Weekly Wednesday Check in Sept 24th

jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
Hi everyone...I hope you have all had a great week......I can report that I have lost that sticky pound I gained a few weeks ago so hopefully I am now back on track! :bigsmile:

Feeling good! :love:



  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Good morning all, and happy Wednesday!:happy:

    Jean, congrats on losing that pesky pound... :drinker: and congrats to everyone for all their hard work this week and of course for all the encouragement and support from this group.

    This group is an amazing group of individuals that have come together on a journey that requires support from where ever available. I am happy that I joined as it has made a big difference in my motivation and self-accountability.

    I am happy to report that I am down 2.1 lbs this week. I avoided the scale all week as i just did not 'feel' like I was losing. Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised to be down.:tongue:
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Jean: I can't believe how you just keep sticking with it when it gets so hard. It is that perserverance that helps the rest of us stick with it. Congrats on finally seeing that pound go away! :flowerforyou:

    JB: The scale really moved downward for you, too. I have an indoor track at the gym, what will you do when the weather gets too miserable for lunchtime walks? I'm a sissy, so I won't go if it is too cold. :noway:

    Me: I've had a great week! I actually have lost 6.5 pounds -- 2.5 of those were over my ticker weight -- so officially I lost 4 pounds. Of course, I'm the queen of water weight, and I think I have just lost a lot of it. So, I'm at 166. My goal for September was 165 (five pounds). I just might be able to do it!

    I have gone back to staying real close to 1200 calories no matter what -- luckily I'm done with vacations for a while and only have Thanksgiving that is a killer. I've changed my workout a little just because I want to take advantage of the nice weather and yet the evening light (like yesterday -- no gym, but 3 outdoor walks).

    Like JB says, you are all so important to helping in this journey.

  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    Wow, Jean, Jbouthiette, and Charlie - Congratulations!!! what a great week for each of you - you definitely deserve a hug and a huge pat on the back so consider it done in my thoughts.
    I'm the low man so far - lost .5 but with the inspirations from this post, I'll hopefully be traveling downward and will persevere - :smile:
  • Computershateme
    Computershateme Posts: 46 Member
    WOW! An amazing week for everyone so far. Way to go ????. I'm so glad I joined this group. I'm happy to report that I lost that pound I gained last week. Getting close to my final goal - only 2.5 more to go. Hopefully it'll continue to drop and not start to yoyo. Definitely Thanksgiving and then Christmas will be tricky, but we can do this! ????
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Charlie, I have a treadmilll at home that I will have to force myself to use this winter. :ohwell: I walk on it when the weather is bad, however much prefer walking outdoors. So my exercise times will likely go down, more like 45 minutes after the weather is too cold to walk outside, unless I can motivate myself to go for a full hour on the treadmill.We shall see...:wink:
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member

    I’m leaving home again tomorrow, but this time it’s a 10-day visit to friends in Albuquerque and Santa Fe NM. So between enjoying the fall colors and the new chili crop, a good time will be had by all!

    As expected, I gained weight during the 2-weeks with the grandson. But in theory the thinner air in NM will cause me to work harder to breath resulting in losing the weight. Sounds reasonable to me!!

    Have a great week everyone!!
  • TressaDishman
    TressaDishman Posts: 9 Member
    Hi - this is my first time to report on 60+ and I am excited to say I am down a bit more - finally got below 160 - today was 158! Of course part of that is due to having a horrible cold that has taken away my appetite (my Mom said ill winds sometimes blow good - guess this is what she meant - no appetite - less food - but no exercise either. UGH can't win 100% but I will take what ever I can get. :flowerforyou:
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    It sounds like everyone had a great week - Congratulations! I guess I'm the one that didn't do so well this week. We had a "girls" weekend in biloxi, Mississippi and even though I ate fairly well, I think the sodium and fats used in restaurant cooking got me. I put on 2 lbs. next week, they will be gone! I hate it when I do that, but I sure wasn't going to stop having fun.

    Here's to a good week coming up :drinker:
  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    Congratulations everyone! :happy: I see some great loses and lots of positive thoughts. What a great group.

    As for me, I can report that the bit of water weight I put on as a result of last week's vacation is gone -- but nothing more. So no actual change to the scale, but that's okay. Another week is starting and I am going to keep working at it. I am only 6.5 pounds from my goal. I won't give up now. :wink:

    Keep up the good work everyone and thanks for the support and inspiration. It makes all the difference in this journey.

