+3 lbs overnight??

Omg I'm so discouraged, I weighed myself this morning and I suddenly gained 3 lbs? Maybe my scale is broken. I know I was under my 1200 goal yesterday. But I'm so frustrated :(


  • conetah24
    conetah24 Posts: 45 Member
    Don't fret too much about it right now because it is most likely water weight. I don't know if you drink soda or have consumed a lot of water the night before but that could be a factor. Also with a low calorie diet you sometimes don't eat the right amounts of nutrients and your body tries to compensate for that or if you ate a lot of salt your body could retain water to compensate. I know I fluctuate 2 pounds regularly from time to time, just stick with a nutritious diet and exercise routine and it will drop the weight soon.
  • 100andOnward
    100andOnward Posts: 145 Member
    Don't fret too much about it right now because it is most likely water weight. I don't know if you drink soda or have consumed a lot of water the night before but that could be a factor. Also with a low calorie diet you sometimes don't eat the right amounts of nutrients and your body tries to compensate for that or if you ate a lot of salt your body could retain water to compensate. I know I fluctuate 2 pounds regularly from time to time, just stick with a nutritious diet and exercise routine and it will drop the weight soon.

    This. When I was in Weight Watchers a number of years back, our leader said she would get 4 different weights depending on what direction she was facing while on the scale, varying as much as 5 pounds. That's why it's recommended to only weigh weekly, and to take measurements as well.

    You got this. Hang in there!