Wednesday, September 17, Weekly Weigh-In

I'll start although we seem to have two weigh-ins going. One for Christmas Club on Tuesday and our standard weigh-in on Wednesday. Oh well, we can pick one or the other, or for people like me, who have to weigh daily, we can do both.

I haven't lost since yesterday, nor have I lost since last week. I am still 2.5 pounds over my ticker as a result of vacation.

Don't know if it is the weather change, letdown after vacation, or what, but I just am not feeling the "drive" I usually feel. I'm working out, but I'm not feeling the same motivation to do so. Same with food. I'm eating too much and the wrong things, even though I'm staying under my goal.

Question: Do you think attitude affects weight loss? I don't mean that we don't care and just eat too much and quit exercising, but that we somehow just slow our metabolism down because we lack enthusiasm? I sometimes feel that way. Much easier to lose when I am feeling excited about it. Anyone else feel that way?

Hope others have had a better week than I. Hugs to you all.


  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Good Morning all,

    Charlie, getting back into the swing after a vacation is always tough. You are very good about exercise and your calorie intake, so I am sure you will be fully back in the swing soon. In regards to you question, I believe that attitude/mindset definitely has an impact on weight loss. I have no scientific validation of that , however it certainly seems that way from my experience.

    Hang in there, as you know it is a long journey.:happy: :flowerforyou:

    As far as my week goes, I am able to report I am down 1.3 lbs, which takes me back to where I was two weeks ago. Hopefully I will be able to keep those pounds off and not have to lose them again :wink:

    As always thanks to everyone for their continued support and I hope you are all having a wonderful week.

    - JB
  • Computershateme
    Computershateme Posts: 46 Member
    Charlie, I also agree with you about attitude. I'm feeling the same way and even though I was under my calorie count every day but one, I actually gained a pound. This is the first time since joining that it's happened! ???? maybe I'm slowing my metabolism by cutting back too many calories some days. I stopped my mid after noon snack. I'll try adding it back and see what happens next week. Trying to stay positive. ????
    Jbouthiette, congrats on losing this week. Well done. ????
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    This has been a good week for weight loss - down 2 lbs. I actually felt like I was eating a lot of food, but maybe I am actually just eating the right food! whoot whoot. Gotta keep this train rolling now.

    attitude definately affects your whole world. A little let down after vacation is normal, you have to face the real world and sometimes that is just a downer. Maybe just take a day or two break; from everything - logging your food, exercise, etc... don't eat poorly, still make good choices but give yourself a breather. sometimes that works for me.
  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    Charlie, you'll get your enthusiasm back - give yourself a HUGE pat on the back for staying on goal and exercising even though you don't really 'feel like it' :flowerforyou: You're an inspiration to the rest of us - I find that one of the very hardest parts of this change in life style is not the start and not sticking with it when I'm feeling good about the whole process but hanging in there when I'm tired of 'making the correct choices' So kudos to you - as JB said, you're be up and running at full steam soon.
    I'm also part of the Xmas clubbers but didn't weigh in yesterday - posted anyway with my weigh in today - I'll try to remember to weigh in Tuesday and Wednesday next week so I'm up to date for both posts - since I'll be short one day for next Tuesday's weigh in, I figure it will make up for having an extra day on this Xmas clubber's post.
    Down 2 so I'm happy with the week - Good wishes to all
  • dianefisher1947
    dianefisher1947 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi all...I am still at the same weight, and yes I think that it affects a bit cause we feel less energetic and maybe do a bit less exercise.

    Congrats to all of you who have lost weight and keep up the good work
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    I stayed the same again this week.........despite the weekend festivities at a family Christening.........the catering was ...everyone please bring cake!

    So I ate a piece of chocolate cake, a little cream meringue, a mini cupcake lemon flavour, a large cupcake red velvet flavour and a piece of the strawberry and cream christening cake........this was the afternoon and I had lunch and dinner in pubs...but had just a starter rather than a bigger meal........shocking I know! But what fun! lol :bigsmile:

  • ustillcan
    Hi all,

    Down one pound this morning, just in time for Wed weigh-in!
    Down 13 since MFP, 17 since early June.
    Quite pleased about that of course.

    Charlie - you are such a positive influence for us all! But I agree attitude is everything and some days it's hard to maintain. Also the cooler weather made me just want to sleep for the last week. I'm starting to get over it. I think our bodies have a natural inclination to hibernate and overeat this time of year - preparing for a potential fast. But for us we know the winter fast is not coming so we have to fight that! I don't know about you, but my winter is filled with holidays and family and food!

    Hope everyone has a great week and faces each day with GREAT ATTITUDE!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    It's Wednesday!!

    I am very please to inform everyone that due to cancellations and my wanting to just get it over with…the periodontal surgery was completed last Monday. My next dental appointment is MARCH 2015 for a check-up!! :bigsmile:

    I agree with others that attitude can control weight-loss. Having been practically living at the dentist for the last few weeks caused my attitude to become "Poor Me!!" I "deserve" this high fat/calorie food!! So there!! :devil:

    And now I have to deal with losing the extra pounds I so deserved! Hopefully by moving back home Friday -- been living with the 16-yr-old Grandson for the last two-weeks -- I will quickly lose this newly gain weight. :ohwell:

    Great job everyone and wishing you all a positive week!! :flowerforyou:
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Congratulations to all you losers. What a great feeling that must be.

