September 17

ronercat Posts: 273 Member
How is everyone else doing today?

Out here things are just swell. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and I am getting pumped up for this challenge. I am feeling pretty good since I am getting myself a pretty solid birthday gift. I am going to be at my lowest weight in about 5 years. It just gives me some added motivation to keep on going. (That and I want to be like Pat when I grow up with his 500 miles ridden and great weight loss)

I also had a nice NSV today. I am wearing a pair of pants that have been sitting in my closet for quite some time and they are fitting well.

Hopefully you are all doing well out there in MFP land.

Edit: I am also good if we want to do a pool type prize for this challenge


  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    CONGRATS Zac on the NSV!!! Wow!! It must feel really amazing getting into clothes that have been just waiting for you to get into!! yeah!!

    You guys are motivating me now!! I need to start back logging in my food on MFP to be more accountable!!

    A bit humid here...temp still holding around 104, but tomorrow it is suppose to drop a few degrees...which means I can start walking to work again. Just something about walking in 115 F temperature is NOT that appealing, but now I see the 'light at the end of the tunnel' and the temp is finally in a downswing! Yeah!!!

    Have a great day folks....I am heading to bed!!! Only got 3 hours in last night.....and that is NOT enough for me! 6 hours is OK, but not 3 !! My red eyes look like I was drinking all night...but I wasn't....just plain without sleep!!
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I have been soooo busy. My kids are at the age this year that they have afterschool commitments here there and everywhere and I am still trying to get a handle on it all. And they all want to eat! So somewhere in there I have to shop and cook and clean house! Imagine...wanting to eat and have clean laundry too?? :laugh:

    Soooo, I am going to try this challenge with you guys. I have two reservations about it for my own personal end, but I am going to try to push those aside and commit to the challenge. It's a long challenge for me and I don't seem to do well when it is too long. So I am going to try to do my own mini challeges to get to the end. Also... I am going to Disney for a week in Nov/Dec and when I went in Feb I thought I did MARVELOUS! Watched every bite I put in my mouth, passed on desserts and treats and such...walked miles and drank tons of water. I got back from vacation and I had gained 6 lbs!!! I was so upset. So I don't want to be such a hard *kitten* on myself this trip but enjoy myself without over indulging. So I will try to keep the challenge in the back of my head but try to enjoy myself more (eating wise) this trip.

    I can contribute to a prize also!

    Now I gotta go try to get caught up on reading all the other posts!

  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Fantastic Zac!!! I bet that felt so good to put those pants on. Nancy, hope you got some more sleep and that it cools off for you real soon. Diane, glad to see you pop in and join us on the new challenge. Life can definitely get in the way, especially with kids. Check in when you can.

    Things here are going pretty good. Been keeping busy with errands, doctor appts, support groups, bible studies, and don't forget, keeping this house together, lol. Did we ever decide for positive how this next challenge is going to work? Are we using the percentage method for weight lost? Was Pat going to work on a new chart for us?

    Hope all is well with everyone.

  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Dee, I think we all pretty much agreed on whatever we agreed upon!! lol!! Such an easy group of pleasers! lol...I believe Pat was going to do the spread sheet and the % thingy and leave the H2O off the challenge. Glad to see you pop back in Diane. Life does get in the way of our day to day activities...and like Dee said....especially with kids. I don't have that to worry about...just cats! lol

    Hoping you all have a good evening!!
    Nancy (who finally got 6 solid hours of sleep last night! Yeah!!)