September challenge - 21 days without bingeing

I don't know if I am allowed to invite people to participate in a challenge (please let me know if I need to be a moderator to do this) but if it is OK I would love it if others would like to join.

My goal is to go 21 days without bingeing starting on the 1st of September. They say you need to do something 21 times for it to become habit :smile:

If you want to join please add your name to this document and each day update the file if you had a binge free day that day or not. You can use any name you want if you prefer for this to be anonymous.


  • anastasiathin
    I am willing to give this a go, thank you :)
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I added myself as well. I am on day 2 of being binge free, hopefully this will help to keep me on track!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I'd like to be a part of this but can't access the sheet. I guess I will keep track here and in the Me Vs. The Binge September thread.
  • hopingtoloseweightthistime
    Glad you guys want to join! I only just saw that you replied.
    I have added all of your names to the sheet:

    I hope that it works now!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • hopingtoloseweightthistime
    I got off to a bad start with a binge on the first day :( BUT I got back on track the next day and so far haven't binged yet. I have tried something new which is really helping me so far so I thought I would share it in case it helps you guys too.
    I took the food that usually causes me to binge (chocolate in my case) and decided that everyday this month I would eat some chocolate even if it means working out a bit more or reducing real food intake.
    In the past I would deny myself chocolate and then when I ate it it was in embarrassing quantities. Now, I know that I am going to have chocolate every day so a binge isn't really necessary. In fact, there are days that I don't even want it (mainly I guess since I know I can have it which makes it not as desirable :) )
    This is a new approach for me and so far it seems to be working (although I realize it has only been a few days).
    I am so tired of the "all or nothing" binge mentality and would love to find a solution.
  • beccabmoran
    I would love to take part in this challenge! Thanks for putting it forward!
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I am on day 6 binge free! Day 5 for this month.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I only made it two days but I am back in and trying for 21 again.
  • beccabmoran
    I was trying to add to the sheet just now but I couldn't...I'm not sure how to edit it.
  • trulabfloyd
    I know it is the 10th, but I am in. I was on the phone with a daughter two days ago and while listening to her I ate three ice cream drumsticks in a row without taking a breath! To break the habit takes 21 days so mine will be until September 31st. Great plan!
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    I'm smiling at Sept 31st which doesn't exist, but hey, till Oct 1 is a great goal!
  • hopingtoloseweightthistime
    How are you guys doing? I have had 3 binges this month so it hasn't been great progress but it is still better than some months... I did one thing that really helped. I finally got my husband to stop buying chocolate and bringing it home. I asked him to keep it at work or some place I don't find it. If I don't have anything to binge on I can't binge... :happy:
    When I buy snacks for my kids I try and buy things that I don't like (unfortunately there are not that many options) but I find that it has really been helping me.

    I wonder what makes some people binge and others don't? A lot of people are overweight but still don't binge. They just overeat. I guess if I ever find the answer to why I binge I might actually be able to stop doing it...
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    I wonder what makes some people binge and others don't? A lot of people are overweight but still don't binge. They just overeat. I guess if I ever find the answer to why I binge I might actually be able to stop doing it...

    IMO - diets and restricting can be a reason some or most people binge, then it becomes a habit. I didnt begin binging until I had lost over 85 pounds, it began on days I would restrict. Then became more frequent as I got to nearly 100 pound weight loss. Even after I forcing myself to eat more and put weight back on, binging had become a habit. It has been nearly a month since my last binge, and even my last 2 binges were only partial binges. I think I have it beat, (praise to God) but I do have to be VERY CAREFUL around ice cream and peanut butter. And I have yet to bring cookies or anything really sweet back into the house. Just yesterday, someone gave me a chocolate chip cookie, and as soon as I could, I crumbled it up and tossed it in the trash. I just aint strong enough for that yet.

    I think there might also be some who self-soothe binge for emotional reasons. Thats not me, but there are some who binge for that and other reasons.
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I had gone 15 days without binging. That is the longest I have gone in a long time. The last three days were bad! Drinking lots of water and regaining control.