weigh in

I feel guilty that I don't weigh myself at least weekly. I've let myself get frustrated because I'm not losing any weight but I see things "moving around". I run, weight lift, bike, kayak and do yoga. So I'm active and clothes I haven't been able to wear in forever are now fitting but my weight is maintaining. Is this something I should be concerned about or should I just keep track of measurements instead of weight?


  • JB_2014fox
    JB_2014fox Posts: 1 Member
    My non-expert opinion? How you feel and how your clothes fit (or your measurements) are much more important than your weight, especially if you're weight training. The weight of the muscle your building could be the reason the number on the scale isn't budging.
  • KAReynolds1216
    KAReynolds1216 Posts: 2 Member
    thanks! I'm trying to remember that but sometimes it's hard. I think I've always had a healthy attitude about my body but it's been frustrating lately only because I feel like I'm starving some days and I'm working harder than I have ever wanted to in the past.
  • curtainlady
    curtainlady Posts: 1 Member
    I completely agree with JB. Muscle weighs much more than fat occupying the same space, so.... if you are wearing things you haven't in years, go with how awesome that feels. Yes, take measurements. Chart them. Trust me when I tell you that all of a sudden, the scale is going to drop - a lot. It's weird....
    You are doing a really, really good job!