September 17, 2014

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Just finished an 8Km run, it is a beautiful fall day. Also did a few lunges and squats when I got back, feeling it in my legs now. Last night was my strength/cardio class. Looks like I will miss tomorrows class because I have to go and pick up my son, he is coming home for the weekend. Thats ok, I should have time to get something done in the morning....if I put my mind to it!
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Morning maureli! Congrats on your 8km run.

    I ended up playing some football earlier in the week- and man did it work my legs in ways that my running just hadn't. I can still feel it in my hip flexors.

    Looking forward to a free night tonight- so nothing should get in the way of my run.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Walked to gym, did lowerbody, ran (verrrrrrrrrrrry slowly back--only ran b/c I didn't want to be late to pickup my son).
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Great job Maura on your 8k run! It would take me a week to get that mileage!

    Battled a cold earlier this week and did everything (supplements, rest, neti pot, water) to feel better. Happy to report it worked!

    When I got home from work yesterday I grabbed the stroller (left all our stuff in the car) and took my toddler for a little walk. Felt good, got my steps in and love him to get the fresh air too.

    Last night I had hubs bring home dessert (which he loves to do) and I had it and considered it my TOM splurge. This is a big deal because I can eat junk food for DAYS and DAYS and chalk it up to TOM. This was one McD hot fudge sundae and it was good and now it’s over.

    Got up this am and went for a nice walk outside though it’s really starting to get light later. Tomorrow I am going to a trade show so will get my workout--be interesting to see how many steps it is.

    I’m making travel plans for Thanksgiving and am trying to rope family into a Turkey Trot 5k.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sounds like everybody is doing great!

    Last night I went for a bike ride after work. I went swimming in the morning but ate so much yesterday (we had breakfast & lunch at work) that I needed the extra calorie burn.

    Today I'm vowing to get back on track with my eating, and I'm going to stick with it until I take my final 8 pounds off. Tired of being in weight loss mode & am ready to move to maintenance.

    Rest day today - seeing my trainer on Friday instead of today.