Do you count calories?

I just bought the book and curious to know if you count calories or not? I know it gives general info but I am 325 lbs and average 1700 calories a day, sometimes less, sometimes more. I cannot imagine dropping to 1200/1500 PLUS exercise.

I am thinking of 2000 on high carb days and 1500 on low carb days, plus my exercise. Does anyone count calories???


  • bcurryAU
    bcurryAU Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I am starting on Monday and was worried about the calories too. After looking into it more, I realized that you don't need to count your calories throughout the day. If you follow the portions like the book says, you should be around 1200 calories on low carb days and 1500 on high carb days.

    I know it sounds really low, especially if you aren't use to it but its all figured into the total weekly calorie deficit. Since there are reward meals or a reward day (depending on the plan you choose) your calories will increase on those days. I've also been reading Heidi Powell's blog and she mentions that it takes a couple of weeks for your body to get use to the lower calories. Until then, its just about sticking to the portions Chris laid out. Also, don't eat back the calories you burn. Heidi and Chis have figured that into the weekly calorie deficit as well. If you feel really hungry still, Chris says to make sure you are drinking at least 1/2 your body weight in water (oz.) and to eat more veggies. Also, adding a little portion of fat can help curb cravings that won't go away.

    If you still feel uneasy about the calories after a couple of weeks, you can try to switch to the easy cycle where you get reward meals every other day. That will increase your calories per day instead of per week. :smile:
  • KValmera71
    KValmera71 Posts: 82 Member
    I am steadily losing at this point, just hit 20 lbs in 40 days as of yesterday and I am averaging 1700 calories a day. I don't really eat my exercise calories back unless it's to eat back up to 1200 calories (on swim days) but now that it's getting a tad cooler, my pool is not heated so I am finding alternate ways to exercise. I just bought his workout DVD and waiting for it to arrive.

    I was just wondering if I can keep the same philosophy and still alternate high/low carb days. I weigh and measure my foods so I am not too concerned about portion size anymore. Since I am losing and keep in mind, I have a LOT to lose! I guess if they say not to worry about the calories and just focus on portion sizes (which I already am) then I think I should be okay. I have already made a lot of the changes with my current eating style, just not alternating days.
  • bcurryAU
    bcurryAU Posts: 7 Member
    Sounds like you're doing great! As long as you're losing and getting all the servings you need in, you should be fine. Cycling the carbs will definitely help pass those plateau's too. I will be keeping track of my calories just because I'm a numbers girl haha. I want to make sure I am not going too low on my low carb days especially.

    Congrats on your weight loss! Let me know how you like those workouts. I was thinking of trying them too :tongue:
  • KValmera71
    KValmera71 Posts: 82 Member
    Oh yeah, I have to count my calories because I am totally lost if I don't. I actually got my DVD today. I didn't realize the shipper on amazon is only 20 miles from me, haha! So I will be trying it out this weekend. Living in Florida, it's rainy most days during this time of year so I have to find ways to work around the pool. I make sure I do 7000 steps a day and that and swimming is ALL I have been doing at this point, but I haven't been able to swim (except once) in over 3 weeks due to the rainy afternoons. So I will just walk in place at home to make sure I get some activity in. It's working but I know I need to add some additional exercise.

    Add me as a friend if you want to. I will be adding my thoughts about his DVD :)
  • dstevens19
    dstevens19 Posts: 233 Member
    I still count cals because it's my best point of reference. On MFP, I get 1480/day. On low carb days, I hit 1200 or fewer; on high carb days, I'll hit 1400-1500. So the numbers still work.