Hey buds... :)

andielyn Posts: 233 Member
How's everyone doing? There hasn't been much action in the group. Everyone plugged in and being successful? Any struggles?

The scale FINALLY started to budge for me. It's a great lesson in patience and trusting the process and realizing losing weight isn't an absolute. Our tools are all estimates, our calories are all estimates, and our bodies and metabolisms are all different.

Can't say enough good things about the Fitbit. Really helps me see my calories out on a daily basis. I love how it syncs with MFP, too. Plus it motivates me to get in that extra exercise when otherwise I wouldn't.

Right now my big goals are continuing to get fitter for vacation in October and developing a plan for exercise has we head into colder weather.

How about you all?


  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Great job getting the scale to move! I hope you reach your goals for October!

    Tomorrow will be the last day of the first week of Insanity for me. I fell short of finishing last time due to an injury, so I'm hoping to make it all the way through this time. The scale hasn't been very nice this week, but I'm not stressing because I'm starting up Insanity and didn't have a great week with my eating, so it'll be fine!

    My mood has been up and down a lot this week, but I haven't felt the need to eat my feelings, so that's a step in the right direction!

    I hope you all have a good weekend!
  • bhicks014
    bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
    Yeah, sorry about the lack of activity. School is brutal this term and the fire department is chewing up a lot of my time. We are in the midst of battling the county commission, but I can't say much on that front other than they are conducting themselves inappropriately. It's discrimination, cutting our funding for no justified reason while others still get their portion, libel, on a few commissioners all on record, official misconduct, etc. The county has one opportunity to remedy the situation or we are suing them for figures they really can't afford. We have the proof, we have the laws violated, it's a slam-dunk in court. It's their choice...

    As for me, I try to relax when I can. Very stressful these days. I hope to have a better month this month. I only lost five pounds last month and I'm not really satisfied with that. Sure, it's better than nothing, but I think I've hit a plateau. I lost 17 pounds each of the prior two months (June and July). August wasn't so kind, but we will get it fixed. I'm in need of some new fruit ideas. I like many fruits, but the same old thing is getting a bit blah... Any ideas or fresh takes on this? Thanks.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Do you like Greek yogurt? When my sister was living with us, she liked to make my lunches for work. One thing she did that I loved was mix one or two kinds of Greek yogurt together with one or two kinds of fruit. It was something I could control & easily fit into my diary, but it was always something a little different each time.

    Lately I've been cutting up two kinds of fruit, throwing them into a Tupperware container, and taking them to work for a snack or to eat with the wrap I bring for lunch.

    Good luck and I hope your September is better than your August :)
  • andielyn
    andielyn Posts: 233 Member
    bookworm--good luck on the Insanity!! Hope it goes well for you! Rooting you on to finish this time!!

    bhicks--I don't know what your "same old fruit" is but we've been going through a phase eating ruby red grapefruit packed in it's own juice. So refreshing (especially during the summer.) Fresh is always a good (better) option but we're getting a big container of Dole and it's very convenient.

    When I was a kid I loved bananas and oranges sliced up together. If you peel the oranges and then cut the sections out with a knife you can squeeze a little orange juice on top to make it juicier.

    Or how about grilled fresh pineapple? You can pretty much combine it with anything--grilled chicken, a burger, or just have it as a side.

    Hang in there with your hectic schedule. Hope things calm down soon.
  • I started MFP for the second time on 8/11/14. I have lost 9 or 10 pounds (depending on the day). I am having a very hard time staying motivated to keep going! I am embarassed to admit that I went to a chinese food buffet yesterday. Good thing is that I didn't get any noodles or anything fried. I am sure that I will regret it when I weigh in tomorrow though. I do log on every day and am so grateful for any support. I am so glad that everyone is still keeping up with MFP and wish you all the best in your weight loss struggle.
  • mistytobefit
    mistytobefit Posts: 15 Member
    Hey! Great job on getting that scale to move! Keep it up!

    I just completed my first 5k in six years last week and am going to do another one in a month or so. It helps keep me motivated to keep on keepin' on!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    tansy--Welcome back to MFP and great job on those 9 or 10 pounds! I hope you find your motivation soon. Do you have exercises or activities you enjoy that would help you stay on track? Good work at the Chinese buffet. Nothing wrong with that! One meal won't ruin everything if you're eating well most of the time. I still enjoy Chinese and pizza every now and then.

    misty-- Awesome job on the 5K! That's one of the things I have on my list of goals. Are you following a program like C25K or anything like that?

    Good luck everyone! :happy:
  • aubaby
    aubaby Posts: 48 Member
    Do you like Greek yogurt? When my sister was living with us, she liked to make my lunches for work. One thing she did that I loved was mix one or two kinds of Greek yogurt together with one or two kinds of fruit. It was something I could control & easily fit into my diary, but it was always something a little different each time.

    Lately I've been cutting up two kinds of fruit, throwing them into a Tupperware container, and taking them to work for a snack or to eat with the wrap I bring for lunch.

    Good luck and I hope your September is better than your August :)

    I love plain 0% Greek yogurt with fresh fruit or even a teaspoon of fruit preserves. It is lower calorie than flavored Greek yogurts and the protein keeps me satisfied. Adding a sprinkle of granola or Kashi Go Lean Crunch is even more satisfying. I have started cooking with the Greek yogurt. It makes great low calorie ranch dressing and I use it in place of sour cream in chili or Mexican meals.
  • aubaby
    aubaby Posts: 48 Member
    Have 8 pounds to lose. When I reach that goal I will decide if I need to go a few pounds lower. My hubbie told me yesterday I was really looking slim so I think I am going to focus on toning next. Loving the support on MFP and the motivation I get from my Vivofit.
  • andielyn
    andielyn Posts: 233 Member
    Have 8 pounds to lose. When I reach that goal I will decide if I need to go a few pounds lower. My hubbie told me yesterday I was really looking slim so I think I am going to focus on toning next. Loving the support on MFP and the motivation I get from my Vivofit.

    Great going! I have a Fitbit and a Polar HRM...they are great tools, eh?
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    It has been a great month. I found the easiest way to get the scale to move is kick it to the side.:bigsmile:

    Andielyn, wonderful progress! Sometimes it takes a while for the carcass to react to all the changes.
    Aubaby, you are more than half way there!
    Bookworm, you practically have it nailed. For now. Anyone over 30 should assume the initial target is just a milestone on the path. The metabolism slows down every year and we have to adjust. At (mumble) years old, I did not think I would enjoy the gym this much.
    Misty - Another 5k is awesome. How does it feel to be able to raise the bar, compared to before?
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    let's see, who else?

    Donna8m, you are back on the wagon just by logging in. If you log every day it does not matter if you are over calories or under exercise. Eventually it will take hold and behaviors will start to change. If no progress and you feel you should be assessed by a professional, then you have valuable background info to share with them.

    Tansy, it is ironic that workers in Behavioral Health are often the most stressed. Which leads to eating for comfort. Which is a behavioral health issue. Which you are addressing in part by being here! Your avatar indicates great priorities, regardless of the other stuff. I and my family rely on BH for a variety of things.
  • andielyn
    andielyn Posts: 233 Member
    It has been a great month. I found the easiest way to get the scale to move is kick it to the side.:bigsmile:

    :happy: Love how you get the scale to move. You have had quite a good month ukaryote! Congrats on your progress.