    Have a great week ahead.
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Congratulations to all you losers. you-rock-desi-glitters-15.gif

    Deb. It will come off. Keep at it.

    Wooken3. Have a g.gifr.gife.gifa.gift.gif trip!

    I missed last week checkin but was back within my maintenance range. Now this week.....ummmm. This is not a weight checkin as I cannot weigh myself this week because a foot cast and crutches just make it too awkward. Saturday DH and I had a lovely breakfast out and then I fell on uneven pavement and broke my foot. #!?#%*{+. Please fill in the words for me. So no walking at all now and I cannot see how I am doing with the weight. Still plugging my food in though as I do not want to get out of that routine. I get a walking cast on Saturday ... I hope.

    Have a wonderful week all. Waiting for you in maintenance world. Almost there Rose.

    Wanda cartoon_stick_figure_girl_with_broken_leg_walking_on_crutches_0515-1104-2101-3310_TN.jpg
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    This is a great group for me too! I learn from your losses, your gains, your acceptance, your frustrations.

    Success Story: I had a goal of 140# before leaving on vacation Monday. I am going to Europe for 2 months and SOOOO excited! I met my goal by losing 15#. YAY ME!

    During these past three months, I learned to measure and weigh my foods, log and track my calories and exercise, deny myself unnecessary indulgences and happy to say I reap the benefits. My clothes fit looser, my tape measure says I have lost inches. AND best of all! My dh says he notices how much I have lost, and that I look skinny. Imagine - me, skinny?! Doesn't matter, they are compliments and I will take them.

    However, my mindset has not changed much I have to admit. I honestly still want to overeat because even though I am NOT hungry, I just like to chew.

    This time around I am going to learn to maintain my weight with exercise and calorie controls until January. Then I will work on the next 20#. I will check in as often as I can while on vacation if there is free WiFi. Hope you all continue and welcome me back when I return to work some more with you? Ciao!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    @bvifun: :noway:…you poor thing!! PTL you are able to get a walking cast so soon. Here is the link to a chair upper body cardio workout that I like. Take care!! ==>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gghRn_Dkiuo

    @smilesback: 2 months in Europe — I am so excited for you!! Please check in and let us know what you are up to. Happy Trails!!:drinker:
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    :drinker: Again, congrats to all for all you hard work and accomplishments!

    Wooken and smiles , enjoys your trips!

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member

    I'm so envious. Hitting your goal and two months in Europe! You will do so well because European eating is healthier than ours and you will be walking so much. So excited for you.

    I saw the movie, My Old Lady last night and am homesick for Paris. It is not, nor never has been, my physical home, but it is the home of my soul.

    Bon voyage!
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    So many travelers. How exciting.

    Smiles, Good job and great goal setting. Where in Europe are you going? Many hotels in the small towns do NOT have WiFi. Your lucky to get a couple of outlets in your room unless perhaps you are staying on the Champs-Elysees. I was there last Summer, (I'm part French and have a lot of family there.) As beautiful as it is and has an excellent quality of life, don't expect too much in the accommodations and techie world.
    You might want to look into installing 'Viber' or 'Skype'.

    Wooken, What a coincidence. I'll be in Albuquerque in the beginning of October for the Balloon Fest. Will you be there for the event?

    Bvifun. I do not envy you. I'm still recovering from a broken ankle in April (several breaks) due to a simple slip on an easy trail. I was in a cast for 8 weeks, then the boot, physical therapy and on to a cane. The bone is healed but the swelling is still there. That's when I joined MFP. This group helped tremendously and kept me on track.

    Congratulations to all who have lost. My weight is down and up a pound, day to day. Matt, my trainer, said that I could and probably would gain before losing as we build muscle and until the muscle starts to use the fat..... Something to that effect. Still eating healthfully, exercising and reduced my sodium a lot.

    Happy Trails,

  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Smiles. Well done on reaching your target before your trip. Have a wonderful time. My mindset has not changed much either but my habits certainly have.

    Claudine. Sorry to hear you are still having problems with your ankle.....yeah we heal slower as we get older. I have high hopes for my foot as the fractures were so clean and a foot does not have the same stressors as an ankle.

    Wooken. Thank you for that link. It looks like a great idea.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member

    Wooken, What a coincidence. I'll be in Albuquerque in the beginning of October for the Balloon Fest. Will you be there for the event?


    I will be splitting my time between Abq and Santa Fe for the next two-weeks. I lived in Santa Fe for ~20 years prior to moving to AZ so lots of folks to visit and chili to eat. :laugh: