Find Your "Why"

Most people enter the fitness world with some kind of New Years resolution or some motivation. After a few weeks, they began to fall off the map and the excuses began to pile up.

The question is, "why does this happen?"

The answer is they become motivated because something or someone they saw change their health and life. "I can do that" enters their mind and the short journey begans. The main problem I found with the short lived fitness journey is the lack of "Why."

The Why is not "I want to lose weight."

The "Why is, "I want to lose weight because I just found out that I'm pre-diabetic."

"I need to lose weight, because if I don't lose the weight I'm afraid I won't see my kids grow up."

"I need to lose weight so I can fit in my wedding dress."

"My husband is coming home from Iraq and I want to surprise him."

These Whys are from real people, who changed their life. They all had something in common, they all had a strong "Why." Do you see the difference?

My challenge to this team is find your "Why" and share it here. Strong teams are built on trust and transparency. I encourage you to share.


  • primerk
    primerk Posts: 2 Member
    My why is because it costs too much to be sick. Too much for bigger clothes too. I want and need to set the example of wellness and fitness for my family and my patients ( I am a critical care nurse in Ohio). I hope that this is an active group.

  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    My why is my children, it was one of my sons who started my road to fitness. Piers has ADHD and autism, one day he ran away from me in the street and into the road, he nearly got hit by a car, I was too fat/unfit to catch him I vowed that day that I would be fit enough to keep up with him. Since then I have run 2 half marathons and numerous 5+10ks.
    In the last 18 months I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and a benign meningioma brain tumour. My fitness has suffered a lot I am determined to get my fitness back to where it once was. All my children have special needs so I need to be around for them. Looking forward to this challenge group.
  • sydsquidlee
    sydsquidlee Posts: 51 Member
    My why, honestly with no sugar coating, is my fear of being "fat." Face it will live in a vision world, Facebook, instagram, twitter ... extra.. People taking photos now all the time. There is no hiding from yourself. Also I think there is a bad stigma with a woman being over weight. Being judged for something before anyone really gets to know you. That pushes me, no I really want that ice cream...10 more minutes of cardio won't kill me. I think having a mind set that decisions I make today about my eating and health affect my future helps me make better choices
  • jfmp
    jfmp Posts: 264 Member
    I'm not really trying to lose weight. I want to be as fit as possible. So, my why is to have more energy to enjoy life and accomplish all the things I want to do.
  • shannonlynne67
    shannonlynne67 Posts: 62 Member
    My why is "why has this question stumped me"? :wink: I have sat here for the last 10 minutes pondering the question. I keep going back to the thought that I want to feel like me again. I have spent most of my life fit and trim. About 8 years ago I slowly began gaining weight; I did gain control of that for a short while and got back down to my goal weight but that was short lived. I slowly put it all back on and then some. I just watched my wedding video from a decade ago and I was thin, smiling, confident. I guess I just want to be that person again.
  • I want to lose weight because I want to be healthy. I want to be able to run faster and longer than other people. I want to win races and explore new places. I want to have a great amount of endurance. I want to run and be healthy because I am lucky enough to live in a time where my feet were fixed by doctors and I am able to walk. I am tired of accepting a lifestyle of being lazy and not worthy. I want to live a long life and enjoy it. That's my why.
  • Dustinsteven22
    Dustinsteven22 Posts: 280 Member
    My why: I want to set an example for my wife and kids. I'm 35 yrs old and it seems that life will start to run me if I let it. I want to live a healthy life so I can explore and take adventures with my family. I also need to be fit, because my job requires me to run after bad guys, jump fences, climb through windows, etc.

    Lead by example is how I try to live my life. I'm not always good at it, but I do my best.
  • CardiacKev28
    CardiacKev28 Posts: 172 Member
    My why, well one reason is that it is very psychological. I am 6'5" tall and when I get on the scale I see a number that scares the hell out of me. 336#. I want to be in the low 200's like the rest of the world. I know I am a big guy and all but, you know how the story goes...
  • GFDawn
    GFDawn Posts: 37 Member
    For me! To look and feel better, live healthier and have more energy. To fight seasonal depression & hopefully make new friends along the way!
  • My why is feeling better about myself, and preventing obesity related problems in my future.

    A lot of problems run in my family. Diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, the list goes on. I want to live as pain free as possible for as long as possible while I'm young.

    And I want to feel happy with myself and my body. I want to be able to see most any clothing item and know they'll have my size. I'm done with pitying myself for my previous misfortunes. I have so much time and all the tools I need, so now is my time.
  • Why? The important is thing is why would I not want to be healthy and fit?
    One life, one body make the most of it!
    Strive to be the best I can!!
  • rockstar53
    rockstar53 Posts: 215 Member
    My "why" is to be healthy and fit. Its that simple. I am a better person all around when I take care of myself, so I need to be consistent. I also really want to get rid of the 40lbs that has been with me for the last 12 years. I'm done with it! lol!
  • Kiyy
    Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
    My why is "why has this question stumped me"? :wink: I have sat here for the last 10 minutes pondering the question. I keep going back to the thought that I want to feel like me again. I have spent most of my life fit and trim. About 8 years ago I slowly began gaining weight; I did gain control of that for a short while and got back down to my goal weight but that was short lived. I slowly put it all back on and then some. I just watched my wedding video from a decade ago and I was thin, smiling, confident. I guess I just want to be that person again.

    I can relate to the above post and even some of the others. This was a great question because for me once I saw my friend do it I dared to do it myself. My why is to get back to the old me now that I understand it's possible. I say Yes to Making the most of my life!!!
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    My why is because I do not want my to ever be where I am endangering my own life by wanting to enjoy life with some form of exercise ever again. I want to understand and listen to my own body. Never to let a scale number determine my value. Be healthy and enjoy life and help other who may be struggling