to call him. I actually feel ok. I am just still losing hair and not losing weight. Maintaining, yes. I was on warfarin, and just got off of it yesterday, so I am hoping that will help. It tends to make people hold a lot of water.
    My levo dose just seems VERY low! I can't imagine it will help for long, but who knows.
    Keep me posted!

    And Zekra- Welcome!
  • allergictodiets
    allergictodiets Posts: 233 Member
    75 mcg is not really soooo low. A friend of mine has no thyroid after a cancer treatment and she is on 200 mcg.
  • 44scoobydoo
    44scoobydoo Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Allergictodie - I will go in for blood test to see where I fall and then we will adjust it. I am feeling pretty good.

    I am down another pound, 9 total since taking thyroid meds. I am coming back from a back and groin strain. Finally feel well enough to exercise. So today at 2:30pm I will be off to workout in gym. Probably bike or elliptical since I am rehabbing from injury. I am very excited. I have a long way to go, but I am on my way.
  • miwadlington
    miwadlington Posts: 11 Member
    Can I ask how long it took for the meds to let you start to lose?

    I was eating one healthy meal a day and still gaining.
    I'm on Levo now for 9weeks. (6 weeks at 75mcg).

    My tsh is at 0.12(0.27-4.2) and my doctor is happy with this.
    T4 is at 20 (12-22). I didn't take my meds before the test.

    Anyone any advice? I'm so disheartened.

    Don't loose heart. I was diagnosed about 2.5 years ago. Before then though, my weight ballooned, and my health and immune system was been horrible. I didn't start loosing until I followed the doctor's instructions in reducing my calorie intake and exercising at least 4 days a week. So far what I have figured out with Hypo is that our metabolism is out of whack so you have to restart it per se. So you have to eat within your calorie range and excercise to boost your metabolism. The key thing is you can't stop. When you stop, you will put on the weight faster than then you lost it. Which is very discouraging... I had to learn the hard way. Once you see your #'s stay consistent and you follow a diet and exercise regimen, you'll see the weight melt off, but you have to stick w/ it.
  • 44scoobydoo
    44scoobydoo Posts: 34 Member
    Good morning all. I am down another 2 pounds! Still waiting for my hair to fill in but overall feeling pretty good. I have only been on meds for 2-3 weeks so I will have to be patient.