I cycle/walk everywhere-is this compatible with Stronglifts?

Savlona Posts: 84 Member
I'm thinking of starting Stronglifts to preserve muscle mass - I've lost about a third of my excess weight, so quite a lot to go.
I'm generally active simply because I cycle or walk everywhere (including hauling children and groceries in the trike in my avatar, although I do have a normal bike too) I also enjoy the odd bit of social Zumba.
My question is, is my life compatible with Stronglifts? I get the idea from some of my reading that it isn't compatible with extra cardio. The Zumba could go, but I love my utility walking and cycling and frankly need to do it. Would I have to modify it e.g. to 2 workouts a week or adding less weight each time, or should I just try it as it stands?
Apologies if I sound like a wimp - just want some advice before throwing myself in and coughing up for gym fees (not a contract at least ;) )


  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Apologies if I sound like a wimp

    well, if you're a wimp i'll come and droop right beside you. i'm the same way - in fact i was just thinking today that i really need to use my car for at least once a month because it's starting to look like a derelict. i bike commute when working and bike everywhere else except laundromat in between.

    now, keep it in mind that i'm 49 and have an immune-system/inflammatory disorder which means i have to foster my energy reserves and general strength a little. but for myself, yeah - i think i would find 5 days/week of bike commuting AND heavy lifting workouts every alternate day a bit much. previously when i was riding a 20km round trip every day, i set myself to lift at least twice a week, but didn't really try to push it past that. for most of this summer i've been free of having to work, so i've been lifting every second day and riding in between times when i felt like it - and yes, my volume's dropped off on the bike. but as i say, you might find it different if you're younger and don't have additional stuff to deal with.

    maybe your area's fitness/community centres don't allow this. but i had the same dilemma/concerns as you, so to start with i got myself a '10 visit' card, instead of paying by the month. it worked well for me until i finished my contract and was free to spend as much time as i liked at the gym.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    That totally depends on the person. It might be that you have to modify the program a bit (like do 2 days a week) so you have enough energy to do your day to day things and you let yourself recover.

    I'd say just pay attention to how you are feeling and make sure you eat enough. Adjust as you go to line up with how your body handles things.
  • Savlona
    Savlona Posts: 84 Member
    Thank you both for your input. Luckily my trips are short - things like the school run, shopping and parks, all less than 5 miles. I do tend to carry a lot of stuff around though - my husband did tell me off when I was about to go on a longer weekend ride carrying a chain lock that weighs nearly as much as his road bike :laugh:
    I might look at lifting twice a week and see how that goes.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I don't see why it wouldn't be.

    Lots do cardio as well as SL...

    I walk a lot for fun/stress relief. It hasn't hurt my lifts.

    Esp if they are short and don't tire you out too much.

    typically it is suggested if you are going to do a fair amount of cardio it is done after you lift or off days.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Thank you both for your input. Luckily my trips are short - things like the school run, shopping and parks, all less than 5 miles. I do tend to carry a lot of stuff around though - my husband did tell me off when I was about to go on a longer weekend ride carrying a chain lock that weighs nearly as much as his road bike :laugh:
    I might look at lifting twice a week and see how that goes.

    short trips for me have been fine. i do those anyway just kind of carrying on with my life. it's the longer ones where i feel that heaviness that lifting leaves behind for a while. don't get me wrong - i can still do them, it's just that i've kind of given up on any idea of 'pushing' myself and getting any faster. i guess my experience has been that i can do both, but i kind of have to pick which one i want to make progress with. and about weight . . . pfft. i tote groceries in my pannier, and the groceries of someone who's got deadlifts to feed are no kind of light thang.

    got my fingers crossed for a 4 month contract that's 11 miles away atm, so i don't know where the lifting is going to fit in with that ;-)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Edited because i read the OP wrong.... There should be no reason why you cannot do SL.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    I run and do Stronglifts. I've no idea why they would be incompatible.
  • lizafava2
    I walk and bike for about half my transportation needs. My cargo bike was just stolen, so I do less now. BUT, I am of the opinion that a daily active lifestyle does not count as "cardio". You are simply using your body the way it has evolved to be used - actively -, and so weightlifting on top if that your first extra. I am a slow jogger and don't think that those runs impact my lifting much, if at all. Now, if I do some HIIT or wind sprints or run twice as far as I typically do, then I will be an impact in my lifting.

    Overall, lifting has made hauling my children/groceries around on the bike MUCH easier.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Whoops, don't read that!

    I read "comparable" instead of "compatible".
  • Savlona
    Savlona Posts: 84 Member
    Right, I'm going to go for it at 3 times a week then. Wish me luck :)
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Agreed with the majority here that you can definitely do your life-stuff cardio and SL. Be sure to come by the September Check-in thread and let us know how it went! You'll find lots of support and inspiration there -- http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1420687-september-check-in-and-chat-lift-like-septimus-prime?page=1

    :) Courtney