September 23, 2014

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hi all!

    Not sure if my plan to hit the gym today will pan out. I've been feeling "weird", especially at night when I SHOULD be sleeping. I'm wondering if a rest day will help me feel better and sleep normally. Might try it. Or, I might go ahead with my gym day and rest tomorrow. It will depend on how I'm feeling by this afternoon.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Morning everyone

    Beautiful day here today, but I am not going to run - going to save it all for tonight's class.

    Thursday I drove to pick up oldest son at University, he didn't have classes on Friday so made a long weekend and came home for a visit .My brother and his family was also here for the weekend, and his daughter goes to the same Univerisy so they drove my son back so we didn't have to make the trip again. Yay!

    Got a run in on Friday and Saturday....nothing on sunday, and then a run yesterday. Tonight I will go to my exercise class. I've still been having trouble with my nighttime eating, but the past 2 nights were good. So...I'm hoping that I can keep it up and make this a good week.

    Sherry - hope that you are feeling better, and that "weird" feeling goes away, especially at night when you should be sleeping!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Love hearing how everyone is doing! I definitely missed you all last week!

    I seem to have gotten out of my funk for the most part. Got a half hour swim in yesterday. I'm gonna. head out right now for a 3 mile run, My half marathon I was training for ended up canceled. (weird, it's a large event and I've never had that happen before). So now I'm just training for my triathlon on November 9. A 10k run at the end so that's what I'm training for. Ate a little better yesterday.

    Count my calories!
    Start packing! including running gear! :)
    I plan on doing a brick workout of a swim and bike tomorrow. Hopefully I don't chicken out. ;)
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Maureen, sounds like you had a full house. How nice!

    Val, strange about the cancellation, but I suppose you can focus all your attention on tri training.

    Well, I've blown it today. I have barely gotten any steps, already overate my calories, and didn't workout. I've been a little stressed about the "weird" feeling I've been getting. Basically, right as I'm dropping off to sleep, I jolt awake with some sort "surge" feeling in the core of my body. It happened many many times last night (pretty much every time I'd start to drop off to sleep, until eventually I passed out around 6:30am--for about ~3hrs). Before bed, I was having strange feelings in my neck too. (I had all this briefly in the USA in July too) On top of that, I've been peeing about +4x per hour. IDK why. Actually the past couple of days have gotten increasingly bad for that. All these things are driving me crazy. I'm not accustomed to weird health issues, other than colds and t.o.m. stuff. I'm even thinking this might be somehow hormonal. Anyway, my son's teacher was out today, he had only 1 exercise for homework (which is nothing compared to most days) and it's crazy humid, so we skipped the tutor and my rearend has been glued to the couch. I'm eating all this weird stuff, like my body is trying to get salt and minerals. If I thought I wouldn't have to pee, I'd go for a walk. But for right now, I'm taking this as a super duper lazy, ultra rest day and really hoping tomorrow is better. I don't even want to feel great--just "normal" again. Sorry for venting. I don't need sympathy or encouragement, just wanted to get it all out there, and hopefully can move on, soon.
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Yesterday was just okay. Felt good about getting in my steps and healthy meals…not so good about my emotional eating after dinner :(

    Today I’m not planning on working out since it’s quelle hectic. Tomorrow am I’m going to hit the treadmill.

    Brought healthy lunch & snacks to work and pre-logged all food today. Decided to have breakfast for dinner since I can get a lot of volume out of it. And PLANNED a protein shake for after dinner. How do you like that?
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sherry hope you start to feel more like yourself again soon! That all sounds miserable.

    Maureen that sounds like a fun family weekend! Enjoy your class tonight!

    Valma which marathon got cancelled? I just read online yesterday that the Boulder Marathon (& Half & I think 10K) got cancelled with very short notice. Is the tri with the 10K at the end an Oly distance?

    April way to plan for the day! Hope your reverse meals work out well for you.

    Since I went swimming last night after my trainer session I got to sleep a couple extra hours this morning, which was nice. After 17 nights of not sleeping well I'm back to sleeping but I still feel exhausted a lot. My sinuses & allergies are bad.

    My plan is to go for a trail hike tonight after work - hopefully the 5.5K loop.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Did Nia dance class this morning. Day off of work and some actual time alone which is rare, my retired husband is a stay at home person but had errand a few hours away so I get day alone!

    New realtor decided best to put house on market April 1st. I almost had major panic attack over doing it next week like my husband wanted!!!! Too many little projects and closets to clean out first.
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Hi All-

    I'm glad to be back in the land of internet. It was a hectic weekend as I was way up north (and as a Canadian, when I say way up north...) helping my grandparents move. It was great to spend time with them and they really appreciated the help- but didn't end up having any time to work out and I totally blew it with some of my eating.

    I'm just got to get right back into it with my Tuesday yoga workout and make sure to get in healthy food for the rest of the week.

    Here's a question for you though- how do you get yourselves up and running first thing in the morning? I always feel awful!
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    To feel good in the morning, go to bed RIDICULOUSLY early.

    The night before, set up everything you need in the am so you just get up, brush teeth, and go. In the winter I sleep in my workout clothes!

    Also no matter how short a workout is (If I get up at 6:15 and can only get in 20 mins) it's totally WORTH IT.

    Cross over to the dark, I mean early side....
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Sherry, I hope that whatever's wrong with you resolves itself soon and that you're back to normal.

    I agree with the getting out running early advice:
    1) Try not to get to bed too late
    2) Have everything ready to go in the morning with fitness clothes on or right at hand
    and my personal one
    3) Don't delay for whatever reason. If I come up with anything, anything, to postpone my run, even for "just 5 minutes" I don't seem to get out at all. Even if "I got up too late so I can't get the hour run in I want" needs to become, "okay I'm just running a half hour today". I need to GET OUT there or I don't do it at all.
    4) Put a good reason to run prominent so that you see it in the morning when you are contemplating getting up. A saying, maybe. Sometimes just seeing Fells so eager, when I know that he's going to have to spend most of the day confined in the house, works well for me. He wants to go even if I don't. Sometimes a reminder that if I don't run now I'm going to have to run later and miss ... whatever ... or if I don't run now I can't have .... whatever is the goal. People joke about running for cupcakes or beer or whatever, but it works to visualize a prize. Many times I don't even eat the prize, but I do see it while I'm running and I know that I can eat it, if I want, because I did my exercises that day.

    Getting started is the hardest part most of the time.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I agree with getting to bed early & having everything ready to go. I get up, use the bathroom, change into my workout clothes (that are already laid out), drink a little water, and head out the door. Under no circumstances do I sit down or turn on the computer.

    I hit up my cousin to walk with me so we hiked the 2.5K trail (she's got a bad back so she can't walk the long loop) but it was really nice to have some company on my walk.