NSV Goal by Christmas



  • tkphotogirl
    tkphotogirl Posts: 245 Member
    Going on vacation on Christmas Day and I want to be able to pack all my old shorts!
  • ChayaLeigh
    ChayaLeigh Posts: 15 Member
    By the time Christmas comes this year, I'll have lost three close family members to cancer--one was a cousin only 9 years older than me. This is why I finally got serious about my health/fitness...I can no longer take my body for granted and expect it to take care of me, yet I don't take care of it. I put on this extra weight 4 years ago and while I complained about it, I never seemed to be able to find my motivation to get it off (sexy dresses aside, lol). Well, now I have THREE reasons.
  • My NSV goals:

    (1) Rock a 2 piece swimsuit next summer when my husband and I goes on a cruise.
    (2) Complete multiple rounds of the 21 Day Fix
    (3) Be able to run a 5K without dying!!
  • lore2810
    lore2810 Posts: 57 Member
    To feel comfortable in my own skin.
    To get new pics with my hubby.
    Have some energy and not feel tired all of the time.
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    - To lose 15 more lbs by X-mas
    - Fit into my little black dress
    - Get rid of my current size clothing, size 20-22
    - To be back down to a solid, consistent, size 18.
  • believefsc
    believefsc Posts: 49 Member
    I'm going to lose two pants sizes by Christmas 2014!
  • my birthday is dec 27th :) my goal is to fit into a smaller dress and feel confident to go out in it :) ( 20lbs by xmas) sw:280 cw:262 the goal is to get to at least 240 by my birthday :)
  • msnucerity
    msnucerity Posts: 333 Member
    To reach a level of fitness so much greater than I am at now, I make shovelling snow seem effortless!

    (As the neighbours cry out, "How does she do that? Does the snow in her yard weigh less than ours?!")
  • spaceport
    spaceport Posts: 2 Member
    To start a new year (and every year after) not trying to lose weight.
  • Palamedes
    Palamedes Posts: 174 Member
    To start a new year (and every year after) not trying to lose weight.

    I think I'm going to pick this one up as a goal for the long run. I want to start a new year and then every year after without a weight loss goal.
  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    Run 10K
  • AlyM725
    AlyM725 Posts: 158 Member
    POSITIVE comments from my family, who typically like to spend christmas making me feel like a whale >:[

    This! Even though everyone in my family is well overweight, I feel like they always make comments about my weight. I can't wait to go to the family Christmas party 20 pounds lighter!
  • I want to look good on new years, pick the hottest chick in the room, and just walk up and kiss her at midnight. Not a word spoken before or after. Just kiss and walk away. And her memory NOT be of that fat creep that did that. Instead, "OMG WHO was that? IDK but he was HOT!"

    Whooooohhhh, steamy lol