


  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,541 Member
    Hi guys,

    I am joining this group a touch prematurely. I used run 5k and 10k events 20 years ago and it all went wrong somewhere, however, I always said I will run a marathon and I am going to.

    Given that 6 weeks ago I weighed in almost 19 stone I have a long way to go but this will just make achieving my goal all the sweeter.

    Look forward to speaking with you all along our journeys.


  • erinlikesfood
    erinlikesfood Posts: 22 Member

    My name is Erin. I'm a junior in college, and I run for my school's club running team (XC and track). I also do a lot of road races, including 5 half marathons and 2 full marathons. My proudest running moment is qualifying for Boston last year with a 3:34:38, and I'm desperately hoping I'm able to register for Boston 2015 (a 22 second cushion isn't very reassuring, but I worked my butt off for that).

    I'm also mostly recovered from anorexia nervosa - for me, running was always a motivator for recovery (I can't perform well if I don't eat) rather than a way to burn calories, which I'm very grateful for, because I would hate if I associated it with that part of my life.

    Anyway, just thought I'd introduce myself. I've been trying to find a good running forum for quite some time.
  • 1980amberc
    1980amberc Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all! My name is Amber. I'm training for my 3rd full marathon, which is December 7 2014. I've run about 10 half marathons. I find that while training for fulls it's been hard to lose weight. My goal this time is to really watch my nutrition so that I can reach my WLG while reaching my running goals. Friend me--I'm happy to support you in this in your own goals! Good luck!
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    Hello all! My name is Becky. I am training for my FIRST full marathon on October 26, 2014 - the Marine Corps. Marathon in the DC/VA area. My husband and I are training together, which has been really great. I had a foot surgery last year to fix a painful bunion and started running again in late February of this year. The training has been more exhausting than I imagined but we are doing the "Train Less, Train Faster" program and I am enjoying the mix of running workouts (Track, pace, distance). Would love to link up with some other runners for encouragement! Good luck all!
  • EmpressZhark
    EmpressZhark Posts: 26 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm Sam, I was meant to be running my first marathon at the end of Sept, but sadly at the end of June I picked up an IT band injury. Since then I've not been running at all and my marathon dreams have died for this year :(

    Still, the good news is that last week I got the all-clear from my physio to resume running again, and tonight I've managed 3 miles for the first time in what feels like years! Whoo!

    I'm now focussing on getting back to the fitness I was at before the summer, looking at a marathon in spring next year (I've applied for a place at London, but it's doubtful I'll get in.. might take a look at Edinburgh instead in May). I may do a half in february time too, if I'm feeling up to it. (And then there's the triathlon that some friends are encouraging/cajoling/bullying me to sign up for..)

    For the moment though, I want to focus on running regularly again, working my way back to 20 miles/week as I was used to and then taking it from there.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Susan, and I'm training for my first half-marathon in November. I've been running for years, but shorter distances (5K to 5M). I briefly toyed with the idea of training for a triathlon, but realized I don't really like cycling and I'm a terrible swimmer... but I love running so I decided to focus on that - staying active and in shape should be fun. As a personal challenge, my goal is to run a half-marathon in all 50 states, and maybe even some international locales - I think it will be fun to tour the US that way, and visit some places I would never visit otherwise (South Dakota? Nebraska? Iowa?). For right now I'm not concerned with my time, I just want to get comfortable with the distance (at this point planning to run/walk my first HM). Maybe next year I'll think more about speed, but again, for me this is about having fun and seeing some new sights.

    Feel free to add me - would love to have more distance running friends!
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    Hey all! Saw this group and had to join. I'm Lauren, I'm 32, married, wildlife biologist, live in Wyoming. I've been doing longer-distance running for 4 or 5 years now and have done 6 (?) half marathons. I've got another one coming up September 21. I love signing up for races to keep me motivated for long runs... otherwise I find it easy to routinely do 4-5 mile runs and call it good. I'm a fairly slow runner (fastest half is 2:02) but I love it! I also really like mountain biking, road biking, x-c skiing, tele skiing, yoga (combats those stiff running and biking muscles!), and a little light weight lifting.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, anyone! I have an open food diary and try to be supportive of my buddies here : )
  • kjloiselle
    kjloiselle Posts: 101 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm Kelly, 28 and a teacher. I began running in Dec. 2013 thinking that 60 seconds was going to kill me (and felt like it too) with a lifetime goal of running a 5k or 30 minutes continuous. Since then I have completed 2 5ks, 4 10ks and have my first 1/2 marathon at the beginning of October :D. I have found the love of running and looking forward to training for my first full marathon in May. I'm apprehensive, but excited.
  • SquishyLaughter
    SquishyLaughter Posts: 124 Member
    I may have joined a little early, but I am currently training for a 10K after starting the C25K in June. I have dreams of running a marathon so I thought this group would be great to join.

    As soon as I recover from a massive blister from new hiking boots, I am going to be running again, and working hard to hopefully run my first Half in March.
  • kimbur96
    kimbur96 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there runners. I am training for my first marathon in November and ultimately the Dopey Challenge in Jan 2015. I have been running off and on the last 3 years. I've been training the last 12 weeks consistently and now want to get the food part straight too. I was being very strict about food then got derailed a couple of months ago so now i need to get back on track. Want to drop at least 10# by my marathon in November.
  • beatnik236
    beatnik236 Posts: 120 Member
    Hi all. I was referred to this group after a post of mine.

    My name is Teri, 39, single mom of one daughter. I live in central PA. I am a critical care RN that is currently starting grad school for Health Informatics.

