Possible Runner's Knee?

Dammit! Just when I feel like I'm really getting this running thing, my knee starts to hurt.

Quick back story: I had ACL replacement about 7 years ago and have been sedentary to the point of solidity since then (and, tbh, before then). I've been on C25K for about 8 weeks with no real trouble. On Wednesday after a 12 minute run - 3 minute walk - 12 minute run interval, my knee hurts mostly when I go down stairs and occasionally feels unstable.

So, what I'm looking for now is a recommendation on a knee brace to get me through until an appointment with an orthopedic doctor on October 8th. Of course I'm willing to cut back on running so as not to exacerbate the problem.



  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Personally I'd suggest some bodyweight resistance training to improve strength around the knee.

    I'd generally avoid a brace as that prevents strength gains rather than encourages improvement.

    Also, foam roller on the outer thigh
  • jsandie76
    jsandie76 Posts: 201 Member
    I am having EXACTLY the same feeling in my knees as well. Not particularly painfull, but achy, and problems with stairs, and feeling unstable. I am on W7D1, but I am doing Zumba throughout the week as well, so I run 3x/week and do zumba 3x/week. It was when I added zumba that I REALLY noticed my knees causing more problems. I am interested in what responses you will get. I have been planning on starting resistance training... but I've just been too tired/lazy lol
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    I asked my trainer and he had the same response as MeanderingMam. So, now to find some resistance training for me knee :)
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I asked my trainer and he had the same response as MeanderingMam. So, now to find some resistance training for me knee :)

    My preference is You Are Your Own Gym, also helps with core strength, which helps your distance running as it reduces fatigue.