The Frustrations Thread - part 2



  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Wtg Paula, I do choose to try and avoid trigger foods in the house too but I never thought of throwing oil on them to stop my from going back! It's an evil battle but is like any other addiction you will always face challenges!

    And LeAnna, planning a "cheat" meal is not bad, drink lots of water because it's high and sodium and enjoy I the small treat you have!
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 740 Member
    So I planned my week's food shopping in advance as usual. I found some nice sounding new recipes to try on the web that were all great calories for how tasty they sounded (around 4-500). Having eaten most of them and gone to log the food this week I've been saddened to discover that the reported calories were crazily wrong, most meals being more like 700-1000!!). So now I've gone over like three times this week when I thought it was going to be a great one! Lesson learned though, I won't be trusting the calories online next time and will check MFP first hehe >_<
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    MFP has a great recipe builder that I like to use when I'm cooking my own stuff it makes me confident! I am sure this was frustrating though, but your cooking and thinking and logging and that is great :)
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 740 Member
    Mm I guess before this week I'd been making a lot of the same stuff that I'd already entered into the recipe builder and I knew were fine! On an upside the last new thing I tried this week was actually as low on calories as the web had lead me to believe, and was very tasty so will now be a regular hehe.
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Well, I got my new crown meaning I can eat normal stuff again. However, now I have costochondritis. The cartilage connecting the ribs to the chest bone, sternum, is inflamed meaning my activity is severely restricted. No Beachbody workouts, no speed training on the treadmill, no speed walking, no yoga, no dance aerobics, no water aerobics, no going up and down the stairs several times, and no doing anything that involve shoulder muscles, obliques, abdominal muscles, or chest muscles so no strength challenges. :grumble: I CAN walk slowly for a few minutes at a time, just not quickly. This will be my main mode of operation for about four to six weeks as my body heals up.

    @gnawcraft - I'm glad to hear that the new regular recipe was actually marked correctly, a rare occurrence indeed.
  • smacmillan86
    smacmillan86 Posts: 153 Member
    Water retention. Not really a major problem, but it is frustrating when I'm so close to hitting that 100lb mark!
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Maelyn : listen to the doctor take it easy now, get better!

    Smac: that sounds frustrating you are so close you can do it!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    I haven't been around a lot lately and it's because for the past couple weeks I've been dealing with frustrations on a monolithic scale (or so it seems at our house). Ou might want a beverage for this little rant.

    We have been saving up to get our RV exterior remodeled. We live full time in a classic RV. So, we have all new paint, new windows, new's nice. Then, the tires need the shop it goes...we get it new tires and chrome wheel liners. Then, the hitch seems to be a little weak for towing our cargo trailer. In the shop it goes, we get a big beefy hitch. Before we can test the hitch...oh no! The engine starts sputtering! In the shop it goes...twice.
    We finally get it back, shiny new wheels, beefy new hitch, souped up engine...oh wow! We take it out for a test drive before hooking up the cargo trailer to test the new hitch....the frigging wheels came off! I **** you not!, the two back wheels on the driver's side came completely off the RV at 60 mph!!
    We managed to keep from wrecking, thank God we didn't kill anyone driving behind us....our wheels...both wheels...crossed two lanes of traffic and landed in the ditch...lug nuts flew never to be seen again. We rode nearly a quarter of a mile on our brake drums!!
    Needless to say, the new body work is gashed all to hell and back around the back tire, the axle is probably shot, the wheels are toast (though the new tires held up like a champ).
    Tomorrow it goes back in the shop for at least a week. We will be staying in a rental unit here at the park, which at this point is beginning to feel like our second home.
    Oh...and Mark is supposed to have hernia surgery on Monday and the ATV also has to go to the shop for a warranty repair...we've had to cancel three appointments for that.
    And did I mention I've gained a pound and a half? I'm pretty sure it's all tequila and stress...but there you go. Feel free to laugh...after the third drink, I did. I've decided we have somehow offended the karma god but I don't know how to fix that.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Water retention. Not really a major problem, but it is frustrating when I'm so close to hitting that 100lb mark!
    Vicar, From your ticker, it looks like you beat it! Congratulations!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    ... I have costochondritis. The cartilage connecting the ribs to the chest bone, sternum, is inflamed meaning my activity is severely restricted. No Beachbody workouts, no speed training on the treadmill, no speed walking, no yoga, no dance aerobics, no water aerobics, no going up and down the stairs several times, and no doing anything that involve shoulder muscles, obliques, abdominal muscles, or chest muscles so no strength challenges. :grumble: I CAN walk slowly for a few minutes at a time, just not quickly. This will be my main mode of operation for about four to six weeks as my body heals up.

    @gnawcraft - I'm glad to hear that the new regular recipe was actually marked correctly, a rare occurrence indeed.

