walkbyfaith0314 LoveLifeAt52 JoyfulTeach



  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Gracious God,

    You declared to Moses that he could do anything because you would be with him. Also true for us. You are with us.

    Please bless walkbyfaith0314 LoveLifeAt52 and JoyfulTeach especially today, and may you work in their lives to accomplish great things that we might celebrate you 'with us' working all things together for good.

    Bless our members Lord and keep them in your perfect plan.

    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Almighty God,

    We give you thanks and praise for making us a part of the family of God. We have a chance to have access to God as joint-heirs with Jesus. Empower us to live by the Spirit and follow the guidance we receive.

    Especially pour out your Spirit upon walkbyfaith0314 LoveLifeAt52 and JoyfulTeach, blessing them with health and fitness, strength and courage to go out and serve you in God's name, that they will also receive the glory along with our Savior.

    Equip us all to hear your Voice and apply what you say to our daily lives,
    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Loving and compassionate God,

    We give you thanks and praise for all you have done for us. The gift of salvation through the work of Christ. Forgiveness and second chances. Third chances. Seventh chances.

    Pour out your Spirit on us that we might do things which please you. Help us do the work of your Son, even as he instructed his disciples to do. Bless especially walkbyfaith0314 LoveLifeAt52 and JoyfulTeach. Grant them the desires of their hearts and strengthen them to fulfill their goals of health and fitness, and in all areas of their lives.

    We love you, Lord.
    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Dear God,

    We give you thanks and praise that you have given us the freedom to live by grace and not be bound up in legalism.

    Pour out your blessing on walkbyfaith0314 LoveLifeAt52 and JoyfulTeach like you blessed Esau and Jacob. Help them to do all they need to do to achieve their goals and dreams. Bring them health and fitness.

    May we all praise your name.
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Almighty God,

    We celebrate unity in Christ and how you reach out to any who will believe. Empower us to have the faith of the soldier that we might trust that Jesus speak only a word on our behalf and it will be done.

    Especially bless walkbyfaith0314 LoveLifeAt52 and JoyfulTeach with you grace and love. Shower them with blessings that they may testify to your greatness as they accomplish all their goals and dreams. Bring them health and fitness.

    Bless us all with your love and grace. We give you thanks and praise for your greatness.
    In Jesus name
  • ChapLynne
    ChapLynne Posts: 31 Member
    Almighty God,

    We give you thanks and praise for all the miracles that the Psalmist told us about. Help us to put away our complaining and instead trust and obey. We want to bring you honor and glory.

    Bless us all with your love and grace. Especially pour out your blessing on walkbyfaith0314 LoveLifeAt52 and JoyfulTeach that they may achieve great things in your name and find their balance of health and fitness.

    In Jesus name,