How much weight have you lost since getting your Vivofit?

mikeyrs Posts: 176 Member
Since getting my Vivofit in late May and first using it in earnest in June by entering the weekly Challenge, I've shed 6.5 pounds. I still have about 20 pounds to go. How much have you lost since you bought your Vivofit?


  • aubaby
    aubaby Posts: 48 Member
    I got mine in late May and I have lost 7 pounds.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    I also got mine around the end of May. I dropped about 6.2 pounds very easily and quickly, just by having a better idea of what my daily burn was. Then I went away on 2 months of vacation and gained ~8.5 pounds. My Summer weight gain curve is like a perfect inverse of my daily steps curve!!!! (Step count goes down...weight goes up!) Since getting back from vacation, I've taken off 5 of those pounds. The integration between MFP and Garmin has been great. I had just figured out a way to do it manually/in my head, when they finally integrated and it just saves me alot of ... math.

    It's a great tool, like looking down at your car dashboard to see how much gas you have, how far you have to go, how fast you are going, etc. Knowing is power.
  • jaymc66
    I lose the weight then gain again, my Vivofit has helped me maintain my weight which is great. Still need to lose but happy not gaining.
  • mikeyrs
    mikeyrs Posts: 176 Member
    It's funny how we've pretty much lost the same amount of weight in roughly the same amount of time, isn't it? To date, I've logged just shy of 2,000,000 steps which represents a sharp increase in my average daily step count (15,766 steps) as my other device (the Withings Pulse, which I still use) has a fixed daily goal of 10,000 steps a day. One would think if you increase your average daily step count by 50% or more as I have, the weight loss result would reflect that.... in a positive way. But my experience has been just the opposite. My weight loss has notably slowed.... and now I'm trying to compensate by increasing my daily calorie deficit.

    If an increase in my calorie deficit doesn't produce immediate evidence of positive results, I will seriously consider abandoning my participation in the weekly challenges in favor of the activities I truly enjoy. Y'know, I really put my heart and competitive spirit into these weekly competitions, so much so that my exercise regimen has become somewhat one dimensional. I've won three of these Challenges, and this weekend I will earn the 2 Million Steps badge. But I'm wondering if that is enough to satisfy my goals and placate my interests. Perhaps a return to my other, higher-intensity and more interesting outdoor interests, which both pleased me and served me well with respect to weight loss is the better idea. I'll continue to pursue my daily step count goal of 10k to 15k, but accruing a daily step count will become a collateral outcome rather than my primary activity to lose weight.
  • mandythewalker
    mandythewalker Posts: 12 Member
    having the vivo fit and using this has together helped me get going!
    I see they are bringing out a new vivofit now...why do they always have to change not buying another even if it is LOADS better. too expensive.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Mike, I think you are right, that steps can only get you so far...we can't be walking/stepping 24 hours a day. An hour of more vigorous activity, like running or spinning or rowing or martial arts will beat hours of steps alone. When you hit the point of declining returns, you have to adjust. I've never really pursued the challenges heavily, although I have won a few. Mainly, I just do my thing and see where I land. However, the increasing daily goal is really great for me because they are subtle increases and it's always nice to hit the goal. I would say definitely put priority in what you enjoy and is helping to reach your goals...while not letting yourself slip into step inactivity either.
  • mikeyrs
    mikeyrs Posts: 176 Member
    Yeah, Sherry.... it seems a balance between high-intensity cardio workouts, strength training, and 10k to 12k steps daily might be the best approach for me to continue losing weight and further optimizing my health markers.
  • mikeyrs
    mikeyrs Posts: 176 Member
    Mandy, Garmin is introducing the Vivosmart as a companion product to the Vivofit. The bottom line is both products will serve pretty much the same primary a pedometer. So, you still made a solid purchase that will continue to be supported by Garmin for quite some time to come. All you (and the rest of us) need to do is to determine how best to integrate the Vivofit into our active lifestyle. I'm still wrestling with that question.
  • 692ecs
    692ecs Posts: 33 Member
    I got mine at the end of July have racked up 1 million steps and have lost 12 lbs. Though due to work becoming increasingly more hectic amd my hours drastically becoming longer I have seen a marked drop in my daily steps and in my weight loss also as I've had more time sat on my bum!
  • mikeyrs
    mikeyrs Posts: 176 Member
    692ecs, your three-month weight loss is about double that of others who have been reporting in this thread. Are you using your Vivofit for anything beyond daily step count, walking, and the weekly challenge?
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    I got my Vivofit March 11th and was 254.3, currently 215.2, so about 39 lbs down :)

    Edit: I'm using the Vivofit for step tracking, activity alerts, and heart rate data, in addition to cycling and monitoring my diet.
  • mikeyrs
    mikeyrs Posts: 176 Member
    Excellent loss, lalepepper! Congrats. That's fantastic.