Feels like somethings missing??

I hate the feeling that Iam not hungry but I would rather be eating something...It kills me the amount of times food pops in my mind. Mostly at work on 2nd shifts Iam in a office alone with a bunch of snacks for my clients :( Also when Iam home in front of the TV trying to relax after a long day...It drives me insane and makes me miserable..I wonder how it feels to look in the mirror and kinda like what I see or wear clothes and feel good in them. So my life is semi mixed with frustration, depression, and you name it...So if theres anyone out there that can relate, I don't mind being here for support and maybe we can get through this together.


  • kid_square
    I am dealing with the exact same thing! its Insanity at its finest! I am not sure what exactly is missing in my life that has me eating for no apparent conscious reason. I pray, I meditate, I focus, I journal, I workout, etc. in the end I ALWAYS EAT!!! not even hungr And not even going through anything at the time. It feels like I am always eating and for no reason. Has to be a reason, just dumb founded as to why? So, I feel your struggle and its is real.
  • melissamarie2196
    melissamarie2196 Posts: 42 Member
    Nice to know Iam not alone, I would like to add you if you don't mind? Maybe we can support one another :)
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Boredom could be the reason you guys are eating. I know its tough to avoid eating when there's nothing much else going on.

    If you are going to do it, get rid of all the junk and or cook yourself something filling but low calorie.

    Try distracting yourself with more engaging activities. Probably difficult on night shift.
    also try relaxing in bed with a book instead so much tv. But maybe you are hungry too. Are your calories too low?
  • aemommy1973
    aemommy1973 Posts: 13 Member
    Anyone feel the need to have something sweet after every meal?
  • andielyn
    andielyn Posts: 233 Member
    Not always but I do regularly get those cravings especially after certain foods. I guess that's why dessert is so popular. :)
  • danielletogether4health
    You are taking a great step - identifying your patterns. Start thinking of or trying alternative activities - I knit or do a five minute Pinterest break. Other ideas for mini boredom breaks?