Week 2



  • sleepy_mum
    sleepy_mum Posts: 40 Member
    Hi all,

    I had a quiet first week but have just joined so better post it now! I'm aiming for 50 miles this month, which is mostly going to be commuting to school and the gym but it all counts eh? Family ride tomorrow with two of our boys so that'll be a 10 mile ride. But for now here's how I'm doing!

    Week 1 - 2.2 miles
    Week 2 - 8.5 miles so far
    Week 3 -
    Week 4 -

    Good luck for the coming weeks!
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    So it freaking SNOWED here last night, and it's supposed to be below freezing tonight too :/ Ugh, not ready for winter yet but that's life at 7200 feet. Hoping to get out for a nice ride this weekend though, once it warms back up.

    Wow, where are you, Colorado? Do you ride all winter? I thought it was a cold ride today at 48, I've got to figure out how to dress better for winter riding, I usually put the bike away when the snow flies. Hoping to keep riding this winter, if I don't wimp out.

    F/....18.4 Goal is 100 miles.......63.2 miles completed

    Hey there! I'm in Wyoming. Usually we don't get snow THIS early but it's been a chilly summer. I definitely don't ride in the winter... Have never gotten into snow biking and all our trails / roads are well covered in snow and ice. I transition into x-c and tele skiing :)
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    Goal - 700+

    Week 1 - 99.8
    Week 2 -

    9/11 - 17.2
    9/14 - 5 (CX Race)

    Total - 122

    Remaining - 578
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Sun, Sep 14, 2014 22.33

    Sat, Sep 13, 2014 22.63

    Fri, Sep 12, 2014 14.20

    Thu, Sep 11, 2014 19.11

    Wed, Sep 10, 2014 2016

    Mon, Sep 8, 2014 31.96
  • sansey
    sansey Posts: 113 Member
    Week 1 32.3 miles

    9/10 12.4 miles COLD!!
    9/13 38.5 Miles Chequamegon 40 I finished in 3 hours 6 minutes!!
    9/14 9 miles

    Week total 59.9

    Total 92.2 miles
  • Cycle_pathic
    Cycle_pathic Posts: 172 Member
    Week 1 - 168 Miles

    Week 2:

    9/08 - 11 Miles
    9/09 - Rest Day
    9/10 - 20 Miles
    9/11 - No Ride
    9/12 - 11 Miles
    9/13 - 15 Miles
    9/14 - 16 Miles

    Month to Date Total - 241 / Goal 400 / 60% Complete