Monday 15th September - Goals and Rants

ChiaGnome Posts: 179 Member
So, I've officially moved out of my apartment and into my very own house! Unfortunately my fiance and I need to install all new well equipment, so we've been without water since, and living out of gallon jugs. As such, my eating habits have been odd to say the least. Anyways, here are my goals for today:

1) Don't eat anymore of that Kashi cereal - you've had enough, woman!
2) Find time for some exercise - if nothing else bike around the new neighborhood
2) Drink my fill of water esp. at work where there is no shortage :)
3) Finish shocking the well and continue unpacking
4) Go grocery shopping and start eating like a reasonable person again


  • knightaa1
    Since I know I'll be bad this week I'm starting to strength train as well as do Zumba.

    1. Drink a lot of water
    2. Morning yoga/crunches (done)
    3. 1 hour of Zumba
    4. Stay as low as possible on calorie range.
  • SilverStormi
    SilverStormi Posts: 626 Member
    Congrats on the new house Chia :)

    Today is an easy day for me since my morning didnt start off to well. I tried doing my P90x Yoga this morning and coundnt :( I missed a step at my friends last night and twisted my foot so trying to do yoga my foot wasnt to happy so Im skipping today and will pick back up tomorrow. Then went to make lunch to find my bread was moldy so meal shake for lunch as well it is.

    Todays goals
    1. drink 10 glasses of water
    2. let my foot rest
    3. prep the fruit I never got around to yesterday
  • CumberlandGrammy
    CumberlandGrammy Posts: 331 Member
    How exciting to have a new place to call home, Chia! Hope you get that well pumping soon. And I know what you mean about the Kashi cereal -- I could live on it, no problem!

    I am not doing my best so far today, which is a little drag after a stellar weekend of good eating and robust exercising. But, the day's not done yet! So, today I resolve to:

    *drink at least 80 ounces of water (only 72 more to go... wait, What?!?!)
    *ride my bike for 30 minutes
    *drink only ONE glass of wine at tonight's meeting
    *watermelon for dessert tonight -- I've already had too many mini-cookies with my grandchild today (ooof!)
    *stay within my calorie goal - I can do it in spite of the cookies and possible glass of wine :)

    Have a good day, y'all! We are halfway through September, whoah!!!
    GSXRGIRL61 Posts: 6,210 Member
    Today I rode my motorcycle on the race track in my new leathers. I got them on, got them zipped up, and was still able to move:smile: They are really tight, so I've got to thank you, SilverStormi for moderating this challenge. Losing this week really helped my fitting into them!