Hello ....me and my goal

irenepn Posts: 14 Member


Some introductions to get us started on our journey together:
I'm a Scot living in Sweden - I need to lose around 40 pounds. My goal is to lose 20 by Christmas and the other 20 by the end of February before a trip to Thailand.


  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Helloooo. I am hoping to lose 10 by 15th November. I am British living in England, I want to lose 20 overall
  • shokes718
    shokes718 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi all! I am Cindy from Maryland in the US and I would love to lose 30-40 lbs. Thanks for using lbs instead of kgs since conversion is not my strong point:) I am currently working full time and in grad school so I'm trying to balance all of these things with losing weight. My weight has slowly crept up over the last few months and I need to get back on track.
  • Hi, I'm Sarah from NYC and I need to lose 30 to 35 pounds. I have been trying to get the first 10 off for about a month now and it seems like getting the first few off has been harder than it ever has. This is really the first time I'm trying to do this a healthy way and not just through restriction and I think its very hard for me to know how to moderate and control my calorie intake. I'm pretty happy with my activity level - I'm exercising the most I have since I was in high school but I think that also ups my appetite. Would love any help or suggestions!
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Hi I am Sarah from Wyoming. I am curious about where in Scotland you are from irenpn? I spent some time studying over there! Was amazing!! (Infact it was probably the last time I was down 30lbs from where I am now... oops) I have about 35 lbs to lose to get back into a healthy BMI. And we will see what I can accomplish after that. The last time I got serious I went from about 210 to 184... before an injury sidelined me and I managed to fall off the wagon and get ran over by the dang thing. I am trying to meet a goal of 5lbs a month. It would be AMAZING if it would go faster than that, but I am not holding my breath.
  • Hi Everyone! I'm Martha from Fremont, CA (somewhere smack dab in between San Francisco and San Jose), and today is my 49th birthday. :) Thank you for the invitation to join - kind of a nice little gift.

    I don't have any specific goals other than I would like to lose about 30lbs. I shoot for small goals. First, lose 5lbs. When I get there, I'll shoot to lose another 5lbs, and so on and so forth. I'm just aiming to eat healthier/smaller portions, journal all my food here, and to stay consistently active in any way I can. In one year from today, I turn 50, so I just have that motivation to be at a lower weight by then.

    Two years ago, I did Medifast. A friend of mine is a "health coach" there and I will say that it worked. I lost a lot of weight fast. I was miserable and skeptical during the whole process though, and of course the minute I went off I gained it all back because no one can eat like that forever. Never again. This time, I want to do it the right way that will teach me a healthier lifestyle AND be something I can maintain forever.

    Here's one goal: I'm gonna have a big piece of cake later, and I'm going to be OK with it and not beat myself up for it or feel like I didn't something "wrong".

  • irenepn
    irenepn Posts: 14 Member
    Happy Birthday Martha :flowerforyou:

    you have that cake and enjoy every bit!!! I think thats the secret.....learning to eat normal healthy foods and know when to stop. As soon as you feel you're restricting thats when the cravings start.
  • irenepn
    irenepn Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I am Sarah from Wyoming. I am curious about where in Scotland you are from irenpn? I spent some time studying over there! Was amazing!! (Infact it was probably the last time I was down 30lbs from where I am now... oops) I have about 35 lbs to lose to get back into a healthy BMI. And we will see what I can accomplish after that. The last time I got serious I went from about 210 to 184... before an injury sidelined me and I managed to fall off the wagon and get ran over by the dang thing. I am trying to meet a goal of 5lbs a month. It would be AMAZING if it would go faster than that, but I am not holding my breath.

    Hi Sarah, I'm from a little town in Lanarkshire.....halfway between Glasgow and Edinburgh,
  • Hello Everyone! I'm Amber and I live in the North Dakota. Its my goal to lose up 30lbs mostly because I havent weighed that much since school age. This time last year I was 35 lbs heavier and I thought it wasn't possible for me to get under 200 Lbs but now that I have lost that weight, I feel I can only go further and reach my goal to my healthy weight which is 20-30 lbs lighter. My weight has plateau lately and its been even harder to drop even a pound but with the support of this group I know I push harder and reach our group goal!

    Nice to meet you all!
  • deb300
    deb300 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All! My name is Debbie and I am currently located in Ohio. My goal is to loose 30-35 lbs. I've been tracking my food intake here for a few weeks now and I can see what I am eating is all wrong (even some of my home made dishes are worse than I thought). I need to work on finding better recipes and knocking out the fast food. I work full time in IT and that can lead to very long days and there are more times than not when the only option for food is the vending machine or whatever they order in at work. I try to exercise 3-4 times a week but once again due to work sometimes I can keep that schedule and other times I may only get 1 or 2 days for exercise. This is really discouraging when trying to loose weight. Anyways, if anyone has any tips on lunch ideas or dinner ideas please share!
  • Hello Everyone - I'm Karyn. I live in Tucson, Arizona. I am 30 pounds up. Lost 100 pounds about 8 years ago and in the past two have put back on 30! I am finding it difficult to start moving again. I just turned 57 and aging SUCKS!!! It is so much harder to stick to dieting this time around. I used to work out at least three times a week. I have been a slacker for the past couple of years and can't seem to muster up the energy to get going again. Menopause has not been helpful but the bottom line is that my eating and lack of activity have packed on the pounds. I have three boxes of clothes packed up that I can't fit in. I know this sounds awful but I'm glad to say my boyfriend has put on 25 pounds as well :smile: He can not eat bread for a week and lose 20 pounds though! I'm counting calories - 1200 per day. I have lost weight on low carb before but end up grumpy and tired and then as soon as I eat a crouton, the pounds start coming back. I was 172, then had a few very bad days (birthday celebrations) and was 180. I am now 176. Want to be 145.