    Maelyn, that sounds so painful! I hope you feel better soon!
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    Goodness Leanna! I am glad you guys are ok, I know tequila always makes me feel better too, lol! Hopefully the gods of karma are done with you and your RV gets fixed quickly!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Update on some earlier frustration posts...the RV is fixed, the cargo trailer is fixed, the ATV is fixed!! Tomorrow we'll start loading all the rest of our toys into the cargo trailer. Then, we can start moving back into the RV.

    Mark has hernia surgery on Monday; it's planned for out-patient. He will take a month to rest and recover and then, we are off on our first trip in 5 years! We are both excited....I'm a little worried about leaving my gym behind. Okay, I'm a lot worried. But I have a habit of exercise now, so I will figure it out, but it won't be as easy as it has been. The place we're spending the winter doesn't have a gym, but they have a clubhouse, so perhaps they'll let me work out there. If not, I'll hit the streets and get my walks. Heck, I can do walk aerobic CDs in my front yard if I have to. I will get my exercise!
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Wow, sounds like things are settling down now! Hope Mark does well in his surgery!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Yesterday Mark was doing so well, but today is an entirely different story. He can't keep any food or water down, and is so sore. We finally called the doctor, who assured us he won't be dehydrated this soon, so he can't have any more to eat or drink...not that he's had any food to speak of yet. He's been so sick today, he can't keep the anti-nausea pills in his system long enough to work, so he's having to let them dissolve on his tongue.
    I sure hope he's better tomorrow. I hate to see him so sick, and I love him to pieces, but I do not handle nausea very well at all. If this keeps up, I'll be taking his anti-nausea pills myself!
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Oh that's not good!! I hope it passes quickly!! Letting a pill dissolve on your tongue is enough to make ya gag yuck!! With any luck it will all be over soon!
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    A friend of mine, I've mentioned her in this before, still refers to what I'm doing as a diet. When I get something that is not considered diet food she gets a kick out of it: Oh, I didn't know you were off your diet. - It is not a diet. Never has been. Never will be. She wants the weight-loss to be immediate within 72 hours. As her son's wedding is coming up she has ordered exercise DVDs that she never does. She tried an Alice diet a couple of months back. She has bought exercise equipment that she then returned because it didn't work (she'd only used it twice for about 10 minutes according to her). I tried to partner with her back on Dec 27th of 2013, and she agreed. She then didn't do anything to help her waistline or flabby areas. I heard from her the constant excuses for why she couldn't eat healthy or exercise that day. I can turn any place into a temporary gym, but most are turned off by that idea. Digressing... So, when I sent the text as to how close I am to reaching the one hundred pound mark she sent back saying how she is going to lose 10 lbs this month by simply taking a pill that says you have to eat a proper diet and exercise for the drug to work on reducing cortisol that will help aid the body to let go of it. She has no intention on doing the eating right and exercising needed. I just don't get it. One of these days I'm going to go all Foamy the Squirrel on her rear end!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Maelyn, I get so frustrated when people try to suggest diets to me. I'm losing program is working for me just fine....and it's called The Common Sense Diet. I am eating now the way I intend to eat for the rest of my life. I don't want to lose all the weight and then have to face learning another new way of eating. The most recent suggestion was some kind of vitamin injections you get each week to full your body into thinking you're full.
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    For the last month or so I have been struggling to get my workouts in... And by that I mean not at all... I have been walking a lot more than I did a year ago, but for some reason my zumba and my gym attempts have fallen completely off :frown: Not to mention my diet has been lacking it's regular fruits and vegetables. I am getting my foods back under control, but I can't seem to get the motivation to do my zumba or go to the gym after working all day... I know something needs to be done, because my arms and thighs are starting to look flabbier... Just need to dig deep and find the motivation I guess... Hope I find it today :ohwell:
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    I totally understand Malia. I'm struggling too right now. My exercise is going by sheer determination. I'm worried if I stop... I'll lose it all.:noway: My food control is almost nonexistant . I know what I need to do, I know how to do it, I just don't feel like it. I got close to onderland and I blew myself up. I think I need to figure what's going on in my head.
    Remember, start with small doable goals, to get back into the swing of it. Pick one thing to work on and then we you got it again pick another. You can do this... you've got this. That's my advice.... now I think I'd better listen to it. :wink:
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Malia and Pixy, I'm so there with y'all. Tomorrow is my last day at my job. I manage an RV Resort where I also live. So I'm quitting my job and leaving home all at the same time. It's exciting and it's my choice, but I seem to be using that change as an excuse to skip workouts and make less than stellar food choice.

    I'm really working to accept that this next stage in my life IS my life now. I have to find ways to get my workouts without daily access to a gym. I have to learn to make good food choices when I'm surrounded by people who may not be on the same fact, are on the exact opposite. (I live and travel in an RV fulltime and a lot of the people I meet are in "vacation mode".)

    Right now I'm both excited and terrified. But I will find a way to make it work.