    If you read my profile, my goal last year was to run an entire half marathon. I got hip bursitis and got sidelined so here I am a year later actually walking those half marathons, but they are getting done. I have finished 3 half's (all with walk/run) and I have a 4th in 2 weeks. So my goal this time next year is to run the 2 half's that I am walking. I am on the mend and need encouragement, tips, an occasional kick in the *kitten*, etc.. to keep me going! Please feel free to add me. : )
  • iheartinsanity
    iheartinsanity Posts: 205 Member
    I used to be here on MFP in 2011 -- with the support of MFP friends I ran my first marathon in August 2011. I am married, mom of 4, 31...going to be 32 in December. I don't quite run as much as I used to but I'm getting back into it. I do a lot of strength training, I do Insanity and other Beachbody programs to cross train since I sustained both knee and ankle injuries from marathoning in 2011 that never, ever really healed. Hoping to do a half early 2015 and full by the end. I'm from Pennsylvania, but moved to Washington state (about 2 hours from Seattle on Whidbey Island) when I met my now husband here on MFP back in 2011. I haven't met too many runners here. I live in a Navy town, so unless their training for physical fitness or seasonal don't see much here.

    Feel free to add me.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Hi, al!

    Been on MFP since 2011. Have lost about 60lbs since 2009.

    I took up running Jan 2nd, 2013 with a friend. Had always wanted to get into it and finally did. I had no idea how much I'd enjoy it! 2013 was a banner year...I ran almost 800 miles, ran my first 5k (excluding Warrior Dash's I'd done before), 10k, and half-marathon.

    2014 was been simpler. I played tackle football for 6 months, which severely cut into running time. I estimate I'll only get to 400 miles this year. That said, I placed 1st in my age group in a 5k (small race) and ran my second half-marathon.

    Just ran race 1 in a local series called "The Bridge Series", which is 3 races over local bridges near me (I live near Houston, Tx). Was an official PR (only 2nd timed 10k). It's got me excited for the remaining races!
  • thepandapost
    thepandapost Posts: 117 Member
    Hi all,

    A little bit about myself - I am 26 years old and live in Northern Virginia. I started running in 2006 with my first 5k race. I loved it and wanted to try again. Since then I have done a handful of 5ks, 10ks, half marathons even a 1k! :drinker:

    During this time I have lost weight :smile: AND gained weight :cry: so I have seen my min/mile paces decrease and increase. Overall though I mostly run/walk everything.

    Right now though I am training for my biggest goal, a full marathon. Put off this goal while earning my degree and told myself after graduation I would start. So here I am, almost a month away from the Marine Corps Marathon. I have no idea what will happen race day (then again, do any of us?) but I am giving it my best shot.
  • emackitchen
    emackitchen Posts: 14 Member
    Hey everyone!

    A little about myself:
    I've been running for about 6 years now. In high school, I ran cross country and track; I was in pretty good shape all year round because of practices and meets, and I was running at a pretty decent pace. Since I've started college, though, it's been a bit more difficult to motivate myself and find time to run as much as I want to, but I'm working on it. I joined MFP to keep track of my nutrition and running, and for motivation to lace up and run more often! I'm hoping to get a bit more healthy and to shave off some of my mile time.
    Last October I ran my first half marathon, and since then I've fallen in love with running longer distances. This October, I'm taking on a full marathon, which is exciting and terrifying at the same time!

    So that's a little bit about me! Add me if you'd like! :)
  • mcarhodes
    mcarhodes Posts: 23 Member
    Hello all.

    I am relatively new to running. I was always the guy who said the only reason I'd run is if someone was chasing me. Was active in sports in high school (what feels like a long time ago) and over the next 15 years managed to get up to around 270 lbs. I hate lifting weights and doing those home video workouts so I thought I'd try running to lose some weight and found out I love it!

    I have done two half marathons (Nov '13 and May '14) and have another coming up in a couple weeks. I am not out to try and break any records, I just want to constantly improve my personal times and get under the 2 hour mark. I knocked 20 minutes off my time between my first and second run and am hoping to improve that more with the next one.

    Just hoping to get some feedback, tips, pointers, etc. from those that came before me so I might pass it on to those that come after me. Please feel free to add me.

  • Runcakes
    Runcakes Posts: 92 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm Sam. I'm a kinesiology student and aspiring teacher. I've always enjoyed running, but about a year and a half ago is when I really started getting into it. I did my first race ever in the spring (10k) and I just completed my first half marathon this past weekend. If someone had told me two years ago that one day I'd run a half marathon I would have called them crazy. My next half is in a few weeks, which I am super excited for! I'm always looking to make new running friends, so feel free to add me if you wish :)
  • love2run08
    love2run08 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I recently found a new motivation for running. I started running at the end of 2010, but seriously lost motivation until this Spring. When I first started, 3 miles was tough. Now, about 5 miles is an easy day for me. About a month ago, I was inspired to do a half marathon and found one in my home state of Oregon in May. When I first started training about a month ago, running became no fun and just a chore to get over with. I finally downloaded the Nike+ app and find it much better for training than the app I was using.
    Though, I gearing up for the half marathon, I'm still doing local 5k's and my longest race to date is an 8k I ran in September
    I'm kinda a slow runner, my pace is around 10 minutes, but I'm hoping the Nike app will help improve my speed. The distance I've got down (last weekend I ran my best distance yet at 11.5 miles).
    Ok, enough rambling, lol. If anyone else has the Nike app is like to befriend you both here and on the Nike app. Having someone to challenge more would be excellent.