Hey what about February Due Date Club

Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
Hi all I'm new to this group, this is my second pregnancy and probably my last pregnancy because I already have a three year old son and this baby happens to be a girl(excited). I noticed there are boards for every month except February 2015 it seems, so since I'm due Feb. 12, I decided I'd introduce myself this way.

I'm 19 weeks and my biggest concern right now is weight gain. My prepregnancy weight was about 175 and I have already gained 14lbs. My doctor nagged me every visit about my weight with my first pregnancy (I gained about 40lbs) but she is much kinder this time, she hasn't gotten down on me about it this time around. I myself though have decided I need to try an slow the weight down some so I'm eating as healthy as I can, walking and I have a prenatal workout DVD. I asked the doc her opinion on how many calories I should be eating and she said 1800 so thats my goal now.

How about everyone else what are your current concerns? When are you due? What are you having boy or girl?


  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    I'm due February 16th. I'm going to add you. :)
  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    I fell off the wagon at the beginning of my pregnancy and gained 20+ pounds. The past month, I have been eating better and being more active. I have my calories set for 2,000 plus I add in the extra 300 for the second trimester calories. That usually does it for me. I've been maintaining my weight since I got back on here with that amount...sometimes I even eat more than that if I'm genuinely hungry. It just helps me listen to my body.

    This is also my second pregnancy, and I'll be done as well! I have a girl who will be 2 in February, and this next baby is a boy!
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    I'm due February 27th, and have a 7 pound weight gain so far. It seems to go from 6-8 pounds depending on how much water I drink. What workout dvd are you using? Is it challenging? I'm having a hard time finding a challenging one.
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    Hi there ladies! I'm due February 11th with a girl. This is my first pregnancy, Thursday is my anatomy scan and I'm so anxious to see her again.

    I'm 20 weeks now, my biggest concern has been eating healthy and exercising. I have a family history of preeclampsia so my biggest fear is that I will have trouble at some point. I've tried eating clean and healthy and taking my prenatals but it's been harder on some days with the nausea and heartburn. My OBGYN suggested I only gain 10 or so pounds, and that I get 20 minutes of exercise every day. I found her suggestion insane, when I was my most active I still took rest days so it's been hard. I haven't gained any weight so far, I've been trying to eat back my exercise calories and set my goal to maintenance +300 calories. So far it's been hard to meet or exceed my calories aftering restricting for so long before I was pregnant but I make sure that I eat what I can.

    For exercise I swim laps for 20-30 minutes a day 5 times a week, the other two nights I either do 20-30 minutes of elliptical or go for a 20-30 brisk walk in the park. Swimming has been really great, it feels so nice on my sore body to be weightless for a while and it's good to get a nice stretch in the warm pool after a swim. I've felt so much better since I started back swimming (at 13 weeks) than I did during the first trimester. I've found the elliptical to be much more challenging while pregnant, I try to make sure I'm getting in decent cardio but at the same time I don't 'push' myself and start cooling down if I feel too hot or tired.
  • jumpermuffin
    jumpermuffin Posts: 27 Member
    Is there a February 2015 group I can be added to? It seems like there's a thread for all months BUT this one! :)
  • I'm due February 2nd. I don't know the gender yet. The little one was not cooperative during my last ultrasound. This is my 4th baby I have 1 boy and 2 girls we are hoping for a little boy this time. I live in Upstate NY and I'm hoping the weather won't be too awful when it comes time to have the baby. My other kids were born in August September and November so this will be our first time dealing with trying to get to the hospital during nasty weather.
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    Hello there.... I am due Feb 18th with my first little bundle. I am having a Gender Reveal party Oct 11th so I will find out with family and friends what we are expecting. Congrats to you and the other ladies here.. Pregnancy is a bit challenging but going into my 20th week on tomorrow it is a little better than the beginning of my 2nd Trimester... Glad you created a forum for Feb mothers because I sure was thinking the same thing..
  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    edited November 2014
    Sorry didnt reply to anyone because MFP just keeps changing, last time I checked for any responses to this thread I couldn't even find IT, lol.