Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • bigsistruck
    bigsistruck Posts: 125 Member
    I would love a twin as well!

  • Arizona_C
    Arizona_C Posts: 1,476 Member
    Is there a twin out there?

    177cm - 5'10"
    CW 64 kg - 141 lbs
    IMC 20.3
    GW 57kg - 125 lbs
  • Lemster33
    Lemster33 Posts: 7 Member
    Your my twin!! (Bar the fact I'm 26 lol) but weightwise all exactly the same lol
  • Hey all! I'm 19 and Austrialian :)

    162cm - 5'4"
    SW - 137lbs
    CW - 115lbs
    GW - not sure anymore! I've reached my initial one, but still attempting to tone and feel comfortable with myself honestly!
  • I just joined this group today!

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'5
    CW: 125
    GW: 115

    I'm just trying to slim down, tone up, and be healthier!

    Hi there!

    We're twins…13 years apart! HA!

    age: 38
    CW: 125
    GW: 115

    I'm more interested in toning up and being healthy than I am with a number on a scale. I'm done with all the mushy bits! :) I've got a really small frame, so I know at about 115, I'm toned without a muffin top.
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    I just joined this group today!

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'5
    CW: 125
    GW: 115

    I'm just trying to slim down, tone up, and be healthier!

    Hi there!

    We're twins…13 years apart! HA!

    age: 38
    CW: 125
    GW: 115

    I'm more interested in toning up and being healthy than I am with a number on a scale. I'm done with all the mushy bits! :) I've got a really small frame, so I know at about 115, I'm toned without a muffin top.

    TRIPLETS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I'll friend you both now. Hahaha.
  • 23 y/o 5'3
    current body fat: 22.5%
    recently started working with a diet/fitness coach, need the extra motivation to shred & get abs!!
  • elliebellie78
    elliebellie78 Posts: 41 Member
    Age: 36
    Height: 5'1
    Current weight - 131
    Goal Weight - 121

    Heaviest - 160

    Current goal is building muscle with slow weight loss... planning a year to reach goal since I'm gaining muscle at the same time (hopefully!)
  • age 27
    SW 65kg
    CW 62kg
    GW 54kg

    I'm a personal trainer that let injury get the best of me I want my fit/strong pre injury body back and I'm also an Aussie
  • pipsqueak12
    pipsqueak12 Posts: 31 Member
    I am new to this group and have only just decided today to use my fitness pal consistently :)

    Height - 5'6"
    SW- 130lbs

    Only started today so my start weight and current weight are the same :D

    Hi I think we're twins!

    Age 22
    Height 169cm 5ft 6.5in
    SW 136lbs 62KG
    CW 123lbs 56KG
    GW 121lbs 55KG

    I'm almost there but maybe I'll add more muscle, just so I can eat more :P
    We'll see what happens
  • pipsqueak12
    pipsqueak12 Posts: 31 Member
    bananica90 wrote: »

    24 years old
    170 cm tall - 5'7"
    LW: 56kg - 124 lbs
    HW: 75kg - 165 lbs
    CW: 63kg - 139 lbs
    GW: 59 kg - 130 lbs

    I hope my twin will give me advice how to look toned and fit, and from her experience!

    Hi I think could be sort of twins! Haha

    Age 22
    Height 169cm 5ft 6.5in
    SW 136lbs 62KG
    CW 123lbs 56KG
    GW 121lbs 55KG

    Then I'm thinking of building back up to 59KG with strength training. Maybe I should add an end goal weight?
  • kabrown336
    kabrown336 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey all! I've seen some possible relatives of mine, but no twins yet. So here it goes:

    Age: 31
    Height: 5' 2"
    Heaviest: 150
    Lowest: 112
    Current: 123
    Goal: 118

    I've gained about 10 pounds in the last year. I gained several pounds over the winter last year, but lost most of it over the summer. Then I did the 30 Day Shred and had very weird results. I gained about 4 pounds from day 1 to day 30, and didn't lose any inches anywhere... Strange! Anyhow, I've been doing Ripped in 30 and Killer Buns & Thighs and steadily gaining weight. Probably at least partially attributable to muscle gain, but frustrating nonetheless.

    Almost twins!

    Age: 26
    Height: 5' 0"
    Heaviest: 160
    Current: 125
    Goal: 115

    I am currently working on Shawn T's Insanity workout to get more toned and lose the last 11 lbs.
  • kabrown336
    kabrown336 Posts: 3 Member
    I need a twin!

    Age: 23

    Height: 5'3

    SW: 143
    CW: 138
    GW: 115

    Feel free to friend me :)

    Close enough!

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'0
    SW: 160
    CW: 125
    GW: 115
  • edyn_Blair
    edyn_Blair Posts: 44 Member
    heaviest 176lbs
    current 137lbs and 29% Body Fat
    Goal (not focusing on scale) 20% Body Fat and whatever weight that puts me at (i'm thinking it will be between 120-130 lbs depending)
    additional goal to compete april 11, 2015 in NPC Bikini competition.

    add me if you want to be buddies.
  • becksmcg93
    becksmcg93 Posts: 10 Member
    Heaviest 9st 2/128lbs
    Current 8st 11/123lbs
    Goal 8st 8/120lbs

    I do a low carb diet with a refeed day once a week and train with weights about four times a week :)
  • cassieroll89
    cassieroll89 Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2014
    Heaviest ever: 145
    Current: 133
    Goal: 120-125 and feeling/fit and muscular, with abs of steel!

    I'm doing some normal cardio (hiking, walking, elliptical) and a lot of high intensity interval training using bodyweight exercise routines from Mark Lauren and following XHIT videos on youtube. I workout at least 5 days a week, mostly 6. I started the workout routine a couple months ago, so I think I've built some muscle and lost some fat (people have commented that I look better - I should have been measuring), but I didn't see a change on the scale, probably because 1) muscle weighs more than fat 2) I didn't change my diet at all. And I LOVE Thai food.

    So now it's all about the diet. I want to maintain the muscle I currently have and build more, but I want to trim the fat and tone up. I'm eating about 1300-1400 cals/day depending on exercise. I still cheat sometimes, especially on weekends :( So it's going to take some time. But I could use partners for encouragement and solidarity!
  • Hey everyone!!! Here goes

    Age: 25
    Heaviest: 172 (after second child)
    CW: 154
    GW: 125 (haha, we'll see)

    About me: I have 2 children, ages 5 and 8 months. I'm in the National Guard but other than that I don't work. I like all sorts of workouts and would LOVE motivation buddy/twin! Message me!
  • Fitmom120811
    Fitmom120811 Posts: 260 Member
    Well I dont see anyone in here that has anything I have lol
    Height 6'0
    Weight 193
    Goal weight 180
  • mskaaat
    mskaaat Posts: 2
    edited October 2014
    23 y/o 5'3
    current body fat: 22.5%
    recently started working with a diet/fitness coach, need the extra motivation to shred & get abs!!

    Hey! my stats are pretty similar
    Age 22 - 5'3
    SW: 136
    CW: 130
    GW: 114
  • LadyLots2Lose
    LadyLots2Lose Posts: 110 Member
    edited October 2014
    Here goes, I'm an Aussie so, please forgive the mish mash of measurements - I'm used to kilos and centimetres.
    Age: 36
    Height 5'5" (167cm)
    Highest weight: 108kg (238lb)
    Current weight: 76.1kg (167.77lb)
    6.2kg to go for the low end of my recommended range (4.4kg to go for the top end)
    Most recent body fat: 30.1%
    Goal body fat: 20% to 25%