September 24, 2014



  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Sherry- That definitely sounds hormonal! I had issues like that when my thyroid was off...and when I was pregnant. If it keeps up I would probably go in just to have a blood screen done to make sure all your levels are normal. That kind of thing can really start to interfere with normal life. Hope you start to feel normal soon!

    Laura - it was the Women's Half Marathon here in Phoenix. It's a very beautiful course which makes it a lot of fun. It is an Olympic distance Tri that I'm training for. It's in Lake Havasu and my hubby and I did it last year. It was a fun course, and the transition area was very cush. :)

    Jane - I second the recommendation for going to bed early. I also follow a strict bedtime routine every night. After a week, I had no problems falling asleep anymore. It includes a bath or using the foam roller to relax my muscles. Then I sleep well. As I started running in here mornings my perspective changed as well. I started enjoying being up before the rest of the world and the sun. Taking my run and watching the world slowly wake up. I also make sure all my stuff is assembled the night before. then when that alarm goes off I hat that extra motivation. That time of getting everything ready will have been a waste if I don't get up.

    I did count my calories and my eating was actually much better yesterday! I started packing as well. I didn't do my brick workout...mainly because I got a migraine and then had to watch a friend's kid at the last minute. I pushed myself REALLY hard the past few workouts. I think my body freaked out (like it always does when. I change things up). Should get back into balance in a couple of days.

    I didn't run this morning. Too many chores and errands I needed to get done before bringing the kids to school. But the hubby is home today so I plan to actually get it in tonight. I leave tomorrow for my vacation and I'm sooooo excited! A lot of stuff I need to do!

    Goals for today:
    Finish the yard work and get groceries so the family won't starve while I'm gone!

    Have a great day!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hello, Raining out and errands out of town, think I will do treadmill at home before I leave. Better get to it now!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hi all!

    Sleep success last night (thank goodness)! It was very late, but mostly uninterrupted. Still a few lingering problems, but dealing with them. I'm guessing that I'm having some sort of long, drawn-out, pre-menopause hormonal craziness, which will probably be very irregular and annoying. I kinda hope not, but I'm not going to try to stay in denial either.

    Last night, I managed to get SOME steps by taking my son to tkd and doin errands in the neighborhood. But only got, ~7.8k steps, instead of the 10k steps I need to be getting per day. :frown: Today: Jogged slowly (and carefully--achy ankles still) to the gym and did a very intense and focused leg/lower body workout. Walked back because I was just too spent to jog back (plus I'd changed my top and didn't want to get all sweaty again before getting on the bus with my son). My son and I walked halfway home so he could eat an icecream, before catching the bus. I still have another 1/2 workout to get done this week, since I didn't have time for it today. Still planning a day with lil girl too. Still need to do some running, but am a little afraid that I just need to rest and heal whatever's going on with my ankles. I know I need to build up (slowly) my distance to help the problem, but maybe I really need to heal from having not built up slowly enough up until now. Idk...:huh:

    Jane, I don't do a.m.'s regularly, but when I do, it's usually because I find myself awake at exactly the time I need to be up, in order to do my workout and I take it as a "sign". If I need extra motivation, I always see that bottom line calorie goal on the MFP food diary screen in my mind. It's so freakin' low & hard to adhere to while I'm cutting, all I can think of is how much bigger the number will be all day, if I just go do a run! It doesn't hurt that my morning running route is unbelievable (circling the Acropolis, through Plaka, past Syntagma--the main square of Athens, past Parliament and the National Gardens, past the President's residence, past the first stadium of the modern Olympics, past the pillars of Olympian Zeus, past Hadrian's arch--the old gate to the city, and back to the Acropolis and the Herodeon Theater). This particular route is only possible early before tourist traffic, etc. and mornings are quiet and a special time, like Val said. Good luck!

    Have a good one! Hump day, all downhill from here!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Oh yeah, I just wanted to post on here that I think I accidentally deleted some of my MFP friends and didn't mean to, so please resend requests if I did!
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Hi All-

    Thanks for the early morning tips... I got out for my run before work this morning, and it feels great to be already done my km's for the day. I found I was a bit slower to warm up, but the advice on bedtime was the best.

    Valma- have an amazing vacation!

    Sherry- glad to hear that you had a good night- and that you got some steps in.
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    RISE AND SHINE! This morning I got up before my alarm and hopped on the treadmill with US Weekly and other trashy mag for 20m. Oh, yeah! Then I got on the bike --set the timer for 15m---and continued reading. When the 15 minutes were up, I wasn't done so I stayed on for 5 more mins to finish. This is one thing that helps get me going----trashy magazines! I subscribe (oh, the horror!) and am ONLY allowed to read them when exercising.

    Yesterday I did not exercise or get in my steps. So I felt extra good this am. My laziness snowballs and fast.

    Also, some news. Weight Watchers is coming to my office so I decided to do it. I haven't tried it in 4+ years. My trainer told me it was fine but to stay on the low-carb path. Has anyone had a good experience with WW?
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I did WW years ago - when they had the original points system. I lost 36 pounds but then gained 15 back while still going to meetings before finally quitting. I tried to join a few more times and never had success again. The final time they had changed to Points Plus and I hated it. I didn't work well with how I ate so I got very little food for my points and was starving all the time. Also on the old system I used to be able to at least estimate points but the new system was so complicated I couldn't figure anything out without plugging all the data into the little calculator I bought from them (I didn't have a smartphone at the time). I starved for 5 weeks, lost a total of a couple of pounds, and gave up.

    I have a trainer session tonight at 7:00 and need to get in a run before that. Honestly I just want to go home and take a nap but I think Jason would kill me.

    For those of you who I'm not friends with or who didn't see my update, I changed my profile photo today to my current head shot for work that was taken 2-1/2 years ago. Got a new one taken this morning which I'll hopefully have in a couple of days.