For today Sep 18th

GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
“No passion so effectively robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.” – Edmund Burke

“For today: The courage to reach past my fear is within me, but in this Fellowship, I do not have to make the trip alone.”

I really needed to hear this today. Early on Fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) was a major factor in me not working the steps. It actually took me a few months before I got my bearings. Now I’m facing a different type of fear, fear of being successful in weight loss. This may sound nuts, but I’m comfortable being overweight, and although I’m still overweight (with ~55lbs to lose), my body is changing, and people are noticing. I really don’t want this type of attention.
I’m currently working on my fear and acknowledge it and do not feed into it, to give in would lead me in the opposite direction.

How has fear been a factor is your eating/emotional behaviors?


  • blackthrux
    blackthrux Posts: 58 Member
    Now I’m facing a different type of fear, fear of being successful in weight loss. This may sound nuts, but I’m comfortable being overweight, and although I’m still overweight (with ~55lbs to lose), my body is changing, and people are noticing. I really don’t want this type of attention.

    That doesn't sound nuts to me at all, that sounds exactly like some of the same things that I've thought. Whenever I was successful at something in the past, I would punish myself by celebrating and going to the food. Allowing myself to be "good enough", or to be successful, is something that I've never been good at. I hope that I'm able to continue to have the courage to accept my successes (and my failures) without being afraid of them, or maybe in spite of being afraid.