Detox side effects from going Primal?

I started eating Primal last week and had a major detox reaction. I got a rash all over my ears and neck (flesh colored itchy bumps that I couldn't see but I could feel). My ears are still itchy several days later! I got a sore throat. I was soooo tired all week.

Then on the weekend I ate gluten and sugar again. My face got so red like it was on fire. I have that reaction when I drink red wine, but this was from a soda and cheeseburger. It looked like I had a sunburn suddenly! And my heart started skipping beats (not unusual when I eat SAD).

Anyone else have weird reactions like this? How do you handle them?

I tried taking a soak bath frequently and drinking lots of water and herbal tea. It helped, but surely there is more I could do to help this.


  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    It takes time to adjust to this new lifestyle and time for the body to heal.

    Why did you only give it one week?

    I've been Paleo for over two years now and my health is perfect except that I was under-eating in the first year and a half and lost lbm and slowed my metabolism. So I still have more body fat to lose and it's very difficult to lose it.

    I felt like crap for a week or two in the start and some people take longer than me before they improve. I also have tired/grumpiness every time I've let my carbs get too high and cut back again.

    The only way to handle it is PUSH THROUGH, keep notes, tweak things when needed (not every week, but maybe in a month), commit to health for life. My only one hard rule is that I NEVER eat wheat. I have many things I limit or avoid most of the time, but it's a never for the wheat - it hurts me that bad.
  • ladyofbugglake
    ladyofbugglake Posts: 37 Member
    I just straight up fell off the wagon. One minute I was doing great with Primal and the next minute I was stuffing a brownie in my mouth like I had never eaten before in my life. It happened that quickly. Then the brownie led to a slice of pizza the next day, which led to a cheeseburger... It was so out of control and kind of scary.

    But it is Monday and a fresh start. I realized how deep my addictions to sugar and processed food goes, so I am going to be extra careful this week. I'm thinking I may need to even cut out fruit for awhile so I don't trigger myself again.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    The only thing I have to add is to document your reactions and what "heals" itself while on primal. It helps when you are tempted to cheat to remember how was felt.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    To me, the reactions you stated sound like food allergies to me. You can be allergic to anything, but there are some things more likely than others. Gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, nuts...With Primal though, could it be dairy? I used to get rashes from dairy and still do if I over-do it.
  • apacheta
    It's not unusual to have a detox reaction like you describe when you begin cleaning up your diet.

    Probably the best way to detox is to use a dry sauna. Most municipal rec centers have them and admission to such facilities is generally inexpensive. Or maybe your gym has one.

    Bentonite is another way to remove toxins from your system. Ingesting clay is an age-old method of removing toxins in many aboriginal cultures. You can find it at any good natural grocer. It's not something to use long term, everyday. But it does help when you are in the throes of a detox and feeling awful.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    To me, the reactions you stated sound like food allergies to me. You can be allergic to anything, but there are some things more likely than others. Gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, nuts...With Primal though, could it be dairy? I used to get rashes from dairy and still do if I over-do it.

    Could also be something that was introduced in Primal that wasn't there in SAD, if it's an allergic reaction. Such as coconut, or tree nuts if they're a new staple?

    Since the original rash (before bringing the gluten back in) wasn't red, though, I'm not sure it was a histamine reaction. It's hard telling, though, without much information, especially of prior eating habits.

    OP - Keep at it, and keep an eye on the rashes. Detox reactions should subside in a week or two, provided you're drinking plenty of water (you might also want to look into bone broth, probiotics, and other gut-healing tools). Allergic reactions will, of course, get worse or at the least, won't get better.

    Keep notes of your food in the meantime, and look for any patterns between what you're eating and any flare-ups and go from there.
  • 100andOnward
    100andOnward Posts: 145 Member
    Detox side effects are extremely common. The Whole30 timeline covers them well (even if you're not doing a Whole30, I've found that I get a lot of the same effects when I get back on the wagon:

    I've found that headaches, muscle aches, lethargy, and such are EXTREMELY common, and I've heard about people having reactions like what you've described.

    I also totally understand what it's like to fall off the wagon and go rolling down the hill. It's easy to do, and it can be very hard to catch back up. But start over the next chance to get, and hang in there. It's worth it in the end.
  • 100andOnward
    100andOnward Posts: 145 Member
    To me, the reactions you stated sound like food allergies to me. You can be allergic to anything, but there are some things more likely than others. Gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, nuts...With Primal though, could it be dairy? I used to get rashes from dairy and still do if I over-do it.

    Could also be something that was introduced in Primal that wasn't there in SAD, if it's an allergic reaction. Such as coconut, or tree nuts if they're a new staple?

    Since the original rash (before bringing the gluten back in) wasn't red, though, I'm not sure it was a histamine reaction. It's hard telling, though, without much information, especially of prior eating habits.

    OP - Keep at it, and keep an eye on the rashes. Detox reactions should subside in a week or two, provided you're drinking plenty of water (you might also want to look into bone broth, probiotics, and other gut-healing tools). Allergic reactions will, of course, get worse or at the least, won't get better.

    Keep notes of your food in the meantime, and look for any patterns between what you're eating and any flare-ups and go from there.

    Also this x1000.
  • mandabrett
    mandabrett Posts: 139 Member
    I was listening to the paleo view podcast a few weeks ago, and Sarah Ballyntine (really smart, phd woman, mentioned this. For some reason i think i remember her saying that while your body is healing is becomes more sensitive to foods, but as it heals more completely your body should not react anymore. That being said I break out in hives and get an itchy throat from straight milk and ground beef. That was not an issues prior to becoming paleo. I plan to get testing for allergies in the future because I am curious about it.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    I had what felt like a detox reaction a couple months in with AI protocol. My joint pain went away, but my tendons and ligaments began to ache like crazy. Nothing helped. But after about a month, the pain resolved.

    I also had what I think was a bad reaction to vitamin D after starting paleo. No time to explain now but will try to get back later.
  • SerendipitySkye
    SerendipitySkye Posts: 202 Member
    You should definitely expect a detox period with things happening such as lethargy and even feelings of depression. Some get bad cold symptoms--I did. It was rough for about two weeks, but then the sun came out again, and I have felt AMAZING ever since. You just have to get through that detox period with clean eating. If you fall back into pre-paleo eating, you have to start all over again, basically. And really, you need to do it 100% for at least 30 days to feel the true wonderful effects. Even going to restaurants and risking contamination like a steak marinated in wrong things can be risky, so try and stay as clean and basic as possible for 30 days.

    Journaling your food is key. Every bite. Log your reactions, moods, highs, lows, itches and bumps. After the 30 days, look back at it, and see where you came from and how you feel then. It is a wonderful feeling to see how you made it through, and it also makes you never want to go back again.

    I wish you luck!!!! It will be worth it!!! ~Skye:flowerforyou:
  • apacheta
    Replying to Homesweeths:

    Curious... are you saying you experienced joint pain after going on AIP? or was that the reason you went on the protocol?

    I can't seem to stay on AIP. I've become so dependent on nuts and seeds...