Staying on track!

Staying on track for me is very important and with the holidays around the corner we all need to be thinking about that. My birthday was last week and I knew I could go above calories very easy but I planned ahead. Whenever I know I am going to eat out, I plan where I am going ahead of time and check out their menu online. The morning of I will go on and input that meal into my food log. Knowing what I have left helps me plan other meals. I also, no matter what get in some form of exercise. What are you doing to stay on track?


  • srdeaver
    srdeaver Posts: 39 Member
    Such an important topic -- it is all about the planning. If you plan ahead, staying on track is easier. I like to log in my dinner when I log in breakfast. I also go on-line and determine what I am eating off the menu. That, in itself, makes you accountable when you get there! Have a great day!
  • mazzzery
    mazzzery Posts: 13 Member
    my motto through-out his diet, is "just say no!", to keep on track to say that every time is hard, when you have to tell people you would rather eat healthy prepared meals than fast food, i have to tell people i'm on a diet, which i don't like to admit, it's more of a lifestyle change, and a better routine than a diet...

    keeping on track with exercise when your exhausted is hard too, so a few stretches help me to get in gear, and even if it's a little light yoga like stretching, is something...

    Everyone in this group seems to be doing so well on the exercise front, but since it's so long since I've walked or done anything, i'm taking it light, getting ready slowly before i start running,. and cycling, i don't want to go overboard and get fed up with it, too much too soon is also a bad thing, head first into things like crazy doesn't work for me. inch by inch life's a cinch, mile by mile life's a trial. so eager to carry on trucking slowly for now. good going everyone!!
  • msalperson
    I'm relatively new to MFP (just passed the 8 week mark and have lost 8 pounds, which is a good pace), and I'm also following South Beach guidelines within the calorie allotment. It's not difficult because I mostly eat that way anyhow. So far so good. If this pace continues, I should be down another 15 or 16 pounds by the end of the year. (I'm Jewish, so I don't celebrate Christmas, but year-end is a great goal for me.) I'm a teacher and I ride my bike to work, so on days when I don't get to do extra exercise, the cycling keeps me relatively fit.
  • Clothwright
    Such an important topic. I find that when I have a small success, I think I can "treat" myself. It takes resolve not to undo each step by indulging in some good food. As others have said, planning ahead and bringing my own food are the only way I can make it sometimes. This weekend for instance I have to go to a retreat and I know the food is terrible. It's pretty bad even for SAD (tasteless highly processed cafeteria food) but I'm presently doing the no-grain no sugar thing, and I don't expect there to be much for me to eat. I've made a big batch of granola to take along and I'll have some fruit, but I won't have a refrigerator so I'm still debating what else to bring. I really don't want one weekend to set me back!
  • arrielle10
    I actually got off track for about 4 days. The thing I am proud of is I managed to get back on track. In the past I would mess up and then let it spiral and stay off track.