Adelaide Anyone?

KiraKray Posts: 20 Member
Just moved back to Adelaide, Don't really know many people..
Would love some encouraging people from adelaide (and Aus)
And maybe even some walking buddies..

Feel free to add me.


  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Rehashing this thread, Adelaide born and bred here, lets unite
  • Hi, i've just joined MFP. I joined because i've got an online trainer who advises on meals, macronutrients and similar issues. I've been training in a haphazzard way for years now and have only just begun to take it seriously.
    i have lived in Adelaide most of my life (over 50 years). Great place to live but I like to get out and see the world too.
    Welcome back KiraKray and hi to you, paulperryman.
  • donnaleighh
    donnaleighh Posts: 178 Member
    I am too ... down South - lots of awesome walking spots here ... feel free to add me - I'm Donna
  • MyNewZen
    MyNewZen Posts: 101 Member
    I don't use MFP much any more but I sent you a friend request.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Hi I'm from NSW but living in QLD. There are TONS of Adelaidens on here.
  • exerciseforhealth
    exerciseforhealth Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Kira (and others) Western Suburbs, work in the city and cycle on the coast and in the hills. Only joined two days ago. Any positive motivational people, add me :-)
  • JonoCarroll
    JonoCarroll Posts: 5 Member
    I commute from North Eastern (home) to Western (work/gym) suburbs. I've been loving MFP for tracking, time consuming as it is. Currently following leangains; "eat, sleep, lift". Trying to drop about 10kg (minus lean muscle gainz).

    Interested in motivation/motivating. Feel free to add me.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Adeladian here. Grew up in Tee Tree Gully, but now live down South. Never thought I would cross to the "other side" :open_mouth: