Jillian Michaels 90 day Body Revolution on Primal/Paleo?

Hey everyone!

I was wondering if doing the Jillian Michaels 90 day body revolution would be considered too much for the Primal/Paleo lifestyle? I know her workouts consist of strength training and cardio but... Her workout calendar on the program is 6 days a week. You do Strength 3 days a week and cardio in between those days. Is that considered too much? Thank you in advanced! :]



  • Clothwright
    I'm not familiar with that program but fwiw I do strength training 3 days a week with a bit of cardio and longer cardio exercise on the inbetween days with one long (6-7 mi) run per week. I average 6 days of exercise a week. If anything I feel better now than I did before Paleo--I find I'm eating more protein and it really helps my energy levels.

    Everyone is different--the only way to know for sure for you is to try it and find out.
  • LittleMissMarie87
    I'm not familiar with that program but fwiw I do strength training 3 days a week with a bit of cardio and longer cardio exercise on the inbetween days with one long (6-7 mi) run per week. I average 6 days of exercise a week. If anything I feel better now than I did before Paleo--I find I'm eating more protein and it really helps my energy levels.

    Everyone is different--the only way to know for sure for you is to try it and find out.

    Thank you for writing me your personal experience with Primal/Paleo lifestyle and your exercise regimen. I have about 170 pounds to lose and I just want to make sure I am doing it correctly. I don't want to go over board and stress my body out like others have. I guess I will only know when I try it. Thank you again. :]
  • HestiaMoon1
    HestiaMoon1 Posts: 278 Member
    I've done just about every Jillian dvd there is, plus spent a year downloading daily exercise --- all good stuff, definitely.
    However, this was before I ate no grain.
    Now, I love her "Ripped in 30" dvd. Short, intense, perfect paleo workout that isn't so taxing you need to carbo-load (like her older stuff is)
    If Body Revolution is like that, it should be great, too. Her older workouts were long, too long I think to fit the idea of Primal workouts being effective instead of a long slog of sweating and panting.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    There is a delicate balance of too much and not enough carbs which is at play here in your question. I advocate becoming fat adapted, which is a low carb diet Paleo Style, but not everyone wants that, so then I would advise reading Paleo Diet For Athletes. I have and I can say unless you are doing a lot of endurance work you don't need to modify. Just eat Paleo and be happy!
  • AshLawsonPearson
    AshLawsonPearson Posts: 34 Member
    You can do ANY workout plan while eating primal/paleo.

    I ran my fastest marathon EVER eating a paleo diet. I shaved over an hour off of my time.

    I read Paleo for Athletes, which is quite possibly the most boring book ever written. I, also, wanted to make sure I wasn't going to sabatoge my training in order to eat this way.

    The day before a long run, I'd make sure I ate a lot of starchy things-- like sweet potatoes and bananas.

    I wouldn't think you'd need to make any major diet changes in order to do her workout.

    As others said, try it out, and see how it goes. If you're feeling totally dead, eat more carbs (ie, veggies, fruit, and sweet potatoes!).
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    AshLawsonPear, it truly IS boring, but useful, I think if you are training and feeling a lack of something!
  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    I LOVE the Body Revolution workouts! And it's actually 4 days of strength and 2 of cardio. I love them because they're 30 minutes and intense, I seem to build strength quickly with them. Over-training would typically be considered a lot more than 30 minutes a day, especially if you have a sedentary job or aren't terribly active (although even if you were, 30 minutes is nothing)... So if you enjoy the program, have at it!
  • LittleMissMarie87
    I've done just about every Jillian dvd there is, plus spent a year downloading daily exercise --- all good stuff, definitely.
    However, this was before I ate no grain.
    Now, I love her "Ripped in 30" dvd. Short, intense, perfect paleo workout that isn't so taxing you need to carbo-load (like her older stuff is)
    If Body Revolution is like that, it should be great, too. Her older workouts were long, too long I think to fit the idea of Primal workouts being effective instead of a long slog of sweating and panting.

    Her workouts are 30 minutes each on this program! Great to know! Thank you! :]
  • LittleMissMarie87
    There is a delicate balance of too much and not enough carbs which is at play here in your question. I advocate becoming fat adapted, which is a low carb diet Paleo Style, but not everyone wants that, so then I would advise reading Paleo Diet For Athletes. I have and I can say unless you are doing a lot of endurance work you don't need to modify. Just eat Paleo and be happy!

    I feel so much better reading this. Thank you for answering my post. :]
  • LittleMissMarie87
    You can do ANY workout plan while eating primal/paleo.

    I ran my fastest marathon EVER eating a paleo diet. I shaved over an hour off of my time.

    I read Paleo for Athletes, which is quite possibly the most boring book ever written. I, also, wanted to make sure I wasn't going to sabatoge my training in order to eat this way.

    The day before a long run, I'd make sure I ate a lot of starchy things-- like sweet potatoes and bananas.

    I wouldn't think you'd need to make any major diet changes in order to do her workout.

    As others said, try it out, and see how it goes. If you're feeling totally dead, eat more carbs (ie, veggies, fruit, and sweet potatoes!).

    WOW. A marathon?! That is awesome! I'll check out that book. I'll also try bananas and sweet potatoes. Thank you!
  • LittleMissMarie87
    I LOVE the Body Revolution workouts! And it's actually 4 days of strength and 2 of cardio. I love them because they're 30 minutes and intense, I seem to build strength quickly with them. Over-training would typically be considered a lot more than 30 minutes a day, especially if you have a sedentary job or aren't terribly active (although even if you were, 30 minutes is nothing)... So if you enjoy the program, have at it!

    Hahaha Yeah, you're right! I don't know why I got that mixed up. I have done the body revolution before but that was when I was on a low cal and low fat diet. I felt sick but I saw results. I think it was because I felt like I was starving myself. I stuck with a 1200 calorie diet along with 30 grams of fat per day. I didn't even think about carbs. I relied so much on whole wheat breads and grains. I feel so much better from eating paleo/primal. I am happy to start up this body rev. again and do it the right way. I want to actually see the results and feel good about it. I knew something was wrong when I did it the first time around. I felt like I was depriving myself with that diet. I am glad this is a lifestyle. I still cant not fathom the fat grams per day BUT I have proof it does work and its so fulfilling. Thank you for writing me back. :]
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    One thing you can do to skim through the Paleo For Athletes book is skip directly to the chapter that addresses your goal. So like it divides it up from 5 K to 10K and what have you I think. So skip to the chapter on what you want to do. A LOT is review of general Paleo stuff which no one probably needs at this point. I DID read the entire thing for my own education, but I also like to read, so it was no trouble.
  • LittleMissMarie87
    One thing you can do to skim through the Paleo For Athletes book is skip directly to the chapter that addresses your goal. So like it divides it up from 5 K to 10K and what have you I think. So skip to the chapter on what you want to do. A LOT is review of general Paleo stuff which no one probably needs at this point. I DID read the entire thing for my own education, but I also like to read, so it was no trouble.

    I also love to read. Thank you! I will go through the book tonight! :]