Checking In

pktorm Posts: 24 Member
Anyway still active in this group? I still need to shave off 13 lbs.


  • I just joined now (not sure when the invite was originally sent to me). Though 2014 is quickly slipping away, my IDEAL goal is a total of 60 pounds to lose. Today is day one and IN THEORY, if I stick to my diet, I could be at my goal as early as April 20th which seems insanely soon. So cheers to us and let's get moving! :)
  • pktorm
    pktorm Posts: 24 Member
    It's amazing what we can do when we set out goals with a plan. The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. For me, I have to set realistic goals and I've found that a proper balanced 3 meal a day diet with exercise has been working. When I stop recording my daily food, I tend to slip. Right now if I can loose an average of 1 lbs per week, I feel like I've made an accomplishment. However, it's very easy to have one of that disaster days...I try not to beat myself up and get back on the plan.
  • I absolutely agree about tracking. If I don't track, I don't just slip- I fall off the bandwagon entirely. So even though I know (like tonight, for example) that I'm going to have a few beers and go over, I'm still going to track. You've lost 38 pounds though and that's AMAZING! Be proud and keep up the good work!