September 25, 2014


  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Sherry- your running route sounds amazing! I've always wanted to go to Greece so I'm envious of you. :).

    Headed out this morning for my vacation. Won't be tracking my calories perfectly, but I do plan to check in and just get an idea of how I'm doing. I packed my running stuff, and. I'm looking forward to running on the boardwalk! :). I packed a bunch of books and I'm looking forward to some time on the beach without kids screaming for me...

    Everyone have a great weekend! I'm still going to try and check in here every morning as well, but no guarantees!
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Valma- have an amazing holiday!

    I really love the image header today- it is so much the attitude (and the fitness level) that is my goal. I was there before... I know I can get there again!

    Not much happening today- just yoga after work. I've got some lingering soft tissue damage from years ago in my shoulders so I hope that yoga will be a gentle way to build up strength.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Val, have a great girls weekend!

    Jane, have a nice yoga session.

    Today was lil girl's day. She tagged along at school pickup and tutor dropoff and then I took her to our old familiar park (it's great--it has big playgrounds, plus a running track, workout equipment, a cafe, a stage where they have evening programs, and lots of nooks for sitting, lying around)...but the play grounds had been completely redone and it was great. It was very muggy and on the verge of rain, but we had a nice afternoon.

    I tried to do some stretching at home today and am still trying to figure out what's going on with me and some of my "weird" feelings, plus leg/ankle discomfort. :frown: I've blown it on calories quite a few days this week (in large part due to drinking lots of cranberry for bladder infection; unfortunately it's difficult to find cranberry juice here and even harder to find it unsweetened). Sigh, this too shall pass, right?

    Plan is to get my 3 runs in Fri, Sat, Sun. I have my doubts, but also have hope.

    Have a good one!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Valma, have a fun time!

    Jane, enjoy the yoga. I just started a yoga class on Monday evenings. It's only 8 weeks, but at work so convienent and free of charge. I've gone to 2 seesions so far and missed one due to an eye doctor appointment. I am so far behind everyone else I think. Whatever flexibility I once had seems to be gone. I think that I'll have to come up with a way to continue this because I really need it! Hope your session helps your shoulder.

    Sherry, glad that you and lil girl got out to play, especially with a new playground. Soon she'll be at school and tutor, too. Maybe, you should get some pictures to remember these outings?

    Laura, hope your day is going well today.

    Marla, too, hope you're having a good day. Although dealing with a move is always stressful.

    I took a rest day yesterday because I've just been feeling generally stiff and sore lately. Today I have my body conditioning class. Soon my dogs classes will be starting. They were delayed a month due to building problems. Once they start it'll be harder to go to classes at the fitness studio. I'm hoping for runs on Friday and Sunday with the Sunday being at least 6 miles. I'd like it to be 8 miles if I'm up to it. I'm also planning to get the bike out on Friday.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    We decided to put on market April 1st so stress is lifted a bit, when it was going to be now I went into panic mode.

    My emotions are all over the place because of it though and I am trying to be good to myself while I grieve leaving my house and friends and life here.

    Yesterday i wanted brownies and I know from past stuff if I say no I can go on a major eating thing, so I let myself then threw the rest away this morning and back to eating normal today.

    I am so lucky to have you all to check in with every day, it is very motivating to stay on track even if I fall a little. :flowerforyou:

    Forgot to say I went to Nia dance class this morning...
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    So much going on today! I have to tell you how much I enjoy reading all of your updates. I love that everybody includes things about their everyday lives too and not just "this is my workout."

    Today was supposed to be my rest day, then Tuesday I just went for a walk with my cousin so my trainer told me last night I should go into the gym tonight to do a spin workout. In the end I took a rest day. We have a few people at work who are sick and I was starting to feel like I was coming down with something too. Didn't have anything pressing I had to get done so I left a few hours early and came home to nap. I was so tired in the car I couldn't wait to get home - and of course then I couldn't sleep. I dozed off and on but never fell into a nice deep sleep, which tells me this is likely just more sinus/allergy misery and not actually getting sick. My sinuses have been horribly congested and now the pressure is running from my neck up into my ear as well. I've been having sporadic dizzy spells the past couple of weeks so I figured that was brewing.

    So I skipped the gym, drank a glass of wine, ate too big of a dinner, watched a lot of Netflix, and now am trying to figure out all I need to pack for tomorrow. I've got a trainer session at 6:30 am, will shower at the gym & head straight to work, then am going swimming after work. Did it last Friday and remembered everything but it's not a routine yet so I have to go through each stage step-by-step to make sure I remember everything (like clean underwear and extra socks).

    Today's thread starter is really, really good for me. My eating really clicked for me when I started eating to fuel my workouts instead of eating as a dieter. Somewhere after my half marathon I felt like I needed to go back into "diet mode" and forgot what was working for me even before I started training for the half.