    Wooken, Glad your dental nightmares are over and you will soon be back home.

    Charlie, I can only reiterate what everyone else said. I, too, believe that attitude and mindset have a lot to do with weight loss.

    You are an inspiration to us all. It's perfectly normal to feel a little 'Blah' after a wonderful vacation. You not only ate wonderful food, you were also in a country that speaks your language. You may also feel blah knowing that the theater in the park is coming to a close as are the warm Summer months.

    Those extra couple of pounds will come off. Take a step back and keep in mind, how you got to this point and how much you have put into this. You're dedication is admirable. We all admire you, your eating style has worked and your exercise leaves us (literally) breathless.

    So not to put undue pressure on you, you know the drill, eat as you were doing since starting MFP, you know when to stop, don't keep eating just to eat. As you know, usually weight loss slows down. It could be something else bothering you, making you eat more than you want, you will figure it out. You're very bright.

    Perhaps, planning your next vacation, will bring up your spirits.

    Ooops, I already forgot about the Christmas commitment. Thanks for the Tuesday reminder.

    Happy Trails,

  • hayleyandpaigesgrandma
    I was down 1.5 lbs this week. My 12 year old granddaughter has decided to be my coach. I have to go for a walk daily and then email her to confirm it. I am still waiting for fitbit to replace mine with a different model. I really liked it and the steps it counted. I will let you know how my personal coach works out. She can be pretty demanding if she thinks I am slacking. LOL!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    That's a great would really not want to let down your grandaughter ........ bound to do well! :flowerforyou:

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    So, is it Hayley or Paige who is your coach! I love this idea. And look at what it is teaching your granddaughters! They will also share in your success!

    It works, too. Marian is my coach when it comes to the resistance bands. I wouldn't do them half as much if it weren't that I know she is checking and gently reminds me if I don't.

    Mine are too little yet to do this, although we do take walks when we are together! I will remember it though for when they get a little older.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member

    It has been way too long since I have actually "talked" with all of you!!

    I think I am finally getting my life back to normal - whatever normal is!!

    I had a really good week until I found the PB bottle - then gained :angry: On Monday I weighed my lowest for a very very long time, but I am up a couple pounds from the PB.
    But since last week here are my stats:
    Thur - 9/18 = 240.2 = -1.4 // total loss = -8.2

    Charlie, I agree with everyone else.
    You will get back in the groove soon and yes our attitude if a BIG part of our weight loss.

    I have always had a battle as the weather starts getting cooler - I believe my body thinks it is going into hibernation for the winter, so it is wanting lots of food. I just have to be stubborn enough to say NO to this body of mine. Sometimes I make it and sometimes I don't - but I will not quit trying.

    Hope everyone has a great Thursday!!
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    I apologize for not being very active on MFP for, geez, a month now? Since I got home just less than a week ago, I've been feeling overwhelmed with all the stuff I have to do here (catch up on chores, hand wash a ton of china - WHY did my mother have 40 cups and saucers in the pattern that matches 'my' china when she never entertained??? :ohwell: ), and it's been raining every day so no chance to walk outside. Shocked that I actually miss that!

    My house is the messiest it's been in years, with boxes and contents brought back from Wisconsin spread all over the place, so of course people keep wanting to come over.

    We're heading to the lake this weekend, no matter what the weather, because we haven't been up there in over a month. If it's raining, i'm sleeping LOL. And I have to go back up to Wisconsin in about three weeks - i'm hoping this visit will be no longer than a week or ten days.

    I haven't been very good about keeping up my diary, and have been making mediocre choices to be honest. I didn't weigh in yesterday because, well, I didn't want to. I'm going to try my very best to have a 'good week' but, dang I'm tired.:yawn: Attitude, blahs... yup, Charlie, they're catching!

    The bottom line is - WTG everyone for sticking with it, and doing the best we can :flowerforyou:
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Aloha, I have not been spending much time on the computer so forgive me for not being with it. I have been packing and cleaning getting ready for our vacation as well as our move. My son's house is not in danger from the lava flow still and he is calming down. We will go there next week to bring supplies, and do some more house maintenance. God bless him and everyone.

    I am happy to report that I lost weight this week. I lost 2 # and really am so proud of myself. I have been measuring, weighing consistently. I have kept to a low carb calorie diet and enjoying trying new vegys. I even ate asparagas. The story is that Mom fixed it but it was wimpy so never liked the green or the white. Dh likes asparagas, but I didn't know how to fix it, nor he. Some things are a bugaboo, you know? I would buy asparagas in season and let it sit in the frig reading how to fix it. Never got past the boiling, steaming way of doing it. So yesterday I tried broiling it with garlic salt - and loved the crunch! I served it up and we both enjoyed it. Now I am going to try it in soups :)

    Anyways, I really appreciate all your kindness in sharing how you are besides just weighing in. Life is bigger than the diet, and I remind myself time and time again of that. Have fun! Keep a balance.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    smilesback: Try rolling in a little extra virgin olive oil, some course salt, and a drizzle of balsamic. Spread on cookie sheet and roast in oven. Or, leave off the balsamic and instead of plain salt, use garlic salt and at the very end, sprinkle with some parmesan. Asparagus is so versatile. Is also great just sauteed and added to omelettes or quiche.

    Ker, don't forget all that stress produced cortisol and that too inhibits weight loss.

    Have missed you, Reba!