Health Victory!

Have had a health victory! My echocardiogram last week, although it showed fluid around my heart (which I think is now gone due to my big weight loss which I knew was partly water), also showed that my Ejection Fraction is 55-60. Anyone who knows what that means know that my heart is operating normally (normal is 55-65 range). Considering there was a time when my EF was 15-17; a nurse called me at least 3 times a week to remind me to do everything I was being told; that I was told to call the squad if I felt the slightest bit dizzy or light-headed; that I was only given a 1 in 3 chance of living 5 years (it is almost 5 years); and the difficulty they had trying to normalize me with meds so that I was finally given a pacemaker/CRT/Defibrillator implant, this is really amazing!

The CRT part of the implant has made all the difference and the "beat" of my heart is normal as shown by the EF. The heart failure and cardiomyopathy is still there, but with the stronger heart and me being careful to watch for water weight gain, it doesn't inhibit me. There was a time I couldn't walk a block without having to sit down as my heart would beat too fast and eratically and I would be so short of breath! Now, I love to walk and workout!

I recently had one med decreased as we think with the weight lossthe dosage was too strong. Since then, I don't feel so tired and I'm not having those "light headed" bouts.

I wasn't able to start working out and take this journey until my heart had "normalized" to some extent (50 EF). Until then, I didn't have the energy and my metabolism slowed down to allow my major organs to function with lack of blood pumping. I think that last 5-10 points is now due to my exercise.

Moral of the story: Do everything the doctors tells you to do. Don't give up and don't give in. Remember that sometimes weight is as much a symptom of a health problem as it is the cause of a health problem.

If you believe something is wrong, don't give up on finding out. I told the doctors 5 years before the crisis that I thought I had heart failure. They gave me support hose for the ankles swelling. Didn't retake an echo that "sorta" showed some diastolic disfunction, but it was hard to read because of breast tissue. They told me to exercise more. They told me that the 100 pounds I gained in 8 months was all my fault! All of it was wrong, but I gave up trying to get someone to listen to me. Never again!

Also, especially at our age, don't pooh pooh a significant water weight gain. I get angry when on the forums the first answer to most people who say they have a large gain is to drink more water! It is JUST water weight. Water weight gain is normal, but it can be bad and if it is really significant (I can easily gain 5 pounds overnight) or you have swelling in your ankles or abdomen, it shouldn't be taken lightly.

We all here have our victories! Savor each and every one. Whether it is that "perfect day," remembering to log, hitting maintenance, or losing a pound! We are lucky to be here and need to do everything we can to get healthy and fit!



  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member

    You went through so much. You are correct, we should listen to our doctors but from what you dealt with, they should listen to their patients as well. You had a feeling something was wrong - bigger problems that the support hose couldn't fix.

    So happy they finally addressed the problems you were having. Look how far you've come in 250 Days.

    Happy Trails,

  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    Wow!! Congratulations on the terrific weight loss and good for you for not giving up. I agree doctors should take us more seriously, we know our own bodies.

    Anyway, it looks like things arecreally working well for you now. The results prove it. Great NSV.

    keep up the very good work
  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    You've been through so much. But you have done amazingly.

    I totally agree that we often can be more in tune with our bodies and health than doctors believe. You've done everything right... listened to the doctors... listened to yourself and your body... and did not give up. You're an inspiration.

    Cheers to You! :happy:

  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story Charlie and well done for your perseverance. I am so glad that some of your results have improved but mostly I'm glad you FEEL better.

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Very well done....fabulous news :flowerforyou:
