Day 4: FrIday, 9/26/14



  • phelan999
    phelan999 Posts: 37 Member
    Last night I had a treat meal - free birthday burger at Red Robin. I got it without mayo and didn't eat all the fries, so, it could have been worse. I'm having turkey and quinoa and cauliflower for lunch today to make up for it :)

    Day 4 goals:
    - track food and exercise
    - C25K and upper body at the gym tonight
    - go to bed earlier
  • laf0026
    laf0026 Posts: 32 Member
    I achieved all my day 3 goals. Having to write my daily goals is really keeping me accountable and on track. I needed a group like this earlier. Thanks Everybody!

    My day 4 goals are...
    Drink 5 large cups of water before leaving work.
    Get 5000 steps while at work.
    Do not eat too much ice cream at the ice cream social at work
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Good job everyone !
    We are here so we are winners!
    I'm super exited because today I'm getting a new scale! The old one broke and I haven't weight myself for almost 2 weeks on a reliable scale. I can't wait to see those numbers. I've been doing this for a while, so nutrition and calories are pretty dialed in for me.
    My advice : do the right things most of the time, make it a habit, and then relax and let time do the rest.
    Don't forget to take your measurements and a picture at the start, this will help more than you can imagine, I promise!
    Let's do right by our bodies! One day at a time, one step at the time!
  • kikontx
    kikontx Posts: 92 Member
    Met my goals for day 3 - yea! :happy:

    Goals for Day 4

    - Drink 80-90 oz of water
    - Stay under calorie goal
    - Get strength training and light cardio (walking) in tonight

    Good luck everyone!
  • libbeth_6212
    libbeth_6212 Posts: 28 Member
    Happy Day 4!

    Despite a headache that's lasted 3 days (and counting), I met my step goal yesterday and my calorie goal. Really appreciate the accountability this group provides.

    Today's challenge will be the evening - We're attending a Nationals baseball game with a huge group from our neighborhood. I'll want beer and hot dogs and stadium junk. Then comes my big challenge: weekends. They tend to be the hardest for me because they aren't as structured as the week. We're always on the go over the weekend and even the best laid plans for food choices seem to fall by the wayside.

    Hope everyone has a good day - Stay focused on the long term goals!!
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Day 4, met my challenges yesterday.

    Today's goals
    5k walk/run - done
    measure and log food
    water intake - always a hard one
    make a nice healthy dinner rather than going out
    make wise lunch choice when I go out for lunch today
  • mizzbugsy
    mizzbugsy Posts: 40 Member
    Day 3 was pretty good. I got off the couch in my first C25K run...I rode my bike in the evening.
    Today is Turbulence again. And perhaps T25...And maybe a ride this evening with the kiddos. We shall see how time permits.
    Still need more water. I was reading and found 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water, or a gallon. YIKES!! I'm way under my water goal! Here's to a better day today! Am having fun finding primal or whole30 recipes. We have all 7 kids this weekend, up from the normal 4...should be interesting to see how the rest of the family likes our no grains in the house and no bread change! I have a feeling kids will be grumpy! LOL
    Have a great day everyone!!
    No excuses!
  • ketowerdefense
    ketowerdefense Posts: 397 Member
    I've really been liking these daily threads. It makes me feel good when I can lay out just a few things that I need to do, then knock them all out.

    - 3L of water before leaving the office
    - cardio gym class at lunch
    - only 3 beers at the pub tonight
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Hey All!!! Wooopp Woooopp Its friday here in Bmore and a beautiful day.

    Yesterday met all goals by one. I did not get my workout in. Over slept in the morning, Rained out lunch walk, and ended up having to go to verizon to get my phone fixed after work.

    But todays goals are

    Track all meals and close diary
    Drink 80-96 ounces of waters ( already almost half way)
    Lunch time and after work weight circuit
    Take my fiber and probiotic pills <<done
    Stay in the green of my calories

    Also I should add ..on the weekend since I log in from my phone I can't get in to the group. So here are my Saturday and Sunday goals.

    Gym 30 minute cardio 30 circuit
    Track all meals and close diary
    Drink 80-96 ounces of waters
    Take my fiber and probiotic pills
    Stay in the green of my calories

    Gym 30 minute cardio 30 circuit before brunch!!!
    Track all meals and close diary
    Drink 80-96 ounces of waters
    Take my fiber and probiotic pills
    Stay in the green of my calories ( I have a girls brunch this may be hard)
  • AlyM725
    AlyM725 Posts: 158 Member
    Yay! Lost 3 pounds this week! It's always easiest in the beginning, but it still a good start! I really feel like I've found my groove, and I'm really ready this time. I need to do this, I want to do this, I have to do this.

    Today's Goals:

    Stay under my calories and carbs
    Take a walk
    Look up ways to not overdo it at a family party tomorrow
  • marthalgutierrez92
    Day 4 goals:

    Kick my own *kitten* during my workout!
    Stay under my calorie limit :D
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    just my walk session (50 min), low carb eating, and trying to get 8 glasses of water.

    It's almost a relaxion day today - My body's sore from yesterday's start of SL-5x5.

    Don't know if this will always be the case after lifting - but I hope I'll get more energized as I become more fit.
  • believefsc
    believefsc Posts: 49 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Great day today. Did my workout first thing this morning and it felt so good to feel my muscles tense from yesterday. I know I'm working on something now - I can feel it.

    Goals for today:

    1) Eat more. I have been 200 calories under for two days in a row and I know that is not good for weight loss.
    2) Pre-cook meals for the weekend.
    3) Walk 2000 steps.
  • justdebbie1
    justdebbie1 Posts: 214 Member
    Day 3 worked out for 20 min. Need to drink more water.
    Goals for day 4. Get at least 30 min work out, drink all my water, and of course stay within my daily calories.
  • DevSanchez
    DevSanchez Posts: 314 Member
    Day 4 goals

    - Run 3 miles
    - Finish my grocery list
    - Meditate

    Weather is beautiful, so I am itching to leave work and get a nice jog in surrounded by all the red, orange and yellow leaves and trees.
  • nnylacire13
    nnylacire13 Posts: 26 Member
    I agree that these daily check-in threads are awesome!

    Day three was mostly successful. I logged, came in under my calorie goal, but I didn't get the chance to swim because I ended up having a very long day at work. I'm hoping that since I'm an academic scientist, and my day consisted of running around a lab for 90 minutes teaching, walking all over campus to handle administrative business, and then working in the lab on some research I'm doing (which also active, busy work...not sitting), plus all of those stairs I took instead of using the will partially make up for it.

    Today will be challenging. I'm working from home...which means I'm able to eat when I want to. In the lab, I work with chemicals, bacteria, and pathogenic no opportunity for snacking while working. Also, I got a call from my doctor's office this morning. The results are in after the analysis that was done post-miscarriage (three weeks ago). It was a normal baby boy. I'm taking the news a little harder than I anticipated. I tend to be an emotional eater, so between my news plus working at home, it will be a challenging day.
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    So Day4 is my first day really back at MFP for a week. Ended up with this horrible cold and resp infection. I am also the only one that can gain 5 lbs being sick. The sugar drinks kill my calories but taste so good :(

    Goal for today is to get back on track. Plan the weekend and next week out and stock up on some healthy food!!! I need to get back on track. Still can't do much for working out without stopping for coughing fits. So next week I will have to tackle that one.
  • __hannah_
    __hannah_ Posts: 787 Member
    I completely failed my goals for Day 2. Didn't make any goals for day 3, but overall did okay with eating and exercising.

    Day 4 goals:
    -drink 8 glasses water
    -stay under calorie goals
    -get in 90 min of exercise
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Goals for today:
    Walk 3 miles - Done
    Drink 8 cups of H20
    Don't go over calorie count
    Be prepared for the weekend so I don't regret it!:laugh: ( weekends are so hard for me to eat right and not over eat)
  • dlphnldy89
    Rough day today. Legs are extrememly tired.