Lap Band Rebounder... or late bloomer? IDK...

I was banded 2 years ago, and I didn't lose one ounce. Matter of fact I think I gained a few pounds.... I'm actually sure I have. Anywho... IT'S ALL MY FAULT! I didn't eat right, didn't exercise, etc, etc, etc... the only reminder I have that I' actually banded is the fact that I throw up when I eat too fast. Well... I'm hoping to start all over and try to do this thing right. Is there hope for me? Has anyone had a similar experience? Talk to me folks...


  • Decsaw
    I can't say that I have had a similar experience but there is always hope. By the sounds of it you were not ready for the change when you had it done (and perhaps your docs could have noticed that and made other suggestions until you were ready), if you are now that is great. With all WLS you have to remember that it is not an easy way out, in many ways it is harder than the traditional eat less and move more. The surgery is a tool to help you achieve better health not the solution, and it helps to make maintaining it more realistic. You still have to make the lifestyle change, you have to mindful of what you eat and portion control and you have to live as actively as you can happily do so. good luck with it, your not alone
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    Hi. I'm a veteran...been banded for 8 years. I did well at first, had some issues swallowing, quit seeing my doc and gained the 86lbs I lost, back. I restarted in November 2013 going back to my doctor with intent of revising to the sleeve. I haven't yet. I've lost almost 40lbs in this 11 months, not fast but it is possible to get back on the wagon. I'm going Friday to see him, I have been stalled for 2+ months and am getting discouraged. I would like to see if a fill will help without giving me issues. I have been exercising too and that is what he really be active.

    So it's possible to restart, eat the right foods (I have a sweet tooth to tame) and exercise. Good luck!
  • dolphintattoo
    dolphintattoo Posts: 33 Member
    I have been banded since Jan 2013 and this summer gained back 10lbs of the 50 I have lost. I ended up going back to my doc (I have always gone every 6 weeks or so) in humiliated defeat. Initially in August I had 1.5cc taken out because I was getting stuck (I had over 10ccs in) and couldn't commit to things. I went back last week and was up 10lbs, total humiliation but he was great and said that is the benefit of the band, you can always start back over. I got another CC and can feel an improvement and it's helping me to eat mindfully.

    I am also taking small steps like taking a multivitamin daily, making an effort to go back to the gym, I was so dedicated the first year then this past summer completely fell off the bandwagon.

    Going back to get a fill really helped me feel like this is a marathon and not a sprint.