Why do you LIFT?

Why do you?????


  • To be stronger and transform my body.
  • danielmbuckley
    danielmbuckley Posts: 13 Member
    Mainly to look good... I mean let's be honest, who doesn't like looking good with your shirt off? And also to be healthy. I want to live a long HEALTHY life and not be dependent on others for a long time.

    -therapy time (happiness)
  • Justinl29
    Justinl29 Posts: 3 Member
    Nice, lol as modest as i try to be about lifting I'm sure many people would agree with you, want to look good with your shirt off. That's a big part of the reason why i started.
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    in this order..

    1. Vanity
    2. health
    3. enjoyment
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    to get stronger for mma

    to get stronger for powerlifting (and not look skinny fat)

    because I farkin' love it and am addicted to getting stronger (and is also a requirement of BB)
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    I love it and the way it makes me feel inside. It lets me channel my energy, feelings, heart, soul, and emotion into something positive. To get bigger, stronger, and tougher. To help me make something of my life
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Because I like it when chicks grab my biceps and giggle.
  • stevesilk
    stevesilk Posts: 204 Member
    I love lifting. I always have. At first it was to get stronger, but part was to look better (more muscular). Over time, it became something that I have done because I enjoy everything about going to the gym and lifting heavy. As I get older, I find that my goals have changed, and now I'm looking to gain strength while getting leaner and strengthening my back (herniated discs in back). So it looks a little different today than it did 40 years ago!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Because I love myself.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    *grabs* hehehehe

    Eta: fail @whodidntante
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Because I don't want a profile pic that looks like 2 gray circles
  • derekjnichols
    derekjnichols Posts: 49 Member
    1) To beat the former fat boy out of me.
    2) To give me confidence
    3) To take that hour in the morning for "me" time
    4) Vanity (related to 2)
  • sirrys
    sirrys Posts: 24 Member
    Vanity, balance, preparation for cross-fit competition.
  • Niff314
    Niff314 Posts: 113 Member
    To gain strength, be healthy and ensure that I stay that way in my later years. I don't want to be one of those hunched over old women shuffling their way through the grocery store.
  • kikstand
    kikstand Posts: 36 Member
    I ask myself that 4 times a week...
  • Fitteacherc
    Fitteacherc Posts: 38 Member
    I love overcoming obstacles and doing things I couldn't imagine myself doing a year ago. I've also learned that lifting is therepy, haha. I've learned a lot about myself during the process of learning how to lift.
  • jorge_ta83
    jorge_ta83 Posts: 49 Member
    No particular order (or maybe in a particular order).

    1. To get stronger (I am quite weak guy.)
    2. Health
    3. Increase Confidence.
    4. Better looks (It can't hurt, right ;))
  • q4554
    q4554 Posts: 3 Member
    I use to train seriously in my younger days and I still believe it is the best way to get in shape and maintain it long term.
  • so i can eat more :)
  • Cam_Holland
    Cam_Holland Posts: 1 Member
    I lift because I enjoy it. Simple as that
  • mjfbeeslaar
    mjfbeeslaar Posts: 3 Member
    I started out lifting to get into better shape but as I am progressing it is just becoming part of what I do. Loving the higher energy a lot. Body is a work in progress and enjoying the journey.
  • fizzleh
    fizzleh Posts: 71 Member
    To get some guns as real ones are banned in the UK B)
  • dwolfe1985
    dwolfe1985 Posts: 100 Member
    Find it enjoyable especially now my squats are finally starting to move up (the lift i've struggled most with)
  • 1capybara
    1capybara Posts: 162 Member
    so i can eat cake and ice cream every lunch and still get fitter
  • cbarn025
    cbarn025 Posts: 939 Member
    I started and now I can't stop. It's my me time. It's goal orientated. Gives me something to look forward to.
  • skwytt
    skwytt Posts: 24 Member
    Simple, to look good!
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    edited July 2015
    Get stronger
    Look better
    Be healthier
    Relieves stress/feels good

    In that order.
  • tanyaL0L
    tanyaL0L Posts: 23 Member
    To be strong - I can hold my own and my warmup sets are some guys max sets
    Be & feel healthier and of course to look better.
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    Love getting a pump every workout. Hitting your max and improving on it. Throwing dumbbells and not giving a f**k. What a great feeling lifting is!
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    I don't know how not to. I've stopped several times over the years. I always come back to it. It's just what I do.