Seeing that 2 in front....

carrieann8 Posts: 124 Member
I just got down to 321 this week. I've lost 29 pounds, and I can see the 2 coming in the hundreds place!! MFP says in 5 weeks I'll be 308, but I don't believe them. I think it will be faster!!! I can feel that two coming!! It is going to be such a happy day when I see that 2 in front.

I remember the first time I went to the doctor's office and the nice nurse had the hundreds weight on the 2 and I just reached up and put it on the 3 because I couldn't say it out loud. Now I can't wait until she puts the weight on the 3 because of my last two visits and I move it to the 2!!!

Anyone else can't wait to see t hat 2 in front???


  • _gwendolyn_
    Congrats on being so close to the 2's. You can do it!!!!!
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    I am TOTALLY with you on this! I am at 302.....oh my gosh, I cant wait!
  • QuillensMom
    QuillensMom Posts: 100 Member
    Hello just joined this group and YES I am looking forward to seeing a 2 at the beginning again hopefully before the year is over. We can all do it!
  • wonderwoman325
    I've seen that 2 a few times using MFP - 299, 298 and then I fall back into bad habits. I hope that when I see that 2 once more, I can keep going!
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    hey ya'll :happy: I'm Betty from Georgia. so happy to be among "my people" here :flowerforyou: I'm 50yrs old and last Sunday's weigh-in had me at 332lbs. I've been on MFP since mid July and I've lost a total of 37lbs so far since I first started dieting in April. I haven't seen a the 200's since the late 90's. I'm so excited to know that hopefully within 6wks I could see a 2 in front again!!!
  • DirectorLawrence
    DirectorLawrence Posts: 24 Member
    Two years ago, I was able to work my way to seeing that 2 in front. However, I allowed myself to fall back into bad habits then shot back up. Right now, I feel like I'm so close but I won't feel better until I'm at least 20 pounds away the 300's. The hardest part is making sure not allow myself to fall back into the same bad habits.
  • QuillensMom
    QuillensMom Posts: 100 Member
    I it and kept going up and down for awhile last time. I realized was a mental block more than anything else so I quit weighing daily and focused on sticking to the same plans I made for myself. The lowest I have saw since ever trying to lose was 253 a couple years ago. Anyone else seem to get 'stuck' around the 300 line or some other number?
  • joannlohr9
    joannlohr9 Posts: 17 Member
    I can't wait to see it I was avoided a scale all the way through the 200lbs until by the time I admitted I needed to change my habits I was already in the 300s. I'm close now 18lbs to go and can't wait!
  • DirectorLawrence
    DirectorLawrence Posts: 24 Member
    Anyone else seem to get 'stuck' around the 300 line or some other number?

    It some times feels like around the 300 line is where my body natural wants to be. I try my best not to let it discourage me.