New to the UK

missemcm Posts: 21 Member
Hi All

Just recently moved to the UK from canada.
Looking to add some MFP friends so we can motivate each other on our fitness weight loss goals and i can take a look at your diary enteries for meal ideas and what kind of products you are buying as I'm getting use to finding my way around the grocery store its not much different from home I'm just use to what id usually buy at home so any ideas will be super useful.

I just joined my local pure gym so I'm getting back into the swing of things.

Add me as a friend :)


  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    welcome aboard from abroad.
    fr sent.

    ps dont know the term " pure" gym? please enlighten me.
  • tiggsnanny
    tiggsnanny Posts: 366 Member
    Hi, I will send you an f/r, my diary is not that good some days to be honest, today for example, i've been out for lunch with friends, but you're welcome to look :happy:
  • Hi :)
    I will send you a FR :)
    I use pure gym and love it.
    Hope you settle in soon
  • missemcm
    missemcm Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for all the love.
    Im settling in slowly but surely :)

    Can you recommend any classes at pure. I just booked legs bums and tums for next week.