What is your favorite Bulletproof Coffee Recipe?

dcristo213 Posts: 117 Member
I am looking for simple and great tasting bulletproof coffee recipes. Do you have any? Please post.


  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    For every two cups of coffee, I add 1 tablespoon of grass fed butter, and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. I wiz it all up with the immersion blender. Sometimes maybe a drop or two of vanilla cream liquid Stevia. Delish.
  • sweetconcern
    sweetconcern Posts: 26 Member
    I seem to not lose any weight with reg. bullet proof coffee so I changed it up for my needs. I am 4' 10' and 164 # so I can't eat maybe as much as a larger person. I also have High blood pressure so here is my recipe.
    8 cups of decaf coffee
    2 tablespoons of Heavy Cream
    1 teas. of MCT oil
    1 teas. of real salted butter (1 Pat)
    6 squirts of stevia liquid no carbs
    put in blender for a couple of minutes.
    I put about 1 or 2 cups of coffee in the blender (it will run over if you do too much at a time) and then stir into the rest of my coffee pot. I drink it all day as needed to keep away the hungry's....... never hungry with this. You can drink it cold or hot. all 8 cups total 167 calories and no carbs fat 10 I also watch my total calories. Little people can only eat so much before they gain my bmr is 1157 with sedentary exercise 1364 so in order to lose weight subtract 500 calories and you get 864 total calories for eating--- not much (MFP does not allow for this I get their warnings all the time about not eating enough. they need to have some kind of adjustment for small people)..... After breakfast ref. heat as needed.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    I prefer the more traditional Tibetan butter tea but the "recipe" is the same. Coffee & butter or tea and butter. It would be cool if we had the time to dedicate to making it the traditional way but that isn't realistic in western culture. So we use modern convinces to make it quick.

    For tea and coffee a key element is to use the correct water temp and steeping or brew times. ( you will have to research this for the kind of tea or coffee bean grind/roast you are using. Next is the butter, many folks insist on only grass feed butter. Quickest way to homoginise the butter and liquid is to use a submersion blender.

    Drink up and enjoy.
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    In a 2 cup measure, i put 1TBSP MCT oil, 1-1.5tsp Ghee (clarified butter), 1.5TBS HwC and a dash of roasted saigon cinnamon. I add nice strong coffee to the 1 1/4 c mark, and whiz with my little battery operated hand whipper whizzy thing...which is very travel friendly btw. I have two of those in the morning, and I'm good almost all day. If you decide to use MCT oil, and you haven't before, you might want to proceed slowly...i.e., maybe 1/2 TBSP to start....it can cause intestinal / digestive distress in some folks. I had a hard time with it at first, but now i'm fine.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member

    thanks! I love my CO too :)
  • dcristo213
    dcristo213 Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you all for your recipes. I wonder how it would taste using espresso. I drink espresso every day. Maybe, I can make bulletproof espresso!
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Out of curiosity I replaced my butter with coconut oil this morning and it was completely different. Butter seems to emulsify easier and more completely and gives the drink that smooth creamy texture.

    I suppose using both would cure that but I don't usually need the calories and when I do I just double the butter. Will continue to use just butter.
  • jimtoslim
    jimtoslim Posts: 7 Member
    Did someone say Espresso? Thats what I make. Two double shots in my thermos, 1 Tbsp MCT 2tsp of butter (salted hold the grass) and 1sp of heavy cream, bit of water. I put a few of oz boiling water in with the cream butter and MCT in a metal cup and use the steam wand to melt the butter and froth it up a bit, then add to the espresso. Gets me through to lunch most days.

    Fresh beans always.
  • jimtoslim
    jimtoslim Posts: 7 Member
    I can't bring myself to buy the grass fed, although I pick some up at Costco if I am in the USA,. Also keep salted butter, as I always seem to need more sodium.
  • dcristo213
    dcristo213 Posts: 117 Member
    Did someone say Espresso? Thats what I make. Two double shots in my thermos, 1 Tbsp MCT 2tsp of butter (salted hold the grass) and 1sp of heavy cream, bit of water. I put a few of oz boiling water in with the cream butter and MCT in a metal cup and use the steam wand to melt the butter and froth it up a bit, then add to the espresso. Gets me through to lunch most days.

    Fresh beans always.

    That's sound awesome!!! Thanks!
  • middleagedmeh
    middleagedmeh Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you all for your recipes. I wonder how it would taste using espresso. I drink espresso every day. Maybe, I can make bulletproof espresso!

    I don't have access to mct oil or coconut oil so what I have done is 2 shots of nespresso (expresso) 10g of butter and an equal amount of heavy whipping cream. Add 2g of stevia and you have a smooth concoction that tastes more like ice cream than a fat bomb. The texture is awesome..