    Anywaaay - so excited to join this group.
  • Cmem831
    Cmem831 Posts: 46 Member
    Hello ! My name is Caitlin, I'm 26 years old and I'm from PA. I'm a mother of a 2 year old and will full time job. I lost 20 lbs so far and I'm looking to lose 30 more! I'm in the process of changing my life style to be healthier. I love connecting with other people to give and recive positive reinforcment :) WE CAN DO THIS ????????
  • krysstah
    krysstah Posts: 6 Member
    I'm Krista. I live in Northern Minnesota, USA with my husband, our dog and 15 chickens. I just started this a little over a week ago and I'm hoping to lose almost 40 lbs before a trip to Mexico in February (already lost 5.5)! I have about 20 lbs more to go after that, but I needed to start somewhere.

    My main goal is to eat healthier, exercise more and have a better awareness of what I put in my body. We grow a lot of our own food including vegetables, chicken and eggs, but I'm a sucker for cheese, wine, bread, chocolate, ice cream...I love to eat. I've found the most motivating part of MFP for me is the support from my online friends, so thanks for starting this group! I look forward to being "losers" together!
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Hi my name is Peggy. I live in Southern Minnesota, Hello Krista!!!.
    I broke my back in July so now my weight is creeping the wrong way. I need to lose weight to help with back strain. I lost over 100 pounds a few years ago and now I need to buckle down and drop the 50 pounds that I regained.
    I would like to lose 10 pounds by the end of October (going to California to see my Mom) 20 additional by Christmas. Need help to keep me on track.
  • joannenicole451
    joannenicole451 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello all. I'm Joanne, I'm a 29 year old mother of 2, and my goal is to lose 40 lbs total. So far I've lost almost 12 lbs of that 40! Woo!

    I've struggled with my weight my whole adult life, thanks to the eating disorders and terrible body image passed down to me from my mother (who denies that she has a problem). I've been on every crash/yo-yo diet known to man, and I've lost tons of weight and gained tons of weight. At my heaviest, I was about 40 lbs over where I'm at now. I finally decided that it's time to lose weight the old fashioned way - eating right, and exercising. I've been at it for just under a month, but this is longer than I've stuck with most diets. It feels so much more sustainable than the way I did things in the past!

    I want to be sexy for my husband, like I was when we met. I want to be healthy for my kids, to set a good example, and to be there for them for a long, long time. I want to wear a bikini by next summer (for the first time in my life) and I want to wear skinny jeans and boots that aren't "wide calf" sizes. I want to feel better about myself.
  • jkterrell
    jkterrell Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! Sorry I am late to see this. My name is Jami and I have about 30 to 40 pounds to lose and would like to lose 10 of those by the end of October (for bridesmaid duties). I would love to lose the rest (or at least most of it) before a trip to Mexico at the end of February. However, for now I just want to focus on tracking! I always do well when I just stick to tracking but then I quit and it comes back.

    I have been a bit of a yo-yo since my early twenties. I have twin girls and have lost about 30 pounds from my highest right after having them. Basically, I am just sick of going up and down. I like to work out, it's just a matter of doing that and eating well consistently. I am pretty confident naturally, but realistically I know that carrying this extra weight is not good for me and I would like to be sexy for my hubby, who is my favorite person in the world besides my children, and also be a good example for my girls. :-)
  • ericabrownlee
    ericabrownlee Posts: 5 Member
    Hello my name is Erica and I live in Tucson, AZ. I am almost 36 years old and I have 2 kids, my son is 6 and my daughter is almost 4. I really want to get healthy again for my own well being and to show my family how important it is. I did weight watchers about 3 years ago after my daughter was born and had a lot of success due to the food journal process. Not wanting to pay the costs of WW I decided to give myfitnesspal a try so we'll see how it goes. I am just shy of 5'7" tall and I would love to lose 30 pounds. That would put me in a healthy BMI and I would be the weight I was before grad school and 2 pregnancies.

    My current goal is to lose 10 lbs by my 36th birthday next month!
  • ld8628
    ld8628 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello - my name is Laurie. I am just outside of Boston, Massachusetts. I need to lose 30lbs to be at a healthy weight. I lost 11lbs from January to June and then gained back 5lbs in the last month. I stopped exercising and what I was eating. During the 11lb journey I learned that the weight came off when I changed my eating habits not so much when I just exercised. So, I know I need to focus on my eating habitls if I want to see positive change.

    I would like to lose the 30lbs by April 2015 - I don't want to set a goal and fail. 6 months should be about a pound a week!

    Hoping joining this group wiill hlep!
  • 140g
    140g Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! My name is Becky and I am in Nashville, TN. Yesterday was my birthday and I am determined that this is the year I will lose 30 -40 pounds. Lost 25 earlier this year then - twins went away to college, oldest daughter moved away, I am in the middle of remodeling a house for downsize and living in my sister-in-law's basement. Some stress happening. Hope I can see some progress and want to do it with this group. THANKS!!!
  • 140g
    140g Posts: 7 Member
    Karyn, Your post spoke to me. I turned 59 yesterday. Lost 25 pounds earlier this year but have regained most of it. Stress and inaction are my enemies. Hope we can both turn this around. Becky
  • smittysgirl4ever
    smittysgirl4ever Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Kellie. I'm 39 and live in Peterborough, ON (Canada). I would like to lose 30-35 pounds and be able to keep it off finally. I'm turning 40 in March and getting married in May 2016 and I do not want to spend another minute of my life being unhealthy and overweight. Stress is my nemesis and my desk job and 2-hour commute every day do not help. I look forward to getting to know you all as we succeed together in reaching our goals :smile: