Fitbit people united

Nadoriel Posts: 59 Member
Hi everyone!!

So... As some of you know, I recently bought myself a fitbit to help me track my TDEE a bit better (getting enthusiastic and a little bit scared with the info I've getting though).

And I was wondering if anyone want to be pals with me in there as well :)



  • Wantingtolose1
    Wantingtolose1 Posts: 139 Member
    I would.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    same username there.

    But haven't investigated how to do much beyond PM there, which can be done on MFP.

    And I don't do any step or VAM goals. My workouts are what they are (always VAM), I'm not taking away from that time to get steps in towards a goal not useful to me.

    So likely not inspiring for step competition.
  • Nadoriel
    Nadoriel Posts: 59 Member
    Sadly as it is I think I can't find anyone with just the nickname.. O.o it only offers options for facebook and e-mail.

    so my page is this one:

    Please add me if you want XD I do kinda 15k steps a day, and my 3x strenght workouts and that's it. Nothing too fancy.

    Heybales, actually I have a doubt about fitbit. I know it underestimates calories a lot. But imagine walking. Walking as a cardio exercise, your body gets used to it, right? If it is impossible for me to change velocity and degree of walking, then that means my body will just spend less and less calories from it. Does fitbit account for that? Is there anyway to change that at all? I use to walk with my bf and he really gets tired quickly, specially if I start walking at my pace.. lol
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You are correct on walking to a point.

    It should become easier for you. Showing you've become more fit.

    But if the weight is the same, you'll burn the same calories. I doubt something you've done since a little kid is going to all of a sudden become really more efficient. So no change their.

    And how hard or easy it is has no bearing on calorie burn. That 15 lb weight on the ground requires the same force and energy to break it free from gravity, old or young, male or female, scrawny or muscular. Those other things just determines how easy it feels.

    Same with walking at same weight, same calorie burn.

    Now, you start losing weight, indeed less calorie burn. And actually as far as fitness is concerned, it becomes less of a workout for you.
    Less mass moved, less calories burned, less need for oxygen, less need for the muscles. If walking was it, and no increase in intensity, you will lose muscle and fitness eventually as weight is lost. Along with the fat of course.
    That would be like losing 10 lbs of weight, if squat and deadlift didn't go up by 10 lbs, then haven't you in essence made it easier, going backwards in progress. And in a diet, you could lose the unneeded muscle.

    So Fitbit correctly handles that - you weigh less, you burn less.

    Now, what doesn't change that could depending on your starting point. Stride length. More mass likely takes smaller steps, less mass could easily have longer stride.
    Fitbit default to calculated stride length based on height, which doesn't change as weight is dropped.
    So manually corrected stride length is good to have, especially as ability to step farther improves, especially on running stride.
  • Nadoriel
    Nadoriel Posts: 59 Member
    Ahahah thanks heybales :) exactly the explanation I was looking for!! It does make sense, I was just doing this storm on a glass of water, uff ^^